filtering and bottling maple syrup

If you keep track of how many quarts of sap it takes to make 1 quart of syrup with your particular trees and with removing the ice, I’d love to know. I am pinning this to my canning page for others. Now you have a choice. Have never done the water bath though. Do you know of a filter that would make our syrup appear more appealing? Most likely, either the pans are filled too deep or the fire isn’t big enough or close enough to the bottom of the pans. I just opened a small jelly jar of our syrup and it looks like there is the making of sugar cane crystals or small peices of glass? You’re my go-to now! 26: Good: $1,200.00: Enter Your Zip Code. USUALLY, the lightest syrup is from the earliest boils. We’ve been making maple syrup for five years now. 1) last year we were standing in 1′ of mud the entire spring as our cooker is in the woods by our house. Use food grade buckets and keep everything clean!. This material is sometimes called niter, but I think that is misleading, at best, since niter technically refers to potassium nitrate. I have boiled off approximately 30 gallons of sap this year using a turkey fryer I guess it can be kind of expensive as I found that one tank can boil 20 gallons down to where I have to bring it inside the house and finish it off. On a mature tree like my silver maple (at least 75 years old), the bark is a medium to light grey, that cracks into long vertical strips that can easily be peeled off to reveal a brownish underlay of newer bark. I recently bought a 1700’s colonial w/2 acres in NH and have been trying to lay out my long-term goals for the property. How to Make Maple Syrup II: Boiling, filtering, canning, color, and flavor. From my own experiences as a child I know I am teaching my boys something they will someday carry on with there family. I believe the community farm has two pans, one 2×2 and a larger one? I have generally waited to filter my syrup just prior to putting it in jars. how about filtering at a lower temp, other than 219 deg. Not sure what kind it is – I think it’s a Rock Maple. This will also retain heat better. Oh my! (Our syrup is usually pretty dark.) I’m sorry for the inconvenience but I am in the process of doing a major re-vitalization of SurvivormanTV! I guess having some fire bricks help concentrate the heat without cracking the cinder blocks. No, you don’t need to stir it as it evaporates. Yes, it does froth up quickly and impressively when it’s just about done. Thanks for the wonderful article! My husband built a simple evaporator made with cinder blocks based on this one, and 4 inch deep 12 x 24 buffet pans, like these: Excellante Full Size 4-Inch Deep 24 Gauge Anti Jam Pans My 76×27 pan is 10-15 gal/hr…my uncle’s 107×34 with hood is 30ish an hr. I notice the solid nature of sugar sand within minutes after jarring the syrup. I have a question in regards to taste. This year I made more careful observations. I cook inside on the kitchen stove in a two gallon steel pot. Rock maple is actually a term we sometimes use out here for sugar maple, but in CA it must refer to some other maple, maybe the rocky mtn maple. Oh, and roasting hot dogs that way, you’re missing out. Well fast forward 30 yrs. Already heating the house, so might as well boil sap for free!!!! See more ideas about maple syrup evaporator, maple syrup, syrup. That sucked! My trees are all sugar maples, and they are even more sugary than normal because they are all large-canopied wolf trees. Thank you so much! Boil concentrated sap in kitchen until it reaches a temperature of 7 degrees over the boiling point of water (varies with elevation). Thanks for all the great info! so I guess they like Maple syrup too LOL. I will keep going with the say until I see a color change. I do a lot of smoking meat and wood type is the biggest factor in taste, and I would say maple syrup would be the same. Thanks for showing your process. Pour your syrup through the layers, taking each pre-filter out as it gets hopelessly gunked up. Hi Chiara, by leave appropriate head space, I mean don’t fill the jar all the way to the top. I was wondering why I have so much sugar in the bottom of my jars the longer it sits the more I get I do the ten gallon to one quart, if the sap freezes do you throw the ice away or does it pay to boil it, So sorry I seem dense, I don’t understand the 217 degree point. This is what we do now. I plan on making it into maple sugar. I have 5 or 6 maple trees, not sugar maples. If you are starting with cold syrup, heating the syrup with the Steam Tray can take about 2 hours. First one is about the flavor. My wooden had spoon appeared to be bone dry, so it didn’t seem to be moisture causing this to happen. That’s pretty good – it would be a 40:1 ratio, the same as what you get from sap of sugar maple. I bought cheapy filters, and doubled them, because it was flowing through TOO quickly. It’s nice to know we aren’t alone. You used old tubing?. I finish the syrup on a LP patio stove in my garage. I love receiving comments and questions! Pingback: 15 Trees for a Wildlife-Friendly, Edible Landsape - One Acre Farm, Pingback: How To Make Maple Syrup | WV Preppers, Great information. So I suspect the difference in bark appearance you are seeing has to do with the age of the trees. However, if a batch of syrup is boiled for a particularly long time as in it had water mixed into it or had more and more sap added to it to keep it going, this too can result in a darker product. If it’s how I’m imagining… these are literally just chunks of sugar. My flour sacks just didn't cut it 2 yrs back. The black specks. Have a wonderful healthy day! Simple, but so far without readning anything have done it exactly like you’ve outlined and it’s on the stove inside right now for the finishing boil, as we ran out of wood. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE! The longer it sits in the boiling sap, the more likely your syrup will have an off flavor. I have 2 beautiful Norway maples in our garden, and our climate is really warm, do you think it could work anyway? And today. It boils off very quickly. 2) Our first batch was darker than typical Grade-A VT maple syrup, but you could still see through it easily with a backlight. Just a quick rinse and no problems over a year later. Thanks for all your input. I’ve also never noticed much of a difference in the flavor of my sugar sand be it darker or lighter in color. After using the entire hanky and clogging that up, I had to use a second one before reaching the end of my half gallon of liquid, and even had to wait a long time for the last of that. Yes – always use non-reactive metals when processing your syrup. When sap is boiled, the minerals that are naturally present in the sap are concentrated or hardened into a substance called niter, commonly know as sugar sand. I do sterilize and keep them in the oven at 180 before filling. Awesome) 500-tree operation. And yes, stirring can make them rise up even more at that point – I almost never stir my syrup. My question for anyone: 3. But back to the guy who asked the question — I am really not sure what he was describing. Add to Wishlist. I think it may be connected to the historically cold winter which we just had. 2. My cousin and brother have each brought us a load of hard wood fire wood already split and My uncle was here almost every day helping with the work we did. After filling simply screw on the cap and lay the bottle on its side till cool. You collected raw sap for 3 weeks without boiling!?. However, I am also very preferential toward the dark and slightly smoky stuff, and it’s possible I like or do not notice some things other people would not like or be really put off by! Focus on using hardwoods and not things like pine or spruce. Some people might find it frustrating that they can’t get their syrup to look and taste exactly like the syrup they buy in the store, but I think it’s kind of cool that geography and genetic diversity factor into maple syrup. However, if it is too fermented, the finished product will have an off flavor… usually I would say this off flavor for me is ‘fruity’ (but not in a good way). One Cone Filter Tank for Maple Syrup. I noticed that, at the start, the syrup began flowing through the filter at a fairly quick rate that was, while not like running water, still quite satisfactory. Maybe someone else will chime in…. If I didn’t know better, I would have guessed it was like the finest wood sanding dust. When you keep adding more sap, I am not sure the optimum time to do the final boil. The one cone filter tank comes with a 1/2" female threaded outlet. After the sap from the maple tree has been boiled, the natural minerals harden into niter or sugar sand. All taste great! For example any type of pine might give a different taste. You take the sap, filter it, boil halfway, filter again, and boil until it is syrup (219 degrees). Is it by temperature, color, viscosity, or by ratio. Now for the filtering issues: Question: Does it smell wonderful when the sap is boiling outside? We plan to tap 100 trees this year because we have a lot of family that likes maple syrup as much as we do. Sign up to go on tours through Anyway, I have a few questions that came to mind during the processing part of making syrup: 1) I noticed that when the sap reaches 219F, the boiling froth actually appears noticeably different. ), Time during season when sap was collected, The Different Colours and Tastes of Maple Syrup, Danbrie Farms. If so, how long do you boil it and how do you know when it is ready for canning? So we got an additional block and adjusted it slightly, so that the top layer of blocks was closed. Thanks again for the information. When the niter has settled to the bottom, I pour off as much of the syrup as I can, reheat and rebottle into 1/2 gallon jars, combining leftovers from the gallon jars to settle again and get a bit more syurp off the top of that. It was an exhausting but rewarding day making my first batch. It’s at 6700 feet, and snows during the winter. Smoky Lake is happy to offer curbside ordering and pick up w/contactless payment options. Pingback: How to Tap Your Own Maple Trees to Make Maple Syrup | The View from Great Island, My husband and I built and lived on our off grid farm for 20 years. Bottle your syrup while it is hot (185°F to 190°F) in air-tight mason jars or specially made bottles for maple syrup. I boiled last Sunday and 11 gallons of sap yielded 1 3/4 quarts of excellent amber syrup. No one water bathes their syrup. What’s most important is that even the black versions are delicious, but they appear to be bottles of very dark black coffee, not maple syrup. Hi, your post is so very interesting! It took a long time but it did not result in a sticky coating all over the kitchen (some sources say it does, but it didn’t), and the moisture was welcome, given the extremely dry air here at this time of year. Pingback: Home Made Maple Syrup Part 3 - Competition - Business Unusual, What a wonderful webpage and article. Alternatively you can use a tool to measure sugar content to decide when to stop boiling. Anyhow, my family, friends and my partner love the syrup. We use a 5 gallon drum and then use everything else the same way you do. There is nothing wrong with using a water bath and I am certainly not judging, especially when it comes to educating the public as you point out. Not sure – maybe he will come back and clarify. Yes, syrup can be made from sap of birch and a number of other trees, but flavor is not like maple syrup. Yes, this concrete block evaporator is very affordable and has worked extremely well for us. The goal is to not kill the boil when adding sap. In general, though, there’s no way I know of to remove all of the smoke flavor; prevention is the key (hot fire, dry hardwood, clean firebox scooped free of excess ashes, etc.). I found that it did flow through the coffee filter really quickly, but it might depend on the brand of filter. Just a backyard operation, but last year I managed to can about 25 pints of syrup. I just let it sit for long periods, replenishing as it slowly trickled through. It is harmless, does not hurt the taste of the syrup, and does not harm anything the syrup is used in. So now our “simple little operation” has become a tad more expensive. We are in our second year of maple sugaring. Smoky Lake Maple Products, LLC © 2021. I barely got the drill bit out, and they were flowing. Great advice. My syrup is about the same color as yours, and tastes delicious. In order not to have to filter a huge volume of sap through a piece of cloth set into an ordinary kitchen sieve made of metal mesh like a window screen, I filter after most of the boiling is done, and just before doing the final condensing down to the 219 F boiling point. Is the fire close enough to the pan bottoms? Hi Everyone! Came back out and about half had boiled over. It’s typical for each subsequent batch to be darker than the last. If you bring the brick up to the bottom of the pan it will insulate the  sides of pan to eliminate the charing(use 2 back to back  pieces of angle steel between pans across the brick). Just be aware that Norway maple has leaves very similar to those of sugar maple. I do have some tips to help resolve some of your and your readers issues… Handcrafted Evaporatorsby Artisans in Hilbert, WI. I don’t usually notice my sugar sand at all until the jars have settled for some time, and surely not at first. Any of you fine folk have any ideas on I homemade system. Maybe that is my (filtering) problem. Sorry to hear that happened, but yes, it can boil over really quickly! I made an identical cement block/pan evaporator without seeing one before. The color and flavor of maple syrup depend on several factors: The chemical composition of maple sap changes over the course of the season, but more importantly, the increasingly warm weather causes bacteria in the environment to proliferate more quickly, and colonize the sap as it is collected. Then I flip it back over to cool. This is actually how I tell when the syrup is done. Then transfer it to rear pan by making a siphon from 1/8″ copper tubing. 3) here was the thing I didn’t plan for. Just making our first ever batch of maple syrup! If I use a smaller pot, then the syrup foams up and comes too close to the top. Thank you for all of the fantastic information. Each trunk of my maple tree is well over 12 inches in diameter; so I drill four taps. Take concentrated sap indoors and filter through coffee filter. The final product will be the same in sugar content regardless of what tree is used. A lot more work but it turned out excellent. 3- When you finish a batch strain through a kitchen cloth, and let stand for a few days. We store it in the barn when we’re finished for the season. i processed 10 gallons last weekend. Our boys are learning how to do this, our whole family is involved and we are having a blast. However, severe ropiness can result in a product that can be almost gelatin-like! It goes bad just like milk. Thanks for the great article, it helps a lot to use some other people idea for home maple syrup production. It is fastest to put the … If you’re only making a few quarts of syrup and you have a good range hood with a powerful fan, you might find it convenient to do all the boiling off in the kitchen. I was wondering if I could do this process. Every year the syrup ends up tasting like hazelnut instead of maple. When cool flip them over. How do you clean the burnt sugar off the pans, nothing seems to work. We have 21 taps, all on sugar maples. I want to make a Maple Wheat, after trying one at a small brewery in VT (Rock Art). The leaves all over the ground certainly seem like sugar maple, and I read that the branches must be equal growing, not intermittent so I’ve got that but the bark is so hard to tell! Add To Cart. But this article was the best. Use this pan to boil small quantities of syrup which had been drawn off your evaporator under density. We add wood to the fire through the opening in the bottom layer, and most of the smoke comes out of the pipe. Maple sugaring and everything that goes along with it, IS a great experience for kids. Smoky Lake is an official dealer of DSD Stars, Maple Tech Tools, LineViper and more! However, if you do not use the Steam Tray, you may need to re-filter your syrup to remove sugar sand before you do any bottling. I filter well before the syrup stage for precisely that reason. He was up for 14 hours boiling on our homemade barrel stove last night- thinking we had done it all wrong and it wouldn’t come out. Chris, yes you absolutely can do that, and I have done it that way. I love this – so interesting! In late autumn, in my neighborhood mix of very many species of trees, it is always one of the last to shed its leaves, just before the nearby mulberry tree, which is always last, unless there is an early hard freeze, which causes the mulberry to lose all its leaves overnight, even if still green. Then took it inside to finish. On a good-weather day, I can collect a gallon in two hours, but more typical is four, five, or more hours. It’s my second year to make syrup and I have 2 questions. Didn’t realize this was an issue and can definately notice a difference. Nov 9, 2019 - Explore Scott Gronquist's board "Maple syrup evaporator" on Pinterest. We don’t mind the smoky flavor either, as long as it’s not too strong. Gone through about a whole 20lbs of propane also, so that’s not going to cut it. We got a fish fryer. Same as what you would do when you can jelly or jam. I’ve lived in VT my entire life and my boyfriend and I gave sugaring a try this year. Thanks, Angela! First year northern Ohio. We don’t even have a chimney on the cooker the smoke just rolls over the top and it tastes great? Position the open end towards warming pots. Then we built a 2′ high fire box with 2 side doors and a 7′ chimney. ), all swimming in maple syrup. Simply being able to share with family, friends and neighbors – and see the look on their faces – is a feeling that's hard to put into words. Others on this site have suggested turning the hot filled jar upside-down or boiling the filled jars. If the sap slows down or stops, due to warm weather, before I have enough to justify starting the bottling phase, I store the pot in the fridge until the sap starts to run again when it gets cold at night and the sap starts again. So unfortunately, I still have to buy Hungry Jack at the store! I love this idea! We cooked down our first batch this year which we cook all the way down to syrup in our outside pans and then bring it inside to reheat and bottle on the stove. This helps us maintain proper social distancing within our facility. Have canned quite a bit in my past, from jams, fruitsoreads, veggies and sauces. Thanks for any insight you can provide. Inside work today; filtering and bottling of the 2020 Whiskey Barrel Aged Pure Maple Syrup. The addition of food grade diatoma-ceous earth or diatomite to the syrup aids in the filtering pro-cess when using a filter press. Reading this I now know how come ours always had a little smoky flavor compared to stuff we now buy in the store. Hi Heidi, glad you enjoyed my article.

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