Thus, with the establishment of Temple worship in Jerusalem, the fields outside of Bethlehem became the place where a special group of shepherds raised the lambs that were sacrificed in the Temple. There’s more!” Let’s look into that story a little further. The Tower of the Flock, or, what some call Shepherd’s Field, was no ordinary place. This watchtower was used by the shepherds for protection from their enemies and wild animals. Cinnamon. However, the Awassi, a fat-tailed sheep, is a local breed found only in southeastern Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Cyprus and Israel. Behind him were those He had ransomed. In those times, the night was divided into four watches. In fact, he said they were raising lambs that were to be offered as sacrifices in the temple, noting that these lambs needed to be without blemish. Jeff Cavins in his Bible timeline does a wonderful job of tying all the old Testament stories about lambs to Jesus. I don’t know, but it certainly seems possible, and the symbolic significance is enormous. It became personal. You will recall that Passover lambs had to be one-year-old and without spot […] Jewish law required four days for the chief priests to inspect the Passover Lamb (Exodus 12:3–6). Some of these exact same shepherds would see Jesus again thirty three years later. I wonder if any of those original shepherds thought of that night as they heard the people shout, “Hosanna!”, Those shepherds who had already died followed behind Jesus, the Good Shepherd, as He entered heaven triumphantly. It was in and around Bethlehem where the passover lambs were raised that were sacrificed in the Temple. During those four days, one would suspect they became attached to the lamb. In those shepherds' fields outside Bethlehem, a very special breed of sacrificial lamb was raised and nurtured to be brought to Jerusalem at Passover to be slaughtered to cover the people's sins. ( Log Out / Hundreds of years before, the prophet Micah [Micah 4:8] hinted that the Messiah would come from Migdal Eder. Sacrificial lambs were raised in this area around Jerusalem. But GOD ripped it clean in two, beginning at the TOP (30′ remember), indicating HE tore it and signifying that mankind no more needed a priest to enter the Holy of Holies to make intercession. In Jerusalem, there were two daily sacrifices in the temple. This was where lambs were raised for use in temple ministry as well as for Passover. The lambs were then flayed and taken home to be roasted. Passover - The Messianic Israel Alliance When were the Passover lambs killed in the time of Jesus? Every year at Passover, Jews from all over the world would come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. Furthermore, the lambs were slaughtered by the Israelites, privately by each family, and the priests poured the blood on the base of the altar. He calls Jesus the "Lamb of God" and has Jesus being crucified on the Eve of Passover, when a lamb was traditionally sacrificed. The shepherds who – while “watching their flocks by night” – became aware of exactly where to find the newborn Messiah “in Bethlehem” The special lambs born and raised in the fields of Bethlehem, to be used specifically as Temple sacrifices The account of the death of Jacob’s wife Rachel, on the outskirts of Bethlehem Together we can make a difference! I have heard about it multiple times since then. And this was no ordinary wispy sheer veil, it was the thickness of a man’s handbreadth (4”), 30 feet tall and 60 feet wide and weighed hundreds of pounds. For more background on this I recommend Frances Hogan’s series on the gospel of Luke, her second half of Gospel of John, also “Behold the Lamb” by Scott Hahn. It was to these shepherds of the Passover lambs that the angels brought tidings of Christ’s birth and proclaimed “Glory to God in the Highest”. The average lamb or kid of this age would weigh about 20 to 30 pounds after removing the skin and guts. Relying on Facebook to stay in touch with us has worked well. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. He was pure and without spot or blemish. To make it easier for pilgrims traveling long distances, lambs were raised in nearby Bethlehem and brought into the city for sale. I find it no coincidence that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. You will recall that Passover lambs had to be one-year-old and without spot or blemish. "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” - John 8:32. No more did mankind need to kill lambs every day to postpone the judgment for his sins just until the next day, then start all over again.
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