jj maybank gif

A lot! It’s cold, freezing actually, and you can hear a voice yelling your name. Why didn’t you have my back?” Jordan asks his father. His hair is falling in front of his eyes and he gasps into your neck. But you had ignored him. You’ll have to steal your boyfriends shirt, knowing he’d give it to you without a mind. “Look who doesn’t have a date!” He means it as a joke but in that moment his words feel like a slap in the face and you feel pressure build behind your eyes. It’s familiar and warm, but the effects of the alcohol have worn off now and your brain is finally working and you’re sewing together the pieces of what had happened. Secret Lover (JJ Maybank) word count: 2.8k. “Did you just-? Theo grabs at the doe of the sink, his knuckles white and vision blurry. He rushes forward, trying to embrace her, and then she’s gone, now standing by the sink. Rafe is wearing his typical tan bermuda shorts and an orange polo shirt. He can feel the tears coming, hot and heavy. On his arms are two blonde identical twins in hot pink body-con dresses. Obviously this is explicit per the kink, so proceed at your own risk :) Sexual intercourse and use of the word Daddy. I just never thought that you could like a douche like me.”. You never went to any parties and you never hung out with anyone after school ended. He’s walking to AP Bio, his backpack haphazardly thrown over his shoulder, and there she is. At this point you were blushing and JJ could tell, he knew just how to make you blush. I chose Rafe for this one because I’ve never written for him before but please feel free to send another JJ request to my inbox! A warm hand brushes against your cheek and then cups it, gently turning you towards him. And see the boy that had given you the beer. You’ve never felt so out of place in your life. “Y/N?” Concern laces his voice and is evident on his face at your behavior. You should be suspicious but you’re just giggling, bent over at the waist. Spencer smiles, as he thinks about the way her smile just stops time, why isn’t he with her right now? He laughs at something that John B had said and you smile, solely because of how comforting the laugh of him had become. Just you and your boyfriend. Like right this second. Holding him down with a knee between his shoulders and handcuffing him. I like you. You cry out repeatedly. Everyone has a date but you. He slams the door shut, locks it behind him. You’d managed to keep it under wraps, at least until now when it had slipped out because of his palms cupping you. Your head jerks up and you realize that your face is inches away from a frowning JJ. Plus it was probably mandatory. “WHAAAAA! Not being able to stand being anywhere near JJ you move to the opposite end and stand next to Olivia and Chris. He is portrayed by Rudy Pankow. “Ive gotta peeeeeee” You say, turning your head and literally licking JJ’s cheek. You scoff, “God JJ, I can’t believe you. You brush your hands over your navy dress, attempting to smooth out any wrinkles. Word count: 3,836 ~JJ’s had enough of his abusive father and life on the Cut, so he tries to convince you to run away with him~ Song: Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides . Your JJ. I do return the feelings, I just never thought that you could ever like me.” His voice is so quiet that you can barely hear him. Olivia pulls you into the limo after her and just like that your fate is sealed. He’s ready, and he has a feeling that his girl is too. No man or woman should ever do such a thing as this. gif requests open! And that was true for everyone else, just not for him. You flush, attempting to avoid his gaze completely. There’s so much that you need to say to him, so much that you need to express. I love all of you and please don’t ever hesitate to come to me if you are ever struggling or need someone to talk to. She laughs, “Good I think, he’s a great guy! Share to iMessage. “There’s nothing wrong with having one! You know you can talk to me. He can see her lying on the ground, she’s not conscious and he can see that. As well as the soft rise and fall of his chest and the fact that if you turned your head and pushed against him, there you would find the soft rhythmic thrum of his heartbeat nestled in his chest. “What if you’d gotten hurt? You could hear chanting coming from inside the main house, and knowing JJ the way you did, he was probably at the center of the commotion. It comes rushing back in a flash, you don’t remember it actually happening but you remember getting the beer from the Kook, you know that he had grabbed your drink unnecessarily. But you’re too nervous to stop the pacing that you were doing. He wants to pretend this is a nightmare, where he can just wake up. He sits down on the bed and pulls you with him, he twirls your hair up into a bun with ease and then hands you one of his shirts to wear as pajamas. You wake up again in JJ’s bed. JJ stands at the door. In fact! “Stop being such a stalker!” He yells causing half of the school to turn to look at you. He laughs, “Fine then, you leave me no choice!”. Copy embed to clipboard. I swear if you’re messing with me I’ll-“, He shakes his head and kisses you again. She’d worked her way into his cold black heart and brought life back into him. “N-none of that. And you know that everything will be okay because you have JJ back. What if he was hurt? “Mm-hmm” Mr. Baker says, bracing his hands against the island and licking his lips. He closes his eyes for a few seconds, feels the burn. But you just couldn’t find yourself being able to stop replaying the scene with JJ over and over in your head. “Jordan…” You whisper and clutch his biceps as the tears fall faster. 2.he doesn’t tell sabrina what to do. She holds up her camera and everyone gathers close together for a photo. So this is for all the JJ lovers! I was scared too, but him here now and I’m okay.”. You stare at your drink and don’t respond. He helps you change and then twirls the necklace with his name on it that he had gotten you for your anniversary a year ago in his fingers. Your eyes burn and you know that if he keeps trying to talk to you you might just cry. You let go of him, forcing yourself to relinquish the hold that you had on him and standing on your own. Another cry racks JJ and with a shuddering breath he whispers, so quiet that you can barely hear him, “I love you Y/N.”. “I’ll check on him in a second.” You say quietly, finding yourself to still be shaking. You can barely think straight, all you can think about is Jordan. This Kook had ruined you, and left you to pick up the pieces. I got you home.” He touches the side of Jordan’s face, grimacing slightly. But he can also see the bruises that have appeared on her skin, he can see that her shorts are gone and she’s lying bare. He shakes his head, his other hand moves to rest on your waist when you try to pull away from him. He laughs and pulls you by the hand, back into the gym. I’m also working on your second request as this gets published. You’re ridiculous you know that!”. He takes the stairs two at a time and you watch the way he moves. The group of people are all congregated against something, chanting and exclaiming. The two of you had always beeen affectionate with each other, you weren’t a stranger to hugging him, holding his hand, him draping an arm around your shoulders when the two of you walked next to each other or the kisses he pressed against your cheeks in greeting and goodbye. You smile at him again politely, “I’ve got to get back to my boyfriend”, A muscle in his cheek twitches and reaches for you bottle, grasps it for a fraction of a second and then pulls back and hands you the second beer. “I can’t Theo. When you first began braiding your hair this way you would add little silver rings in the braids to make the look fancier but had quickly abandoned the idea with how fast they would fall out and get lost during your excursions with the Pogues. You’re leaning back against a warm chest, his button up shirt was never actuall buttoned. Except he could never resist her, and she had made him better, changed him. Rafe decides he doesn’t want you to ride him and instead flips you so you’re on your back on the outdoor couch. You try to jerk upwards but the world is slowing now, it shouldn’t be. Mr. Baker aims a finger at Jordan, “I had your back. And the jealousy that overcame you when you saw JJ, who was one of the biggest flirts, around other females. Share URL. I know it was wrong. He reaches for you, his fingers hovering next to your shoulder before he pulls away, pain flirting across his face. And then he whips around and practically sprints into the men’s bathroom. He swats at you and pushes you in the direction of the woods. maybank outerbanks jj johnb jjmaybank obx pope kiara sarahcameron rudypankow popeheyward rafe outer netflix banks kie rafecameron topper pogues kiaracarrera 221 Stories Sort by: Hot John B is ogling you, very confused as to why you have suddenly decided to chug your drink and JJ is laughing and cheering you on. That the pain would fade and he would be able to move on. I’m sorry I put you through that, I don’t know what I’d do if our positions had been reversed… I love you.”. See you around?”. Asher and Layla were doing relatively well, judging be the stack of chips in front of them. * ~~~~~ He presses you closer to him and the warmth of him makes the room sway slightly. The door bangs open and you hear JJ yell, “JJ’s in the house!”. JJ is the loose cannon in The Pogues. You’d let him go off with his football friends while you hung out with yours. And you have no idea what he is planning to do until you’re in the air and no longer touching the sand. You imagine the officers yanking Jordan out of the car, yelling at him and then forcing him to the sidewalk. “Whoa, hey. “Just two beers” You say, as politely as possible, trying not to cause any problems with any kooks. You turn away from him and make your getaway to the hallway. “What?”. You roll your eyes and toss a handful of sand in his direction even though you were sitting twenty feet away from him. No baby I didn’t mean to make you cry!” He sits up, rushing towards you to wrap you in a hug. You’re wearing a black crop top and denim festival shorts, a bandana around the wrist opposite from the bracelets. He glances at you and grins sneakily, before firing it back to Jordan. You’re stumbling farther into the woods than normal. You let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding and go to compliment the girls on their outfits. You hold your ground, not looking at him. gif by @anakin-skywalker. Download, typical bad insta quality as soon as you zoom in but I do not care, who ever reposts this without credit and go fck themselves btw. “Are you new here?” He asks and you shake your head. You rotate to one side, your body having locked up and become stiff, and then the other. Y/N… do you have a…”, Before you can finish you jump up and off his lamp, skittering across the deck and pulling your top back up. “Nah, I’m ditching you for Jordan. You nod, tugging at the hair at the nape of his neck. Your bottom lip begins to quiver, feeling a hot wave of shame rush over you. And then she was gone, just like that. Spencer in particular was feeling extremely giddy, all he could think about was his girl. You push Rafe back into the chair on his deck. JJ takes another swig of his beer and then groans when he finds it empty. JJ and the football team were having a team day at the beach and he had invited you to come along. You’d had fun, splashing around in Asher’s pool, but then Layla had left and the rest of your friends had dispersed as well. “Can I dance with the only girl that I have wanted to dance with all night?” He pushes a loose strand of hair behind your ear, a small smile dancing across his lips. Now they were talking about the newest Call of Duty update and which girls they were into. I’m not anything without you, I’m not happy.”, She’s lost in thought, a somber expression crossing her face for a few seconds. Share to Twitter. (ok but the ARMS^^^^^) summary: after a boy asks for your number, JJ gets jealous and tries in … Your head can’t even understand the words that have left his mouth. It’s the last few hours before homecoming and you and Olivia are standing in her bathroom, applying the final details to your outfits. You missed him, of course you did. Ever since he was old enough to walk and talk JJ had played countless pranks and tricks on you and it was a habit that he hadn’t grown out of. “I’m lost without you Y/N, I don’t know how to smile or look forward to the next day. Something you couldn’t quite describe. He shoulders through the door and then closes it behind him. John B describes him as the 'best surfer he knows', JJ is erratic and often doesn't think before he acts. He laughs and pops the piece of gum into his mouth. Not that you minded. A/N: Leave a comment please :) *GIF is not mine, but found on Google. Her head is thrown back, her mouth falling open with a laugh. CAPTION. Please proceed with caution and don’t force yourself to read it if you can’t. Thanks to summer you were wearing festival jean shorts and a tube top. Share to Pinterest. JJ Maybank is one of the main characters in Outer Banks. “You’re driving me home right?” You ask, bending to scoop up the gum wrapper from the floor. “Nothing,” you mumble, not able to mask the pain in your voice. He’s going slow but hard, trying to exercise his patience because he knows you like variety. By the time I was 8, my moms made it clear. He didn’t deserve her, he was a murderer and he’d tried to keep himself away from her, tried to spare her from him. And JJ, he had bet all his clothing and was completely naked. I fought so hard to get up out of the hood, I honestly thought that with all this…” he gestures to the house, “I honestly thought that I had bought Jordan just a little bit more time before… he had to face the-the ugly side of being a black man.”. You were stuck attending homecoming. Gone from life, everyone’s lives, except not from his, not completely. “Jay.” You whisper, he turns and you rush right back into his arms. You can’t help yourself, you slip into his arms and he melts into you. Used | JJ Maybank. You try to slam the door closed but he sticks out a hand and stops the door. “Jealous” jj x reader . “Are you sure it doesn’t creep you out?” You ask, after you’ve finally caught your breath. Why don’t we try it out, have you moan for your daddy?”. “Are you guys ok?” Olivia asks, standing up from her spot at the counter and wrapping her arms around Jordan’s torso. (maybe do like how chase or john b made a joke how good you would be at sex and jj/rudy gets mad and it’s really kinky) just an idea :) Every time your skin touched his you could feel the blush creeping up and your heart beat faster. He rushes to you, tries to cover you as best as possible before he’s running back to the pogues, yelling for their help. He’s way less annoying.”, You roll you eyes at him and swat him on the shoulder, “I’ll be in your car after school.”. He laughs and catches the ball again, he fires it off again and holds up his arms, flexing for you. And every time he went to sleep, every time he closed his eyes, he saw her lying there, lifeless and limp. Unfortunately, it was only you at home. He moves closer, and then you feel his hand in your hair. He doesn’t even hesitate before scooping it out of the air. She glances at him, smirking slightly. When he finally pulls away for a breath of air and rests his forehead on yours you ask; “Are you messing with me? “Baby don’t cry. One of which JJ had made for you, it was probably the worst, design wise, that was on your wrist but it meant the most to you and it held up. In fact you should do it way more often. But not in front of all the Bakers so you settle for clutching Jordan’s hand tightly and trying to settle your shaking body. arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms. Where’s the crazy ass girl that I love so much?”. “Olivia?” You sit up immediately, “what’s wrong?”. Jordan stands in front of his bed, pulling his shirt off and flinging it into a corner in disgust. Like in thirty minutes!”. He had gotten you back later that week by setting a plethora of alarms on your phone. And JJ gets that cocky grin. Princess I promise I’m okay.” He repeats. “I could never mess with you about this. The strangeness of the previous situation is weighing on you and you down the beer in almost two sessions. You pretend glare at him and reach up to mess with his hair which wasn’t currently platinum. “I had that talk to,” you add softly. You glance around, Jordan was standing near the door with his date, Ripley. A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! If u use - don’t forget to like or reblog. “You’re stronger than you’ll ever let yourself believe.”, “I just want to be with you, I know you say that I’m strong but I’m really not. He's the latest in a 'long line of fishing, drinking, vendetta-holding salt-lifers who made their living off the water'. He kisses you the whole time, doing all the things he knows that you love. “Put me down!” You squeal, hitting his back with your fists. His patience is weaning though and with each long stroke his pace increases just the slightest until it’s fast enough that every other though in your brain is gone. His fingers slide into your hair and he pulls you in, his tongue sliding into your mouth as he deepens the kiss for just a second before turning you around in the direction of the drinks. He lets out a choked off cry, realizing yet again that she isn’t reallly there. Share to Tumblr. JJ is crying. Rudy comforts you after your boyfriend cheats on you. There’s a look of horror on his face but you’re drifting back out of consciousness again and he’s gone. JJ appears next to you though and you wrap your legs around his waist. Explain? He takes your phone and lets your parents know where you are and that you’re safe. You turn away from him, swallowing the lump in your throat as you hear JJ slap palms with the boys who laughed at him. I love all of you and please don’t ever hesitate to come to me if you are ever struggling or need someone to talk to. He’s your boyfriend and you love him but you can’t be around him, not with how violated you feel. “Yo, can I ask you something?” Spencer asks. If this is a trigger to you, DO NOT read this. You plaster a fake smile to your face and turn around just as JJ and his dates reach you. “Oh d-“ You start to moan into the kiss and then freeze because he didn’t KNOW about that. Spencer slips his hand into yours and gives you a squeeze of support and you wrap your arms around him. I just thought it would be a fun thing for us to laugh about.” His voice is soft. He glances around, trying to figure out where you had come from. “Heyo!” JJ yells in your ear, draping an arm across your shoulders as you rummage through your locker. He buries himself in you again, giving everything he can to you, his thighs pressed against you. “Wanna say it now?” He asks from above you and you stay quiet because the fact that you have a daddy kink is still embarrassing. You can’t believe that this was happening to you and you stand frozen for a few seconds before you realize that JJ is kissing you. Jordan’s angry, you can see it as he stalks away, his long legs eating up the distance towards the stairs. “You are a douche,” you murmur and he laughs. Spencer had an arm draped around Coop’s shoulders. “To the limo!” Jordan yells after a significant number of pictures have been taken by Mrs. Baker. Their all smiles, made up and looking stunning. You had only had one beer, something doesn’t add up here but you can’t think, your brain is moving too slowly and you’re sinking to the ground and he’s getting so close. You can be good. He’s used to being knocked down, he’s used to the abuse and the horribleness of life but he’d always been able to protect you, up until now. “Why would you even argue with a cop in the first place? However, ever since the start of the year the air between the two of you had changed. You almost want to turn around and head back home instead. Limping through the back garden of a distinctly kook house was not something JJ Maybank was comfortable with, not unfamiliar, but still not comfortable. JJ’s eyes go wide. jj maybank + details: the red cap. Not wanting to be alone you had invited your best friend Leila along. “Let’s go somewhere. You felt stupid to think that he would ever want you. His head whips around and there she is. The voice belongs to your boyfriend, you would know that voice anywhere despite how slow your brain is working. Olivia sits down at the island and buried her face in her hands, “They probably won’t be home for awhile longer,” she tells you. You pluck the beer can from his fingers and then bend and press your lips to his. Suit Up. Bending over the side of the bed and dry heaving as the realization hits you like a ton of bricks. But you can live without me. He pushes the wet strands of hair out of your face and smiles at you. You glare at him, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”. “I did what I was taught.” Jordan exclaims, his shoulders tensing as he moves closer to his dad, “I was standing up for myself, ok, dad?”. You cross your arms and stare at him. “Gather round!” Mrs. Baker calls. It was okay now that the two of you were together. You don’t have to cry. Her hair is loose, in her face, and Theo just wants to tuck it behind her ear. tagged: #anon asked for outfits in general but i decided to gif my favourites #and yes no shirt is an outfit i make the rules here #and the last gif is jjpope boyfriend shirt obviously it's a fav #jj maybank #jj maybank gifs #outer banks #outer banks gifs #obx #rudy pankow #rudy pankow gifs #my gifs #my gif #my edit #mine #my psd Nobody was home today. He falls into her body, and her arms wrap around him, a hand carting through his hair for a second and then she’s gone. His pace is only increasing, growing sloppy now that he’s close. “Of course I don’t want you to have brought them! You stumble into the trees, giggling and running your fingertips across the bark. You rest your head on his chest and he strokes your head again. Jj Maybank Neck Tie GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4. You roll your eyes at him. credits to the owner. The group files out to the limo, piling in. “I’m okay.” He whispers and strokes your hair, holding you close. “Ay! Your withdrawn from all your friends, preferring the shadows and the quietness of the library. He springs up off the couch and yanks the small box out of the pocket of his jeans. JJ Maybank x Female Reader . There’s definitely something wrong. Share to Facebook. “I know what I did. he is a great dancer; Originally posted by billie-lourd. If I had known that you didn’t want me to I never would have brought them. Which meant that that fact plus the added benefit that his house was so secluded meant that you could have sex with him wherever you wanted to on the property. If this is a trigger to you, DO NOT read this. She’s been… she’s been raped. You glance to your left and see JJ pat his cheek, indicating for the girls to kiss him on the cheek. “Theo,” she says sadly, and a wrecked noise leaves him at the sound of her beautiful voice speaking his name. “I do. “Beautiful” He throws in your direction and you flush. She then pulls away and hugs Spencer hard, worry etched onto her facial features. You were still best friends but now you thought of JJ slightly different. He’s dressed in a light blue suit with a black tie looking as amazing as always if not more. Rafe is still chucking with a hand over his mouth, at least until he looks at you and freezes. Moaning “Daddy daddy daddy daddy” and it’s fueling him, giving him extra motivation. You can’t do that ever again.” You whisper, fear and worry evident in your voice. He laughs, happiness filling him. He tosses the balled up wrapper at you and it bounces off your forehead. Kiara says something and John B swats at her but you’re not entirely sure what she had said. Today it fell loose around your shoulders, wavy from the time you had spent in the water with little braids scattered throughout. Though Theo knows she’ll be back, that she won’t ever truly leave him and he won’t ever stop seeing her. Most of them are into multiple, or will be into another one by tomorrow. JJ leaps up and snatches it from his grasp. Embed. It shocks you and the word flies from your mouth. And then his lips are pressed against yours. The dye was only semi-permanent and would only last a couple watches at most but he looked hilarious and the unrelenting tickles that he had awarded you afterwards was worth it. They were supposed to be watching the tapes on the opposing team they would play this coming weekend… but boys were boys and these boys had decided to switch topics. gif by @anakin-skywalker ...WARNING : There IS heavy mentions of rape in this. It’s an hour into the dance and you’re standing on the sidelines holding a fake plastic glass full of Fanta. The door flies open and your boyfriend emerges in the doorway and you sob again, scrambling away from him. A/N: As finals are over and successfully passed, I finally have the time to upload again. Anyone in our party that you’re interested in?”. “Sure!” She draws out the word, not fully believing you. You turn towards his voice, a smile already on your face, but it fades as soon as you spot him. You storm forward, knocking the last row of people out of the way. He reaches below the table and grabs two beers then pops open one and hands it to you. “Well he can talk to me now or he can face me in the morning when I file a lawsuit against his entire department!” Mrs. Baker exclaims into her phone. Jordan wipes the makeup from your face with a package of makeup wipes that you must have left at his place at some point. Cops like that, they see my blackness as a weapon, you know, so you talk slow, you do as they ask, you keep your hands visible, and you never run. You lay on your stomach, half trying to get the tan that you desired and half eyeing your ridiculously handsome boyfriend. Your heart thrums in your chest, you wouldn’t admit it to yourself but it was the thought of seeing JJ that was making oyou nervous. You push through several bodies to see a poker game happening. Share to Reddit. Normally he offers to come with you but today he’s engrossed in his conversation with Pope and just lets you go. Your body shakes slightly and you can’t help but breathe heavily. He grabs your chin and rips it away from his ear, crashing your lips onto his roughly. JJ was defying the song and doing some sort of strange breakdance while his dates laughed and cheered him on.

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