astrology zone leo august 2020

Your Horoscope for 2020 - FabFitFun » Jan 6, 2020… Keep reading to find out what your 2020 horoscope holds, accor.… your 2020 horoscope holds, according to Susan Miller, the NYC-based founder of Astrology Zone also… Leo (July 23 – August 22): Devote yourself to health. It changes the unchangeable. Leo is a larger-than-life, dramatic sign but you could be prone to over-dramatizing your plight. Click here to sign up! This means positive thinking, hard work, patience, and kind words will make the difficult changes ahead much easier to handle. Horoscope August 31, 2020: Taurus, Leo, Pisces; read daily horoscope predictions for all zodiac signs. During this time, unresolved problems within relationships may surface. I have lost my job two days ago due to covid 19 and I think I will apply positions in a different state. This is the time to listen to your intuition, to take a break from the hectic pace of your life, and to reflect on what you have learned … Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. You can say what’s on your mind in a way that can be easily understood by others. Astrology. On Monday, Mercury (planet of communication) squares off with Uranus (planet of surprises), which could find us jumping to conclusions, speaking out of turn, and upsetting others even if we don’t mean to. Natal chart readings, personalised horoscopes, astrological compatibility, career and finance readings, tarot and more. People who are born under the star sign Leo are natural leaders and are known for a strong personality. On August 17th, 2020, the Sun is conjunct Mercury at 25° Leo which means we are already in the middle of the current Mercury cycle which started on July 1st, 2020. The New Moon in Leo is our yearly reminder that all we have to do is BE. Whatever has been weak or shaky in your life is likely to come crashing down. The aspect is called “Finger of God” because it literally … Venus opposite Jupiter is one of these opportunities. For the entire month of August and for the remainder of the year, your sector of long distance travel, higher education, philosophy, religion and law  will be energized as a result of Mars being in its home sign of Aries, which is happening in your 9th house, which governs those areas. Hidden upsets or behavior that is upsetting can cause disruption. Your emotions with respect to your self-expression and creative endeavors, especially as they relate to traveling abroad or higher education, will be in conflict with your drive and desire to earn money or acquire certain material possessions. Venus conjunct the North Node is the silver lining – because yes, everything happens for a reason. August starts with a BANG. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. There is still a concentration of planets in Capricorn: Jupiter ... Mars is moving into your spiritual zone this week, ... Leo The full moon is happening in your relationship sector. On August 5th, 2020 Venus is conjunct the North Node of the Moon at 26° Gemini. On August 24th, 2020, Mars in Aries squares Saturn at 26° Capricorn. Uranus is the planet of shake ups, radical change and revolution. A NEW DAWN – LEO NEW MOON. The Moon is New in Leo on August 18, 2020, at 10:41 PM EDT. Until August 11th: The Sun continues to shine its light on your solar twelfth house. Something to look forward to, especially during these turbulent times. Yes, in August we will also take the time to smell the roses. I am not sure what I am going to do but I will stay positive with my family. This energy is not going to take us by surprise, rather it is simply going to confirm what we have known all along. A Leo woman is easy to spot. Let Venus guide you in finding the best approach moving forward. Finally, a fuss-free New Moon! We promise not to spam you! Understand yourself, fulfil your potential, learn about your spiritual challenges and be prepared for what lies ahead. This area of your life is experiencing a breakdown and a rebuilding, which has been going on for quite some time. Horoscope Today, 13 August 2020: Check astrological prediction for Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and other signs Samir Jain | Aug 13, 2020, 13:11 IST Knowing what may happen in … See how the planets will affect you! Like chic French women (France is ruled by Leo), a lioness would rather have one dazzling outfit than 20 cheap ones. On August 7th, 2020 Venus enters Cancer. Monday is finally here and … ‘Great news’ not only because Venus feels good in the sign of the Moon, but also because Venus finally changes signs after a record of 4 months spent in the sign of Gemini. On August 9, 2020 In Astrology, Horoscope. Astrologer Susan Miller of Astrology Zone breaks it down, sign by sign! Great time to start a new workout plan or change your appearance. The best advice for today is to balance your willpower and your emotions - having them work together will be very beneficial for you. Today Horoscope August 14, 2020: Here’s your daily astrology prediction for Cancer, Leo and others From professional success to love and family relationships, everything is … It is also essential that you exercise … Updated Aug 31, 2020 | 13:29 IST Horoscope August 31, 2020: Wondering how the last day of the month will turn out for you? As mentioned, in between Mars squares, Uranus retrograde or other disruptive aspects, August will also give us opportunities to smell the roses and enjoy life. Leo (Born August 13 to 22) AND Leo Ascendant from 20 to 30 degrees Leo: August 2020 Leo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends August 2020. Also for the month of August the planets Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will be hanging out in your 6th house of work and health. Express your impulses to do something free, wild, and different, but be mindful not to be destructive. What’s interesting about this Mercury-Sun conjunction is that it is at the apex of an aspect pattern called Yod, or Finger Of God . Virgo . This 2020 astrology calendar is your roadmap through each month; track the lunar cycles, aspects, and planetary retrogrades using our astrological calendar to chart your course towards your biggest goals and dreams. On August 5th, 2020 Mercury enters Leo – and our thinking and communication become more proud and confident. Yikes! A completely new path is opening up for you, so just hang in there. Then, check out the daily horoscope prediction for all the 12 zodiac signs below. August 2020 Leo Monthly Horoscope - Health: You may suffer from cold and related ailments, but these may get cured soon. Your mental activity is now focused on money and possessions; you may be thinking of new ways to earn money. What needed to be said has been said. The Latest • Horoscopes • Spirit • Wellness. Astrology on the Web August 2020 free horoscope forecast for Leo. August 30th:  Sun trine Uranus, happening between your 2nd house of finances and material possessions and your 10th house of career and public life. Blog archive 2021 (15) February (4) January (11) 2020 (224) … Leo August 2020 Astrology Horoscope Forecast - You're Inspired! What’s interesting about this Mercury-Sun conjunction is that it is at the apex of an aspect pattern called Yod, or Finger Of God. The more love and support you feel from your significant other and from friends, the faster you will recover from whatever has rocked you. We respect your privacy. What does it mean if transit sun conjunct mercury ( finger of god) both conjunct my sun exact in leo 25°. For others of you, you will be very opinionated with regards to your point of view on matters such as religion, philosophy, politics and justice. The Full Moon is at 11° Aquarius and it is square Uranus at 10° Taurus. But, you've got this, and if any zodiac sign can turn a challenge into a triumph, it's you! SUBSCRIBE NOW. The Sun doesn’t need to be something that it is not. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.. Leo Decan 1 born July 23 to Aug 2 Leo Decan 2 born August 3 to 12 Leo Decan 3 born August 13 to 22. The August 2020 full moon falls on the same day as Mercury opposite Saturn and aligns with a Saturn-Mercury natured fixed star. And this can be extremely extremely frustrating… but also extremely extremely productive and rewarding. Track the planets and find out what’s going on in the stars in 2020 with Astrology Answers’ monthly astrology calendar! Expect the unexpected today. August 17th, 2020 – Sun Conjunct Mercury. Every time Uranus changes direction, the world seems to turn upside down. But worry not. What needed to be done has been done. Astrology astrology, forecast. Posted by Barbara Goldsmith at 03:39. You are more cognizant of your fellow man and thus feel more sympathy or empathy towards him. It’s your solar return and a new trip around the Sun always has us focus on ourselves - our physical bodies, our appearance, our attitudes, dispositions and outlook on the world. You’ve probably heard this hundreds of times, but every time we have a Uranus transit, and our reality does get disrupted, this remains a great reminder. Leo (July 22 - August 22) The arrival of Mars in your humanitarian zone brings out the best in your zodiac sign's warm-hearted nature, Leo . Monthly astrology horoscope for the sign of Leo for August 2020. August 2020 Leo Monthly Horoscope - Students: Studies may go on smoothly. The Grand Earth Trine will be active from August 25th until September 10th. You were just getting started! With it having been in your career sector since early last year, you’ve likely been having grand, new visions about how to get your message out there. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Shop All » Shop All » follow susan. Pay attention to any insights that come to you around this date, especially if you have planets or angles around 25° Leo. Pluto may be up for a surprise. Go Shopping. It seems my work area hit the hardest because of Mars. Try to keep your cool (if you can). Expressing yourself verbally, in a way that represents your true nature, will likely be easier today. We can take shelter in Him by chanting Hare Krishna! Defending your ideals will definitely be a thing for you under this transit. Listen to your feelings, to what makes sense to you, to what ‘feels’ right. The Leo New Moon falls on August 18-19, and brings strong solar energy. Astrology Forum – Come Join Us! Reflect on what was going on in your life in the past 4 months, and especially during the Venus Retrograde (May 13th-June 25th). The 6th house was known as the house of slavery in the old days, and it rules tasks that are you don’t really enjoy but need to do to keep the cogs of your business running smoothly. What’s interesting about this Mercury-Sun conjunction is that it is at the apex of an aspect pattern called Yod, or Finger Of God. August 22nd:  Sun moves into Virgo, happening in your second house of finances, assets and material possessions. I am hopeful that good things will come to my way. Adding Jupiter to the mix, all of these things have been amplified and intensified. True, some of us may feel more comfortable seeking the spotlight than others. Happening on 18 August, 2020, this New Moon in the sunny sign of Leo offers us the opportunity to see life on the bright side. All year – Uranus square your decan brings disruption and unexpected change. Also, any turbulence you’ve been experiencing here will subside. The 6th house was known as the house of slavery in the old days, and it rules tasks that are you don’t really enjoy but need to do to keep the cogs of your business running smoothly. AND Mars in Aries squares it. For you, Leo, it’s about having fun, being playful and shining like the Sun! Welcome to the Virgo Season, or that time of the year when you can wear your Virgo hat and do what Virgos do: get organized, take care of your health, get new routines in place, learn new things, and become more productive. Thanks for the article! The Leo astrology prediction 2021 shows this year will increase the temptations to add luxury and comfort in your life. Many people say that the purpose of life is happiness. August’s cosmic weather carries us deeper into the last half of 2020, in the wake of momentous changes, headlong into further developments that are sure to be paradigm-shifting. This could cause feelings to be hurt, issues to come up, and potentially even cause tension in your relationship. written by Elizabeth Gulino. Read what your sign's 2020 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Leo personality profile. You will be especially influenced by Uranus’ station if you have planets or angles around 10° Taurus. August 30th, 2020 Venus in Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn. This phase of the Moon occurs at 26 degrees and 35 minutes of Leo. August 4th:  Mercury moves into Leo, happening in your 1st house of self. August 15th:  Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus, happening in your 10th house of career and public life. (c) 2021 Divine Feminine Works, LLC. Leo Horoscope August 10, 2020 . With Pluto here as well, you’ve likely had some health scares, significant diagnoses, or work-related endings. Best to take shelter of Him, whom every planet and the ruling deities therein worship, Lord Krishna! With Uranus going retrograde, from now until January 2021, you can reevaluate your career and career advancement. The aspect is called “Finger of God” because it literally looks like someone pointing to something very essential about our mission in life. The natal birth chart report provides a detailed analysis of your personality, relationships, soul purpose and direction in life, based on the alignment of the planets at the exact time of your birth. Krishna! On August 18th (in the Americas) or August 19th (in Europe/Asia) we have a New Moon at 26° Leo. You may find yourself spending more money on material possessions and/or taking stock of the assets you have. Full moons tend to be an emotional time, and on this day, emotions regarding relationships, especially your role in them, will come to the surface. Astrology calendars allow you to expect what once was unexpected. Roar the truth. But you may still enjoy sound health, overall. Susan Miller's Astrology Zone Mobile App . August 11th:  Sun trine Mars, happening between your 1st house of self and your 9th house of long distance travel, higher education and ideals. On August 17th, 2020, the Sun is conjunct Mercury at 25° Leo which means we are already in the middle of the current Mercury cycle which started on July 1st, 2020. Expect illumination to occur; the true nature of your partner and/or your relationship will be revealed. A new chapter is finally here. Aries is the individual and Capricorn is the institution. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.. Leo Decan 1 born July 23 to Aug 2 Leo Decan 2 born August 3 to 12 Leo Decan 3 born August 13 to 22. This month, we have the sun’s seasonal passage from regal Leo into conscientious Virgo , setting up the late summer to be a time of grounding and reorganizing. The Age Of Aquarius is around the corner. The new moon in Leo on August 18, 2020 at 7:42 pm PT is all about trying to be joyful amidst the other adjustments that need to occur. And that is the day when I have to go back to the job I don’t like anymore after lockdown (which I loved, all that solitude, felt like I couild not have coped without it with that Pluto transiting all my personal planets one after the other). So if you were planning to do “Mercury things”, Mercury in Virgo (August 20th – September 5th, 2020) is the best time of the year to undertake them. Consuming oily food can bother you with digestive problems. August 2nd gets the gold medal for the most intense day of the month.

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