mecklenburg county candidates 2022

Only by reducing single car ridership in favor of mass transit will we succeed in reducing tailpipe emissions and reach our air quality goals.". Again, this is a city issue so I would like to listen to what they think as they have more information than I do. To knock on doors, please reach out to our Regional Field Director. NTc5ZGZmMjc1NTA3NWE0MTVmZjQ1MGZhNTFhN2Q4OTg0ZmRhZjYyZjA5ZTYx First the city must do its job of lobbying the legislature to agree. YWJhMTZmYmVjODU1OGUzYzU0YjJlNmQ4ZDI0MzY3NDYzZThkMThmNjQ1OWUw NzM2ODIwMDBkZDdjYTUwMzE4YTAzNTg4NDk0ZmVmMzIzZDhjODM4MzMxYzg3 For example, gas stations or manufacuring plants must have a permit for emissions which the County monitors. I believe that the establishment of bold policy is one of the most effective tools we have to influence behavior and change current outcomes. Candidates may submit their additional information for inclusionHERE. I would like to see more expansion of bus service for jobs in in outlying areas. Last County Upload: August 4, 2022 10:28 am. Incumbents Leigh Altman and Pat Cotham are seeking re-election. Download and share the guides with your likeminded friends and family, reminding them to get out and vote! M2Q5YTAxMmRiZGE0NDc1MjUxN2VjYTE1YzYzNzcxNGYzMGI2ZjM3OGNkMjJm We should hold our community and business partners responsible as well, encouraging them to follow suit. But we do know now that at least for 2022, Mecklenburg will be divided into two districts: the 12th and the 14th. ZWU1NDkyMWJlZGU1NjY0NTdhMzdmN2U3MzM1ZjRjOGU2ODVkZTQzZTRhYmI0 Some of the focus areas include: Transition County facilities and fleet to net-zero carbon energy sources by 2035; Practice waste minimization and recycling at all County facilities Identify and fill resiliency gaps in County operations; Require environmentally friendly designs including net-zero capable buildings in all new facilities and retrofits and when feasible reuse existing buildings and infrastructure; Make a good-faith effort to include social, economic and environmental considerations in purchasing decisions for goods and services; Acquire land for recreation, ecosystem preservation, recycling, storm water management and to protect the quality of life in our community; Manage, maintain and conserve County properties to create resilient ecosystems, including grasslands, forests, wetlands and aquatic environment; Implement environmental practices in day-to-day business operations; Provide employees with opportunities and incentives to learn and practice environmentally sound behaviors; Partner with municipalities, businesses, nonprofits and other organizations that have common goals and interests to efficiently implement this policy; Work with business partners receiving County funding (CMS, CPCC, Libraries, Medic) to make capital and business decisions that prioritize environmental stewardship; Routinely review state and federal legislative action that either assists or hinders implementation of this policy; Conduct outreach and raise awareness about environmental conditions, opportunities for involvement and actions being taken by Mecklenburg County; Embrace justice through equal protection and enforcement of environmental laws and regulations to include using the Countys racial equity toolkit when implementing the action plan, and more broadly, during environmental decision-making". I strongly support County action to address climate change and voted in favor of the Environmental Leadership Action Plan. . It is also incumbent upon us to support it or an alternative - the status quo is clearly unacceptable. Patricia {Pat) Cotham (D, At-Large)(i): Yes, I support. I believe we must continue these efforts to mitigate the harmful effects of poor air quality.". The Board of County Commissioners must take the lead in the development and implementation of a strategic plan that is transparent, community-driven, has a focus on long-term management and provides a high level of accountability to ensure our staff has the adequate resources to meet the challenge. It is important for the County to leverage our influence, lead this effort through example and an Inter-Governmental approach to create the conditions needed to scale our efforts, foster cooperation, and ensure substantive change. YzAwYjBhYTBkOWM3ZTVhNTBkMjA1N2NjYmQ4Y2FhOWQ5YzIwYmE4NTA4NDcz Susan Rodriguez-McDowell (D, District 6)(i): Yes, I do support the Park & Recreation Commission request and I plan on bringing a request that is slightly more than what they asked for, such as a $40-50 million in land acquisition investments. In our BOCC FY21 budget I proposed and acquired support for hiring a Director of Sustainability as an addition to the county manager's office. Yes, I do support the Park & Recreation Commission request and I plan on bringing a request that is slightly more than what they asked for, such as a $40-50 million in land acquisition investments. You have a taste for lifes luxuries and will take risks to get what you want. District 14: Jeff Jackson (Democrat) v. To keep up with this rapid growth and provide adequate recreational resurces, we must respond with commensurate funding for acquisition of land, construction of parks, greenways, and nature preserves. Political experience: Treasurer, Mecklenburg County Young Republicans; President, Log Cabin Republicans of North Carolina, Related experience: Corporate finance attorney, U.S. Bank and McGuireWoods; Vice Chair, The Plus Collective (formerly the Charlotte Lesbian and Gay Fund), Platform: Property tax freeze, transportation, small business, Related experience: Founder & CEO, BrewPublik, Related experience: Founder, Access 21 TV ministry Lord God Ricetown XV, Related experience: Business executive, Cisco and Wal-Mart; Management consulting, Anderson Consulting; Board of directors, Walton Arts Center; Advisory board member, Center for Womens Business Research; International Committee member, American Heart Association, Platform: Livable wage, affordable housing, community safety, Political experience: City council District 1 rep, July 2013-December 2013; board member: Visit Charlotte and Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority, Related experience: Director, Alexander Youth Network; Board member, Time Out Youth; president, NC State Alumni Association, Platform: Affordable housing, transportation, public safety, Political experience: Member, Community Relations Committee 2021-present; member, Park & Recreation Commission and Advisory Board, Related experience: Vice president, Safeguard Atone Validate Educate, Platform: Affordable housing, infrastructure, public safety, Political experience: Charlotte City Council District 4 rep, 1999-2005; Charlotte City Council District 2 rep, 2019-present; chair, great neighborhood and economic development committees; N.C. State Senate, 2005-2015, Related experience: Executive director, Beds for Kids; former special assistant to the president for government and community affairs, Johnson C. Smith University; formerly Bank of America and Time Warner Cable, Platform: Police reform, community-first development, racial justice, Political experience: Presidential fellow, Democratic National Committee, Related experience: Youth engagement fellow, United Nations Association of the USA; community organizer, QC Family Tree, Platform: Housing, reducing juvenile delinquency, cultural economy, Political experience: President, Seversville Neighborhood Association, Political experience: City council District 3 rep, 2019-present; former vice chair, Civil Service Board; former member, Business Advisory Committee, Related experience: Engineering, initiative management and operations management in the consumer product goods industry; Land Use Committee chair, West Boulevard Neighborhood Coalition; United Way Central Carolinas Young Leaders Council, Platform: Workforce development, strong neighborhoods, strategic mobility network, Related experience: Founder, Beauty After the Bars; board member, National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls; board member, Concerned Citizens for Communities in Action; director, Center for Employment Opportunities Charlotte, Political experience: City council District 4 rep, 2019-present, Related experience: Executive director, Triumph Services; former board chair, Montessori Renaissance Community School; former board member: Rahabs Hideaway, United Faith of America, Make It Happen foundations, Platform: Affordable housing, homelessness, job creation, Related experience: Chair, SHARE Charlotte and Envision Charlotte; former executive director, University City Partners; former vice president of neighborhood development and sustainability, Charlotte Center City Partners, Platform: Affordable housing, public safety, sustainability, Related experience: President, Safeguard Atone Validate Educate; Executive director, NAACP Prison Branch 5135, Platform: Supporting police officers, affordable housing, lower taxes, Political Experience: Former secretary, NC 12th Congressional District Democrats; former treasurer and 3rd vice chair, Mecklenburg Senior Democrats; former treasurer and secretary, Progressive Democrats of Mecklenburg County; co-chair, Oakhurst Community Neighborhood Association, Related experience: Realtor and broker; board member, The Gold District and CharlotteEASTs economic development committee, Platform: Affordable housing, transportation, small business, Related experience: Owner, Mamas Caribbean Grill & Bar; Charlotte International Committee International Entrepreneur Award honoree; general contractor, Related experience: Community activist; owner, World Class Property Maintenance, Platform: Transportation, affordable housing, increasing minimum wage, Related experience: Electrical and IT support technician, Platform: Unionizing city employees, minimum wage increase, affordable housing, Political experience: Member, Charlotte Equitable Development Commission; community organizer, Hillary for America, Related experience: Former board member, YMCA of Greater Charlotte Diversity, Inclusion, and Global Committee; former member, Mecklenburg County Womens Advisory Board; former Charlotte Sister Cities Scholar, Platform: Transportation, housing, infrastructure, Political experience: City council District 6 rep, 2017-present; co-chair, Intergovernmental Relations Committee, Related experience: Co-founder and executive director, Carolina Fintech Hub; formerly GE Capital, Wells Fargo and Wachovia, Platform: Economic development, transportation, public safety, Political experience: Planning commission,1994-1999 and 2014-2020; former vice chair, Zoning Committee; former chair, Transportation and Planning Committee; former member, Mecklenburg Solid Waste management board, Related experience: Commercial real estate broker; adjunct professor: UNC Charlotte, Johnson C. Smith, Queens, Winthrop, and Wingate universities; Mecklenburg County Order of the Hornet in 2020 honoree, Platform: Crime, pedestrian safety, housing, Related experience: Deacon, Western North Carolina Conference United Methodist Church; former community outreach manager, Charlotte Family Housing; former executive operations manager, Marriott International, Platform: Infrastructure, economic development, community safety, Political experience: Represented North Carolina as a President Obama delegate to the 2012 Democratic National Convention; area coordinator, Obama for America in 2008. I am waiting to read about the Transportation Mobility Network's plan to address displacement, housing affordability and minority economic development opportunities. The Constitution of Virginia requires that every ten years, local governments "reapportion the representation in the governing body among the districts in a manner provided by law" (Article VII, Section 5). I have always and will continue to support actions that address climate change and advocate for moving toward a carbon neutral footprint for the county as soon as possible. NzRhMTg5ZmRjM2EzNDc4YzM1MDg2YjdkYzUxOTdjODc4NmVjZTU1NTQ0OWE5 The position was filled in 2021 and has become an integral part of moving the BOCC's environmental agenda forward. The goal is to have a master plan drafted with a triage approach and retrofit on average two buildings per year to get to net zero. The investment/funding would also provide a level of equity for our under-served communities and populations, increased access to housing, employment opportunities and positively impact the environment. City council District 7 rep, 2013-present; vice chair, Economic Development and Budget committees, Financial advisor; former board member, Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont, Communities in Schools, and Blumenthal Performing Arts, Small government, job creation, transparency, Mecklenburg County commissioner at-large, 2020-present; chair of BOCC Performance Review Committee, 2020-present; Mecklenburg County Democratic Party Precinct 9 chair, 2017-2020, Public health, parks and greenways, reducing gun violence, Mecklenburg County commissioner at-large, 2014-present; Democratic National Convention superdelegate, 2016, Blumenthal Performing Arts Center, trustee, Employment, schools, housing & homelessness, CMS Board of Education at-large member, 1988-2003; chair of CMS Board of Education, 1997-2002; chair of Charlotte Black Political Caucus, 2017-2019, Affordable housing, parks and greenways, economic equity, CMS Board of Education at-large member 2019-present, International House Director of Education, 2019; CPCC instructor, 2001-2012, Education, economic development, environmental stewardship/parks, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee, 2019-present, Concierge Business, Political and Education Consulting founder, 2020-present, Food insecurity, minority and women-owned small businesses, Women in Power Inc. founder, 2014-present; Palisades Park Elementary PTSA vice president, Affordable housing, housing & homelessness, economic development, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee member, 2021-present, Executive assistant at The Museum of Russian Art, 2017-2018; instructor at Virtuoso School of Music & Art, 2018-present, District 1 Mecklenburg County commissioner, 2019-present; Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners vice chair, 2019-present; Environmental Stewardship Committee chair, 2019-present; Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation Commission chair, 2010-2018; Natural Resources Stewardship Advisory Council chair, 2010-2018; Mecklenburg County Waste Management Advisory Board member, 2001-2009, Public education, economic growth, sustainability, District 2 Mecklenburg County Commissioner, 2008-present; CMS Board of Education member, 1997-2008; CMS Policy Committee vice chair, dates unavailable; Small Business Consortium Group founder, 2011, Former teacher, North Carolina Association of Educators, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Association of Educators, Reid Park Academy P.T.O. Display County Status. U.S. Senate Cheri Beasley |. I received a State Award for my advocacy for greenways and parks, so I have a RECORD of speaking out for them. I would need to know a lot more information before I agreed to support that line item at that amount for this purpose. I believe that the establishment of bold policy is one of the most effective tools we have to influence behavior and change current outcomes. Please note that ALL Republican candidates were asked to submit their information so we are including info from any that chose to respond to us as a courtesy to voters. Mark Jerrell (D, District 4)(i): "Land acquisition is one of the most urgent needs in our community and I unequivocally support the need to invest (at least) $35m per year for the purposes of land acquisition. Terms & Privacy Policy:, PAID FOR BY THE NORTH CAROLINA REPUBLICAN PARTYNOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATES COMMITTEE. I am waiting to read about the Transportation Mobility Network's plan to address displacement, housing affordability and minority economic development opportunities. Laura Meier (D, District 5)(i): I support Mecklenburg County's plan to acquire more land, and we are doing that right now. We are behind other major metropolitan areas who have already begun the process of establishing a transportation system, as well as the use of greenways as a mode of transportation. NGI0ODU2NjlhMjA2YThmYmViM2U0YWU1ZjBkZDA5MTM1MjBmZmQ2M2U1NzE3 From the beginning I have been to events at LUESA to learn more about air quality. To support the Environmental Leadership Policy with specific emphasis on green construction for the county and its partners, electric vehilces, and targeted resident education about climate change. Voter Guide Mecklenburg County NC Election 2022 POSTED ON: October 3, 2022 General Election Table of Contents VOTER GUIDE U.S. House - District 12 U.S. House - District 14 NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 37 NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 38 NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 39 NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 40 NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 41 NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 42 Absentee ballot requests must be in by Nov. 1 and Election Day is on Tuesday, Nov. 8. ZGEzZTM1NzE0MjYxMzJhYzAyMjAyZjc4OTM5MWVmNmQ1ZjJkNGY4YTJiYjEx County Leadership Meet Chairman Sarah Reidy-Jones Meet Vice Chairman Dale Dalton 2022 Candidates Online Shop Backpack Volunteer Donate About History Meck Plan of Organization FAQs MeckGOP Mentorship Program RED U News Call To Action Call To Action Get Involved Events Recognized Clubs Mentorship Program **, Political experience: Charlotte Mayor, 2017-present; Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 2013-2017; assistant city manager, Related experience: Consulting director, Lee Institute and Flynn Health Holt Leadership; Charlotte Housing Authority Moving Forward initiative; Committee of 21 transportation initiative; Charlotte-Mecklenburg African American Agenda; Achieve Together community-based advocacy education initiative, Platform: Affordable housing, economic development, community safety, Related experience: Founder, Take Back Our Hoods, Platform: Community safety, police reform, gun violence, Related experience: Creator, EVOLVE Media, Platform: Affordable housing, governmental transparency, environmental sustainability, Related experience: Founder, Taes Beauty; accessibility advocate, Related experience: Background in media and finance, married to CMPD officer, Related Experience: Owner, Universal Cab; sued the city in 2015 over alleged corruption in pay-to-play deal for taxis at the airport, Political experience: Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 2017-present; chair, Environment, Engagement and Equity Committee; vice-chair, Budget and Governance; former Charlotte Housing Authority board member, Related experience: Certified Public Accountant, TIAA and Deloitte; Leadership Fellowship with the Institute of Political Leadership, Platform: Affordable housing, public safety, sustainability, infrastructure, Political experience: Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 2017-present; co-chair, Intergovernmental Relations Committee, Related experience: Stagehand, member of International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) union; board member with: My Brothers Keeper Charlotte-Mecklenburg, the Board of Trustees of the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, Smart Start of Mecklenburg County, Habitat for Humanitys Charlotte Neighborhood Revitalization Committee, Platform: Equity, access, interconnection, Political experience: Charlotte City Council District 1 rep, 2017-present; chair, Safe Communities Committee; former president, Young Democrats of Mecklenburg County; former board member, Plaza Midwood Neighborhood Association, Related experience: Volunteer firefighter, Long Creek Volunteer Fire Department; former vice-chair, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission; former chair, Charlotte International Cabinet, Platform: Housing, transportation, preservation, Political experience: Charlotte City Council District 3 rep, 2011-2019; former member, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee; former president, Centralina Economic Development Committee, Related experience: Member, International Minority Coalition; board member, LGBT Democrats of Mecklenburg County; former member, Immigrant Solidarity Committee; former member, Charlotte Community Justice Coalition; former executive board member, Human Rights Campaign; former board member, Charlotte Lesbian and Gay Fund, Platform: Property values, economic growth, community safety, Political experience: Charlotte Mayor, 2013-14 (deposed after arrest on fraud charges); Charlotte City Council District 3 rep, 1993-2001; Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 2001-2013, Platform: Inclusivity, intentionality, involvement, Political experience: Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 1999-2021, Related experience: President and co-owner, RJ Leeper Construction, January 2021-July 2021. ZmUxZGJmYTk2NDEwM2FmMTc3N2Y3MGM4ZmY3ZDgwOGU4MmZmYmI2NmM5Yzhm I strongly support the acceleration of land acquisition as evidenced by my advocacy from the dais and my votes. Susan Rodriguez-McDowell (D, District 6)(i): I have been a member of the Environmental Stewardship Committee from it's inception and in fact supported it's creation. I am proud of that. "The County is the designated monitoring entity for federal air quality requirements, and staff monitors stations and regularly tracks data on the quality of our air. Mark Jerrell (D, District 4)(i): I believe a local funding source is vital to the long-term sustainability of transportation and mobility infrastructure in our community. I would need to know a lot more information before I agreed to support that line item at that amount for this purpose. I support the Meck Playbook and to the extent possible, commit to reviewing all necessary data to determine the funding level I am willing to commit to. president; Charlotte Area Fund board member, 2018, District 3 Mecklenburg County Commissioner, 2008-present; Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners Chair, 2018-present; District 3 CMS Board of Education representative, 1986-2008, CMPD officer, 1978-1995; CMPD Drug Abuse Resistance Educator, 1993-2005, Mecklenburg County Republican Party Voter Registration Co-Chair, 2021-present; Mecklenburg Black Republican Club, District 4 Mecklenburg County Commissioner, 2020-present; Economic Development Committee co-chair; Black Political Caucus Executive Committee member, Speechworks Therapy Services Operations Manager; North Carolina Army National Guard, Elder care, improving education, small business, Environmental Compliance Manager, Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated, District 5 Mecklenburg County Commissioner, 2020-present; Charlotte Womens Movement co-president, 2018-2020, Social studies instructor with CMS drop-out prevention program, Early childhood education, parks and green spaces, mental-health services, District 5 Mecklenburg County Commissioner, 2012-2018; Economic Development Committee chair; Steele Creek Preparatory Academy Board of Directors chair, Cybersecurity consultant, 2018-present; U.S. Marine Corps, 2001-2012, Parks and greenways, schools, public safety, District 6 Mecklenburg County Commissioner, 2018-present; Economic Development Committee chair, 2021-present, Colorado Christian University Director of Counseling Services, 1995-1996; photographer, 2008-2015, Income equality, racial equality, environment, North Carolina 9th District Secretary, 2021-present; North Carolina Federation of Republican Women Foothills Region Vice President, Supporting CMPD, lowering taxes, economic development, Corporate analyst, 2008-2019; U.S. Air Force Weapons Specialist, 1994-1998, Mecklenburg County assistant public defender, 2003-2006, Criminal defense attorney, founderm The Emry Law Firm, 2012-present; Senior associate attorney at Powers McCartan, 2006-2012, Ending the death penalty, police accountability, reducing mass incarceration, Mecklenburg County District Attorney, 2017-present; Mecklenburg County assistant district attorney, 2006-present, Sex crimes, drug trafficking, reducing recidivism, The Best in Charlotte: Best in the Nest 2022, The Best in Charlotte Best in the Nest 2021, The Best in Charlotte Best in the Nest 2020, The Best in Charlotte Best in the Nest 2019, Family of Mount Hollys Ransom Hunter Fights to Preserve Legacy, Charlotte Professor Breaks Architectural Boundaries with Myco-Materials, Queen City Nerves Most Read Stories of 2022, Tragic Death of Charlotte Artist Francis Wabibi Leaves Family Seeking Justice, New County Department Prepares Violence Prevention Plan, 5 Things to Know: Apple Store Leaves Northlake Mall Abruptly, NCGA Republicans Reach Medicaid Expansion Deal, but Governor Questions Timeline, Nooze Hounds: Lorenzo Steele Jr. of Behind These Prison Walls, Thousand Dollar Movie Pays Homage to CLT with New EP, Lukas Dhonts Close Is a Coming-of-Age Tale with Deep Secrets.

Bridgerton Wildest Dreams Scene, Paul Prenter Interview The Sun 1987, Richard Gordon Bethel, Michael Gardner Obituary 2020, Usc Business School Undergraduate, Articles M

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