how to bench 225 reddit

Feet firmly planted on the ground, hands just outside shoulders, elbows about 45 degrees with your body, and keep your back tight. Imagine it. Canvassing other people will not show you what you can do. It'll be close. Even with a mild bulk cycle. I plan on getting to 2 plates for one by the end of the summer … Football players and strength challenge competitors know the importance of being able to get a lot of reps in the 225 lb bench press. As a slight aside... Those who have tested their one rep max, how close is it to the online 1rm calculators? A lot of people don't go above 8 reps, so no matter how strong they are they will not get as many reps unless they were to train for it. 3. And as with any skill, generally, the more you practice it the faster it’ll improve. If I get on a lifting program like SL 5x5 and stick to it, along with eating well, is it possible for me to reach that goal? Extrapolating from such a high number of reps is unreliable, in that you max probably isn't as high as you would predict. This position will help to protect your shoulders, pecs, and bicep tendons. You're getting stopped by your mind, not your muscles. Yesterday I did 255 5x5. Refining your technique is a good way to make a quick jump in your numbers if your form is suboptimal. I had some left in the tank when I pushed it. I guess my next 9 months will be all eating and lifting. The bench press is important for bragging rights, but it’s also one of the greatest measures of overall upper-body strength, says Todd Durkin, C.S.C.S., author of The IMPACT! Younger men are typically able to bench … I would say it's pretty close unless your form is slacking. My most recent bench amrap set for 215 was 19 which gives me a calculated max of 341. All my supplementing cosisted of is lifting heavy on all major lifts bench,dead and military and curling and after every heavy workout I took 4 scoops of whey protein and … Bench 300 is designed for a lifter who can do at least 225 for a couple of clean sets of 5. If you're not there yet, stick with … What upper back exercises would you recommend? Benched 135 at 15, 185 at about 15 1/2, and 225 at 16. I benched 210 for 3 reps today too! week 1: 225 I bulked up from 145 to 170 and I can bench 185 for 3 reps. In other words, 225 with no writhing, serious struggles, or help from a spotter. The 225 lb bench press for reps can be a big measuring stick for athletes when it comes measuring upper body strength. Because benching is a skill. That amounts to 0.1% of earth's population, or one in a thousand people. To get better at the 225-rep test you must train for both endurance and strength. Effective Progression The whole key to doing this program effectively, is to start out with a much lighter weight than you would normally use for benching. I basically warm up with 225. I can hop on the bench and just knowing my previous max was 265 for 4 reps and I've progressed to 270 for 4 reps I know I'm getting stronger, which is all I care about. Over 5 reps, stupidly inaccurate. My friend bet me that I wouldnt be able to bench 225 by Thanksgiving. Seriously, write it down so you can see it multiple times during the day. Is there a reason you don't try benching with more weight for like a 5-8 rep max? For most guys, the bench press stalls somewhere between 225 and 315 pounds—two or three plates on each side of the bar. View Profile View Forum Posts Registered User Join Date: Jan 2015 Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States Age: 21 Posts: 718 Rep Power: 85. back arch w/ leg drive for stability and leverage. You'll have to bulk the entire time. Could you please help with some tips for bulking (beyond "eat more")? But if you can’t hit twenty reps on your 225 right now, you don’t have an endurance problem - you have a strength problem. After watching the NFL Draft we always hear about how many times someone benched 225 in the combine. My dumbbell max is 60x4 and when I switched to barbell again, it was 120x4. If I get on a lifting program like SL 5x5 and stick to it, along with eating well, is it possible for me to reach that goal? The average weight most adult men and women can bench press depends on age, fitness level, and other factors. I always think of the weight's path to ground. Thanks in advance! I would think that you are very close already, assuming you work in 1-3 rep sets. 100 percent of the people who train with me will spend 80-90 percent of their time working absolute strength. For guys who are very lean and light, it’ll be a lot more challenging to reach that number. To be regarded as an excellent bench presser, a 500+lbs bench press would put you in that category. How to Set Up the Bench Press. But I've only ever hit 325. I'm a 25 year old male. If you are a competitive powerlifter, a double bodyweight bench press is very good. I can bench 135 for about 3 reps right now (pretty weak, I know). Sound confusing, not really. Higher the reps go past 5, harder it is to calculate 1rm, that being said your max probably in the 250-275 range lol. I weight about 185, so that puts me at 1.56BW. Like, a pint of milk between meals, or cottage cheese before bed, etc. The reality is if your maximum bench press is 245 you will be lucky to bench 225 for 2. For every press you may want to counter with a pull. If I bulked for another month I would probably hit 225. I mean, the obvious solution is just to try and find your 1 rep max by actually doing it. Only thing I'll add is not to ignore your upper back. If I were you, I would see how many reps at 275lb you can do then plug that into a 1rm calculator. My favorite recipe is five sets of 3, 2, or 1. We bench four days a week. 9 months with the correct genetics he can do it for sure.. If you are serious, write it down. Under 4 reps, pretty accurate. I'm currently on cycle 3 on wendler. (Almost) Linear Relationship Between Bench … It varies way too much at anything over 10 reps. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. I'm wondering if I'm close to 3 plates. In 1999, Eastern Kentucky defensive tackle Justin Ernest performed 51 reps with 225 pounds at the NFL combine. But you're right for most people it would take a dedicated bulk and it would be somewhat close. The first and most crucial tip to increasing your bench press is simply to bench more frequently. I fucking agree with you. This will help engage your whole upper body to press more … Was coming here to write this. 225 pounds, 102 kilograms, or 2 plates as we more commonly say, it's a huge stepping stone for the bench press, benching 225 means something, no longer are you in the average group of people that have not had as much dedication, now you are on your way to sculpting a chest worth bench pressing for. I usually try to add 2.5-5 lbs a week to my bench for at least one set at 8-10 reps (last couple usually forced) & the next week start off with the added weight to my bench do the math. About 5'11" 160lb skinny fat. Have you tried maxing to see how close you are to 3 plates? At 235 I put up 385 raw. Look up powerlifter benching technique to move the most weight. ChainGun. Hopefully you have a good idea of where your limits are. Realistically I could probably do 2 plates about 12 - 15 times. Close grip and wide grip are good exercises to use in addition to a standard bench press, but shoulder width to just outside will put you in a strong position. I dont know man, according to just about every formula if you can do 210 for three solid reps then you should be able to do 225(or more) for a single rep. If you’re 250 pounds, a 225 or two plate bench isn’t even bodyweight! Everything is going fine except bench and overhead press. I can bench 135 for about 3 reps right now (pretty weak, I know). So assuming most lifters arent as soft as the one's I know, Ill estimate 6.75 million people on earth can bench over 225. You will improve your gains on bench by also working out your back/biceps. My lifts are 235 squat, 200 bench, 365 deadlift. About 5'11" 160lb skinny fat. All 5 reps should be smooth and relatively easy. I used my 5x5 weight on a 1rm calculator (I entered in my 5rm). The problem with that is, at that weight, it's mostly endurance not raw strength. My friend bet me that I wouldnt be able to bench 225 by Thanksgiving. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I just transitioned to a cut last week, but for example today I benched 210 for 3 reps. A 225 bench press is a good natty press depending on weight. A 400-pound bencher has a far greater chance of doing 30 reps at 225 than a 300 bencher. You could try a small max out where you increase reasonable amounts until your body quits. If it's 225 for 1 rep, I'd say it's possible. In regards to this discussion, you’ll bench 225, 315, or 405 a heck of a lot faster when you weigh more. Carry your goal to bench press 225 lbs everywhere you go. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. When I improved my upper back is when I noticed a bigger change in my bench. Thanks, that is what I thought, but I wanted to see what other people who have actually done this thought. I'm bigger than you, 6'1" 198 lbs or so now after 9 months of lifting. I was wondering if you can share what your 225 rep max is and you 1RM. Visualize it. But my starting 1RM was probably around 150lbs – realistic for a beginner if starting at that weight Reddit User: I hit 225 1rm in about 9 months after barely being able to do 95 – that’s insane progression in my opinion. Basically 9 months to go up 90 lbs on my bench. Benching 225 lbs is a bold goal. 1) Bench More to Bench More. I used to be the person who focused on their one rep max, but having a 4 rep max is just as meaningful, and you know whether or not you'll complete the rep on the previous rep. I'm wondering if I'm close to 3 plates. You can pretty reliably extrapolate from a 3/5 rep max to a 1 rep max though. If I'm a novice in terms of weight I can move is it a bad idea to do Wendler? 12-02-2016, 10:40 PM #2. Do a good routine, something like a 3x5 for now and then maybe Madcow which is 5x5 ramping sets. So I can do 285 ~5 times. I was planning on trying Monday. What I’m saying is, if you spend too much time online you start to feel like a total failure if you’re not a member of the “1000-lb club” (meaning, a 405 deadlift, a 315 squat, and a 225 bench plus a few pounds here and there). I also hit a PR of 225×9 on bench despite basically forgetting to use leg drive for the first 3 reps. Just curious if it would be even possible for me to get that much stronger in that time period, or if Im just setting myself up to fail. I did get it to 135x5 in 10 days though, but I guess we tend to cheat a little at dumbbell pressing, i.e with barbell we touch the bar to the chest, and in dumbbell press, we bring the dumbbells just above the chest, thus reducing the range of motion and hence dumbbell bench when done with full ROM tends to be lesser. After seeing this video, and scrolling through some comments on the Reddit thread, it got me thinking, how many other strength athletes have put up insane max rep feats using the 225 lb bench … I'm 185 lbs and can bench 2 plates 13 times. A 225lbs bench press is a very honorable bench press for the average lifter. TAGS: 225-pound bench press rep test, bench press technique, rep test, increase bench reps, max effort work, speed work, combine, football, dave tate, strength training, bench press QUESTION I am trying to increase my bench press for reps on 225 and was wondering if you had any tips. I just don't want to waste my time trying if I'm not close enough. Or do you think you should add more? It has to go through your back before it reaches the bench before the floor. For example, if you can bench press 225 pounds for a hard set of 5 reps, then you should start the program using only 185 pounds for … My 1rm was slightly higher than the calculator's number, probably because my 5x5 weight isn't my 5rm. I think it'd be higher. On the 2nd bench day of the week I'll drop the weight and do sets of 10 or so. I'm 185 lbs and can bench 2 plates 13 times. Consider going for a 225 pound 1RM next time and you might be pleasantly surprised. Do you really want to bench press 225 lbs? If you get 5 then you are damn close. Grab the bar shoulder width to just outside. Or do you just kind of want it? Grab Your Free Book, "Bulk Up Fast": Here's how to increase your bench press to 225 and above. 2. It took me 9 months to bench 135, a year and a half to bench 185, and 3 years to bench 225. I normally do 5x5. TL;DR - Using extremely rough guestimates and statistics, I estimated around 1 in 1000 people on earth can bench press 225 pounds. 727 votes, 262 comments. Really pull the bar apart as you lower it, don’t let it crush you. I was wondering if you can share what your 225 rep max is and you 1RM. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you do that, ultimately the question is, are you happy lifting 295 3x or do you need to have 3 plates moved one time until you feel accomplished? I also had some dietary fuckarounditis during this time frame. Is the bent over row included in SL 5x5 sufficient? A proper bulk for 9 months with dedication and I think there's a chance you can do it. I benched 275 for one when I could do about six reps of 225. Likewise, I can squat 365 for 12-14 reps, but fail 445. Being strong as an ox isn’t enough though. Bench test day today, went in to my university gym, and hit a super easy 255×1, 275×1, then 290×1 for a 15 pound PR. I did 275 two months ago and have gotten much stronger since then. You can definitely bench 225, my max is around ~235-240 last time I tested. During the last 100 years, the bench press world record has improved from 362 pounds to 1,100 pounds with bench shirts and over 700 pounds raw. Dream about it. 1. Are you ready for the challenge? It varies so greatly depending upon whether lifters use those disparate rep ranges. Basically 9 months to go up 90 lbs on my bench. Reddit User: Took around 4 months to hit 225lbs bench (for 5×5). What I'm saying is you need to work both ends of the spectrum.

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