justin giovinco wrestling

We recommend you to check the complete list of Famous People born on 3 January. 197 Drew Sparks (CSU) won by forfeit 16 11 362 Travis Rice, Seneca Valley DEC Mike Wrinkle, Dallastown 10-7 17 Pitt Falls at No. Justin Zackham, director and screenwriter; writer of The Bucket List; Hasan Minhaj, comedian, writer, . ]]>, <\/script>"); P-Ws former state champions Justin Giovinco (2x) and JM Staudenmayer, along with many former wrestlers and coaches were in attendance for some outstanding grappling Wednesday night. The 35-year-old is a free agent after last competing for Saudi. //--> Walker finished the season with a 37-2 mark and his career at 131-15, making him the fifth-winningest wrestler in county annals. (Pitt) maj. dec. Chris Spealler (LH), 14-4 4 0 149 Justin Giovinco (Pitt) maj. dec. Dave Shafer (LH), 10-2 8 0 157 #15 Mike Ziska (Pitt) dec. Brian Olenek (LH), 10-6 11 0 165 Carl Fronhofer (Pitt) dec. Ben Stehura (LH), 12-6 14 0 174 #14 Nick Mengerink (Pitt) dec. Josh Millard (LH), 3-0 . 'https://adserver.suburbanonesports.com/www/delivery/ajs.php':'https://adserver.suburbanonesports.com/www/delivery/ajs.php');var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999);if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ',';document.write ("