crime rate in guayaquil ecuador

The number of home invasions and armed robberies decreased in 2018, but car thefts and homicides increased. If you or someone you know becomes the victim of a crime, immediately Kidnappers released the victim two days later, following police investigation. priceless or irreplaceable. The perpetrators appear to focus on travelers returning from overseas trips laden with gifts and large amounts of cash. The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report’s publication assesses Ecuador at Level 1, indicating travelers should exercise normal precautions. Call known taxi services by phone, or use a service affiliated with major hotels. Exercise extreme caution in downtown Guayaquil and the southern part of the city. Kidnappings have occurred along the northern border with Colombia, with some targeting foreigners. Some roads are in poor condition or affected by heavy rains and It says something to the effect that crime against U.S. citizens is a major problem in Ecuador and that the country has a high crime rate. Travel in groups at all times. Ensure all routine vaccinations are up to date. If police arrest or detain you in Ecuador, under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and customary international law, you have the option to request that the police, prison officials, or other authorities alert the nearest U.S. Embassy/Consulate. Criminals often target intra- and inter-city The Overseas Traveler’s Publishing or Crime With some 40,000 residents, it is relatively small, and the islands' crime does not compare to that of Ecuador's. Parties interested in joining the Country Council should contact OSAC’s. Stay alert to pickpockets when in crowds and when taking public transportation, and be conscious of distractions created to target tourists. and be conscious of distractions created to target tourists. with any questions. Ecuador’s conviction rate for major crimes is less than 1%. Patients must have good Spanish language skills to use local medical resources. Other potential environmental threats include flooding, the effects of El Niño, earthquakes, and tsunamis. In addition, slow-moving buses and trucks Ambulance services in Ecuador are poor and do not meet U.S. standards. Although some of Ecuador’s roads and highways In Guayaquil, citizens are forced to pay double for cleaning drinking water. A car bomb caused damage to a local police command center one morning in January 2018 in the city of San Lorenzo, Esmeraldas province, near the Colombian border. This Terrorism in Ecuador is a rare occurrence. Roads may close, and flights cancellations may occur due to adverse conditions. Emergency ambulance services, as well as Tourist sites – the Christ statue (Sagrado Corazon de Jesus) on Cerro del Carmen, the Malecon 2000, and Las Peñas – though well patrolled by police, are targeted by criminals hoping to prey on unsuspecting tourists. Intra- and inter-city bus passengers are often targets of crime, including robbery and sexual assault. resources – contribute to Ecuador’s high crime rate. Guayaquil is one of the most intriguing and diverse cities in Ecuador—a country already known for its diversity of climates, people, and lifestyles. If you break laws in Ecuador, your U.S. passport will not help you avoid arrest or prosecution. They should also learn about the reasons behind these safety risks in order to better understand the culture of the area they are visiting. English, and medical reports are in Spanish. Guayaquil (and throughout Ecuador in general), violent crimes committed against Chico. If police arrest or detain you, request that the authorities do this on your behalf. coming to Ecuador. While disruptive, especially to transportation, violence is usually limited and localized. In Ecuador’s southern city of Guayaquil, organized crime has created a vicious circle of drug consumption: violent microtrafficking networks peddle drugs on the city streets creating the addicts that fill illegal and abusive “rehabilitation” clinics set up to milk profits from their misery. Contact Information for Available Medical Services. Travelers taking prescription medications should bring an adequate supply with them when coming to Ecuador. For more information, review OSAC’s Report. is an annual report produced in conjunction with the Regional Security Office The law protects the LGBT community from discrimination based on sexual orientation. Most payments for medical services require cash at the time of service or prior to treatment, although the few private hospitals will accept major credit cards. All I can say is that Ecuador has almost 16million people and the rate of violent crime is almost 20%, a little bit less than Mexico, 23.8%, that tells you a lot about the country and the people. Treatment for serious medical issues is often unavailable or limited to facilities in Quito and Guayaquil. Crime continues to present a severe problem. Kidnappings have occurred along the northern border with Colombia, with some targeting foreigners. And, actually, at first I thought maybe the crime rate was going down because the country had reformed the police. (condiment scam), while accomplices snatch the victim’s bag or pick the The number of home invasions and armed robberies decreased in 2018, but car thefts and homicides increased. Many buses are overcrowded, in poor condition, and lack seatbelts and other safety features. Pick-pocketing, purse-snatching, robbery, bag-slashing, and hotel room theft are the most common types of non-violent crimes committed against U.S. citizens. Traditional drug trafficking organizations – especially those with a propensity for violence, such as the Mexican Sinaloa and Gulf Cartels – operate in Ecuador. armed robberies, and car thefts increased in 2019. Similarly, crime is a major concern of some, while others find that it's perfectly acceptable with proper precautions. Stay alert to pickpockets when in crowds and when taking public transportation, and be conscious of distractions created to target tourists. Highways often Crime Victims Assistance. Pick-pocketing, purse-snatching, robbery, bag-slashing, and hotel room theft are the most common types of non-violent crimes committed against U.S. citizens. The threshold for petty crime is US$600, meaning that little is done for victims whose loss is less than that. The U.S. Government prohibits all other personnel travel to the northern border area. A yellow fever vaccination is only required if a traveler has Many travelers are victims of robbery after using ATMs or when exiting banks. There is moderate risk from terrorism in Guayaquil. The CDC offers additional information on vaccines and health guidance for Ecuador. In fact, there are many places in Ecuador that are safe to live. Overseas Security Advisory Council at the U.S. Consulate General in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Incidents of sexual assault and rape have increased, including in well-traveled tourist areas. livestock moves along roads or grazes on roadsides. On the coast in particular, many vehicles are in poorly condition, and breakdowns are common. Patients must have good Spanish Ecuador has a less than 1% conviction rate for major crimes. Private ambulance services are expensive, and seldom respond within an appropriate amount of time. In the countryside, Santa Elena and Zamora Chinchipe. not accept U.S. health insurance plans. Malaria; Tuberculosis; Yellow fever; and Zika. U.S. government personnel may travel to the northern bank of the Napo River in Sucumbíos, where tourist lodges are located, in an area approximately four miles wide. Review OSAC’s reports. 41% more than Ecuador Fear of crime > Feels safe walking alone > At night: 24.14 Ranked 79th. Student, labor union, and indigenous protests against government policies are a regular feature of political life. Buses stop without warning to pick up/drop off passengers. Numerous bus accidents occur Private ambulance services seldom respond within an appropriate You could encounter intoxicated drivers; chances of a drunk-driving accident are higher on weekends and local holidays. The region also experienced multiple aftershocks, many 6.0+ in magnitude. every year in Ecuador. While in Ecuador, you are subject to Ecuadorian laws. In 2012, Ecuador had a murder rate of 12.4 per 100,000 population. or the United States Government, except as otherwise noted (e.g., travel advisories, public statements). Some communities have used protests and strikes to obtain promises of increased government spending on social benefits and infrastructure. It certainly is the biggest; the metro area spreads out over almost 1,000 square miles, and is home to 3 million people. The threshold for petty crime is US$600; police do little for victims whose loss is less. “Smash and grabs” occur when thieves break into parked vehicles, but have also occurred in slow-moving or stopped traffic, particularly targeting women driving alone. “Manta, Esmerladas and Guayaquil have the highest crime rates in Ecuador.” Comparing crime against expats in 14 Latin American and European cities with populations greater than 100,000, Cuenca ranked first in safety and Quito was fourth. In Guayaquil, many expatriates use Clínica Kennedy and Hospital Alcívar. There have been instances in which criminals block routes between cities, forcing a bus to stop and then boarding to rob passengers. “Skimming” is most Please note that all OSAC products are for internal U.S. private sector security purposes only. Ecuador’s population growth rate from 2019 to 2020 is 1.55%, adding about 269,000 people to the population. Pedestrians frequently use roads, as sidewalks are often missing. of which may be available only to private-sector representatives with an OSAC use of hotel safes when available, avoid wearing obviously expensive jewelry or In some cases, robbers have used motorcycles to approach their victims and flee the scene. laptop bags for robbery. Outside of Quito and Guayaquil, awareness of international protocols is uneven. This will Police may take any driver involved in an accident where injuries are involved or the driver does not have insurance into custody, even the driver is not at fault. Response times vary, but it is common for police to take 45-60 minutes to … All U.S. private sector organizations and affiliates operating in the area are encouraged to participate. crash barriers, guardrails). roads, as sidewalks are often missing. Physicians and hospital personnel frequently do not speak Tourists have been robbed at gunpoint on beaches and along hiking trails. Find contact information for available. If you or someone you know becomes the victim of a crime, immediately contact the local police to file a crime report (denuncia) and inform the U.S. Embassy/Consulate General -- Quito: (02) 398-5000; Guayaquil: (04) 371-7000. The Ecuadorian military and government agencies are increasing efforts to promote development and provide security in this area. José Rodriguez Bonin, EC090603 – Guayaquil, Guayas, Switchboard: +593-4-371-7000 (staffed during business hours), After-Hours: +593-4-371-7000 (information message), Regional Security Officer: +593-4-371-7034, Consular Affairs and American Citizens Services: +593-4-371-7000, Operators typically speak Spanish. outing. Security In Transit: commonly take at least 45-60 minutes. Express kidnappers have victimized passengers even in taxis that meet these criteria. Treatment for serious medical issues is often unavailable or limited The amount of drugs flowing through Ecuador has contributed to the rise of all types of crime. Ecuador was Drivers often disobey traffic laws and signals. Traditional drug trafficking organizations – especially those with a propensity for violence, such as the Mexican Sinaloa and Gulf Cartels – operate in Ecuador. medical services require cash at the time of service or prior to treatment, , including to the provinces of Sucumbíos, Carchi, and Esmeraldas. How to Handle Incidents of Police Detention or Harassment. Ecuador experienced just under 1,000 murders in 2018, setting its murder rate at 5.7 per 100,000. The government charges demonstrators with “terrorism and sabotage,” or similar charges that effectively criminalize protest, for obstructing roads and public services. to ensure they receive pertinent security updates and notices. Pay for items in cash whenever possible, and only use credit cards at larger establishments, such as hotels. Ecuador has positive net migration and a fertility rate of 2.44 births per woman, more than the population replacement rate of 2.1 births per woman. Never carry more than you are willing to lose, and never carry anything you consider priceless or irreplaceable. and Sucumbíos provinces (none of which are part of the Guayaquil consular By 2014, this had decreased to 8.23 per 100,000, with 1,309 murders recorded that year. Physicians and hospital personnel frequently do not speak English, and medical reports are in Spanish. Very few U.S. citizens have been victims of murder in Ecuador (four from 2012-2016 and two each in 2017 and 2018). Kidnappings occur more due to economic rather than political motivations. It is very important to know what is legal and what is not in Ecuador. 1% more than Ecuador Fear of crime > Violent hate crime: 23.15 Ranked 61st. Kidnappings occur , greater seismic activity near the Sierra Negra volcano indicates that an eruption may occur in the near future. : narcos, sicarios, thievery, bribery, impunity, human trafficking, burundanga, money laundering, you name it they have it all. The website goes on to detail some of the recent crimes committed against foreign visitors in Ecuador and … State Department’s webpage on security for. At least 17 usually be a public hospital, unless the patient or someone acting on their Ambulance services in Ecuador are poor and do not meet U.S. 32.55 Ranked 31st. Low rates of apprehension and conviction of criminals – due to limited police and judicial resources – further contribute to Ecuador's high crime rate. Dial 911 for all emergencies. Avoid the Sierra Negra crater until Frequently monitor bank accounts and credit card statements. The contents of this (U) report in no way represent the policies, views, or attitudes of the United States Department of State, at the date of this report’s publication assesses Ecuador at Level 1, indicating travelers should exercise normal precautions. Guide to ATM Skimmers & Fraud. hotels. Crime continues to present a severe problem. night. In light of these environmental conditions, maintain an emergency supply of food and water, and establish an emergency plan with family members or fellow travelers. Criminals generally target women who are alone, and use alcohol or incapacitating drugs to rob and/or sexually assault unsuspecting tourists. Frequently monitor bank accounts and credit card statements. Kidnappings occur more due to economic rather than political motivations. number of home invasions and armed robberies decreased in 2018, but homicides, According to the Ecuadorian Military Geographic Institute, greater seismic activity near the Sierra Negra volcano indicates that an eruption may occur in the near future. You could encounter intoxicated drivers; chances of a drunk-driving accident are higher on weekends and local holidays. “Skimming” is most likely to occur in restaurants, bars, and, at times, hotels, where the skimmer takes the victim's card out of the owner’s view. Ecuador is a beautiful country full of interesting places to visit and beautiful mountain scenery. Thieves often distract their victims, sometimes by purposefully spilling liquid on a victim and pretending to help clean it up (condiment scam), while accomplices snatch the victim’s bag or pick the victim’s pocket. To lower risk from these or other non-violent crimes, leave valuables in a safe place or do not travel with them. U.S. Consulate General Guayaquil does not assume responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms appearing in this report. In the countryside, livestock moves along roads or grazes on roadsides. Criminals frequently target backpackers and travelers carrying laptop bags for robbery. Review the State Department’s webpage on security for, Travelers with disabilities might have difficulty accessing Treatment for serious medical issues is often unavailable or limited to facilities in Quito and Guayaquil. purposefully spilling liquid on a victim and pretending to help clean it up Highways often lack markings, lighting, and signage. further notice, specifically the popular tourist walking path known as Volcán for original OSAC reporting, consular messages, and contact information, some Since 2011, protesters have used pamphlet bombs to disseminate political literature; the most recent case occurred in 2015, targeting a corporate media office. To lower risk from these or other non-violent crimes, leave valuables in a safe place or do not travel with them. Stay alert to pickpockets when in crowds and when taking public transportation There were a total of 1,924 murders in Ecuador in 2012. The ACS Unit cannot recommend a particular individual or location and assumes no responsibility for the quality of service provided. Pay for items in cash whenever possible, and only use credit cards at larger establishments, such as hotels. Thieves often distract their victims, sometimes by purposefully spilling liquid on a victim and pretending to help clean it up (condiment scam), while accomplices snatch the victim’s bag or pick the victim’s pocket. frequently stop in the middle of the road unexpectedly. Armed criminals have boarded local city at the date of this report’s There have also been reports of armed robberies Increasing numbers of U.S. citizens have fallen victim to fraud related to their credit/debit cards. In the event of a natural disaster, transportation, water, communications, and power systems may fail due to damaged infrastructure or heavy ash fall. greater seismic activity near the Sierra Negra volcano indicates that an Consult with your medical insurance company prior to travel to confirm whether your policy applies overseas, and whether it will cover emergency expenses (including medical evacuation). These so-called date-rape drugs, most often rohypnol and scopolamine, disorient the victim and can cause prolonged unconsciousness and serious medical problems. This is my first trip to Ecuador though I will be traveling with native Spanish speakers. U.S. private sector organizations and affiliates operating in the area to Ecuador’s conviction rate for major crimes is less than 1%. At least 13 U.S. citizens have been victims of kidnapping in this region in the past 13 years. Operators typically speak Spanish. These prey on unsuspecting tourists. These so-called date-rape drugs, most often rohypnol and scopolamine, disorient the victim and can cause prolonged unconsciousness and serious medical problems. Take your credit/debit card to the register, and never let the card out of your sight. San Jorge entre la Novena y la Decima (close to Polycentro Mall), Clínica Kennedy (Alborada area): (04) 224-7900, Clínica Kennedy (Samborondon area): (04) 209-0039, (Trauma specialty), Idelfonso Coronel y Mendez 2301, (04) 372-0100, 1700-10-10-10; 0997 101010. Review the 41.84 Ranked 60th. Crime continues to present a severe problem. Registered taxis are yellow, display matching unit numbers on their windshields and doors, feature a taxi cooperative name on the door, and have orange license plates. Intra- and inter-city bus passengers are often targets of crime, including robbery and sexual assault. Although some of Ecuador’s roads and highways have greatly improved in recent years, road travel can be dangerous, especially at night. Emergency ambulance services, as well as certain types of medical equipment, medications, and treatments, are not widely available. U.S. government employees may not hail taxis otherwise distributing OSAC-derived information in a manner inconsistent with this policy may result in the discontinuation of OSAC support. likely to occur in restaurants, bars, and, at times, hotels, where the skimmer There is serious risk from crime in Guayaquil. open sources and (U) embassy reporting. All U.S. private sector organizations and affiliates operating in the area are encouraged to participate. Protestors often block city streets and rural highways, and tend to disrupt public transportation. robbery, bag-slashing, and hotel room theft are the most common types of Regional Security Office at +593-4-371-7034 Best Practices for U.S. citizens have been victims of kidnapping in this region in the past 13 In addition, slow-moving buses and trucks frequently stop in the middle of the road unexpectedly. district) due to crime. complaint (, to Frequently monitor bank accounts and credit card statements. I am a bit concerned as to some of the postings about high crime rates in Guayaquil. Devices: Trends & Best Practices. All occurred without serious injury to person or property (although one had the potential to be lethal), and none were aimed at U.S. private-sector interests. The operators speak Spanish, however it is recommended to ask if they have anyone that speaks English on the staff. Criminals frequently target backpackers and travelers carrying U.S. Consulate Location and Contact Information, Calle Santa Ana y Av. To lower risk from these or other non-violent crimes, leave Highways often lack markings, lighting, and signage. Would you like to continue with this session or log out? valuables in a safe place or do not travel with them. Take your credit/debit card to the register, and never let the card out of your sight. Homicide rates have increased over the last decade, with a direct correlation to the increased flow of drugs over this same period. presents a significant safety concern, especially in Guayaquil (but also in Manta and with increasing regularity in Quito). Publishing or Some roads are in poor condition or affected by heavy rains and mudslides. The government acknowledges that the number of on-the-job injuries is seriously underreported. The police crime report shows that Ecuador’s the murder rate has dropped 27% since 2008. language skills to use local medical resources. orientation. The safest expat cities in Ecuador, such as Cuenca, Loja, and Salinas, pale in comparison to U.S. cities with the highest murder rates (per 100,000 citizens), such as Detroit ( 40.6 ), Chicago ( 20.7) and Baltimore ( 57 ). Of course anyone can learn those facts by reading a guide book or visiting a tourism web site. Theft from vehicles The government has increasingly filed legal charges or opened investigations against protestors who block roads or impede public services. “Skimming” is most likely to occur in restaurants, bars, and, at times, hotels, where the skimmer takes the victim's card out of the owner’s view. However, armed robbers have targeted arriving passengers by following them from the airports in Quito and Guayaquil. Las Peñas – though patrolled by police, are targeted by criminals hoping to Earthquakes sometimes trigger tsunamis, which could strike coastal areas or the Galápagos Islands. Ecuador Country Information Sheet. The document was compiled from various Numerous bus accidents occur every year in Ecuador. Drivers often disobey traffic laws and signals. Thieves often steal luggage stowed below the bus, in overhead racks, or at a traveler’s feet. Violations were reportedly common in the banana, palm oil, flower, and gold-mining industries, particularly involving exposure to toxic chemicals. In Guayaquil, security on public transportation is a major concern. Non-violent crime is the most common problem encountered in Ecuador, but police statistics show a significant increase in violent crimes. Passengers arriving at the Quito and Guayaquil airports have also been targets of armed robberies. Ecuador’s conviction rate for major crimes is less than 1%. Avoid the poorer areas, especially El Guasmo district. Kidnappers do not specifically target U.S. citizens. reach ECU-911 for all emergencies. The U.S. Government prohibits all other personnel travel to the northern border area, including to the provinces of Sucumbíos, Carchi, and Esmeraldas, without prior permission. Travel in groups at all times. Many buses are overcrowded, in poor condition, and lack Drivers often turn from any lane, and rarely yield to pedestrians/cyclists. There were no fatalities, and several injuries. The Sucumbíos region has a high rate of kidnappings for ransom. medical services are available in Quito, Guayaquil, and many small towns and bus passengers for robbery and sexual assault. low profile and do not advertise that you are a foreigner. Secuestro express presents a significant safety concern, especially in Guayaquil (but also in Manta and with increasing regularity in Quito). and read the State Department’s webpage on, In Guayaquil, security on public These incidents occur throughout Ecuador though there was a slight decrease in 2018. Avoid withdrawing large amounts of cash at one time from banks and ATMs, and use ATMs in protected indoor areas, like well-guarded shopping malls. For more information, review OSAC’s Report, Security in Transit: Airplanes, Public Transport, and Overnights. , Although the U.S. Embassy and Consulate monitor and encourage investigations, the ability to intervene is extremely limited. Popular protests have contributed to the removal of three elected presidents before the end of their terms. such as the Mexican Sinaloa and Gulf Cartels – operate in Ecuador. The threshold for petty crime is US$600; police do little for victims whose The threshold for petty crime is US$600, meaning that little is done for victims whose loss is less. Same-sex marriage is legal. Traditional drug Consular Travel Advisory System, The According to the Social Security Institute, the Ministry of Labor Relations, and the Ministry of Health, employees report approximately 15,000 on-the-job injuries each year; the International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates the true number at approximately 160,000. open sources and (U) embassy reporting. Violent crime rates have fluctuated over the last few years, with U.S. citizens being victims of crimes, including homicides, armed assaults, robberies, sexual assaults, and home invasions. Country-specific Vaccination and Health Guidance. Ecuador has many active and potentially active volcanoes (around Quito and other tourist destinations). For more information, refer to OSAC’s Report. For more information, review OSAC’s Report, Shaken: The Don’ts of Alcohol Abroad. The CDC offers Road travel after dark is especially hazardous in all areas of the country. Ecuador crime rate & statistics for 2017 was 5.79, a 0.83% decline from 2016. Road travel after dark is There have been instances in which criminals Airplanes, Public Transport, and Overnights. There have also been reports of armed robberies at restaurants in the Urdesa and Samborondon areas. Pickpockets and other petty Take your credit/debit card to Visitors should take specific precautions to protect themselves from harm. statue (Sagrado Corazon de Jesus) on Cerro del Carmen, the Malecon 2000, and Mountain roads may lack safety features (e.g. On the coast in particular, many vehicles are in poorly condition, and breakdowns are common. villages. The threshold for petty crime is US$600; police do little for victims whose loss is less. years, four of whom were kidnapped in 2019. Review OSAC’s report, Police Make use of hotel safes when available, avoid wearing obviously expensive jewelry or designer clothing, and carry only the necessary cash or credit cards on each outing.

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