atmakaraka mercury in 7th house

When Jupiter is in the 7th house of your chart, Spouse will have a well-developed body. According to Jaimini Atmakaraka is strong hence he suffers less from combustion. Previously Mars was considered as Boy friend and Jupiter was considered as Husband. My dob is 3-3-1981 pob is Kolkata and tob is 23:23 . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 5th house in astrology is all about Children, Higher Education, Analytical Bent of Mind, Intelligence, Speculative Gains, Spiritual Pursuits, Stomach Area, Romance, Happiness from Children, Sports. With 4 planets, Sun and Venus too. It is the most important karaka as it signifies the soul’s desire. If multiple planets occupy the 12 th house from Atmakaraka, then the planet with the highest degree in the natal chart will take the lead. This placement gives a partner who is constantly on phone texting or speaking nonstop. 7th house is the house of Marriage And Relationship. ... Atmakaraka Planet is the planet that holds the highest degree in your birth chart. Mercury is the prince planet means planet with a boy like energy but need guidance. Updated July 23, 2018. Overall, matters of 8th house are best keep and deal as a secret but Mercurial nature may often leak such information due to his talkative nature. 7. This placement enables you to earn money from trade and commerce, the legal profession, or any job where literary and mathematical abilities are needed. Mercury here is in the house of Venus – his friend. He is the Atmakaraka as well. So here we should add the characters of Libra, Venus, Vishakha, and Jupiter. During the time of Spouse Prediction We need to check the 7th house, Planets in the 7th house, 7th Lord, Navamsa chart and Darakaraka Planet. This trait may affect the relationship with spouse if native will use his logics instead of emotions. If AK is in the 8th house, the native has many troubles and weaknesses. When Venus is in the 7th house of your chart, the spouse appearance will be very beautiful and fair. If the Moon and Jupiter are in the 7th from Karakamsa, the native will beget a very beautiful wife. Mercury with Jupiter in 10th house is great for role as lecturer or as a diplomat. Afflicted Mercury may give skin related problems. These natives think too much, overanalyzing their feelings but say nothing. 14 August 1988 They are excellent in analyzing the data and do with numbers. Since Mercury is fast moving planet, it may also give fast moving career having many job changes. It is an excellent Yoga for a beautiful Wife in astrology. right Here Elderly means age space is much more than usual. 36. They may be interested in religious activities, this kind of purpose or spiritual duty may trigger a journey to foreign land to explore more. Best placement is with Sun especially if distance between Sun and Mercury is less than twelve degrees to produce Budh-Aditya Yoga. It is not uncommon that people with such a placement have a career as accountants for the government, in tax departments, banks or big multinational companies. It brings fortune, happiness and prosperity to the native. Venus: Venus is the karaka of D9 chart just like Sun , the karaka in D1 chart. Moon in 7th house can give a beautiful wife or handsome husband as per astrology. How much speech will contribute in your life can be seen here, Mercury will add intellect in the speech means these will be excellent in communication and will use this power for their livelihood. The position of the Atmakaraka in 7th house (lagna in 7th from AK) is highly auspicious and blesses the native with a good spouse and the enjoyments of many beneficial associations. Then from the main chart, we can go to the the D-20 Chart/Worship and look for the 7th house from the Atma Karaka in that chart. They can gain a lot of money through stocks using their intuition about buying and selling. My DOB is 02.06.2002 time 5.55pm, Please help me to find out the characteristics of my future husband, Name : Malathi People with Mercury in the 2nd house suffer the least from unemployment as 2nd house represent profession too. Mercury is business minded and articulate, Mercury is the best planet to handle these delicate and critical matters. So Venus will also play important role in determining if you will get a Beautiful Wife. Sun in different HousesMoon in different HousesMars in different HousesMercury in different HousesJupiter in different HousesVenus in different Houses. This placement can give a Medium fair complexion. This is a good placement. Native will be very much interested in higher studies and learning different foreign languages. Analyze the strength, placement, conjunctions of the D1-9th lord in D9 chart. As per Jaimini astrology, If Saturn is placed in the 7th house from Atmakaraka Planet, an elderly spouse can be predicted. Would love to hear from you! Happy Reading! Mercury with Moon is better for doing business related to liquid such as petroleum, chemicals etc. But in case of a Female chart, Mars and Jupiter will be given extra attention. Mercury in 9th house is great for doing business in foreign country. If malefics occupy the third and the Lords of Lagna and the seventh, or the sixth house from the Atmakaraka. If you do not know what is Navamsa, You can Read our Detail article on Navamsa chart. 16.08.1985 Mercury people are attractive with good physical features so native with this placement may have charming personality. 5/16/2020 06:52:47 am. Skin will be very silky smooth. Jupiter, Mars and Sun indicates Medium Fair complexion. If Mercury aspects the 7th lord or placed in the 7th house, Age of spouse will be less and younger spouse can be predicted. If Venus/Moon/Mercury is in the 7th house of Navamsa also, it can give a very Fair complexion to your husband or Wife. 2nd house belongs to eyes, Mercury will make them very observant through eyes. If Atmakaraka is in 9th house, the native is a very pious person and is wealthy and fortunate. When ll b my marriage n how my spouse will look,is there any divorce or cheating husband or any problem in marriage life. The problems with Ketu in the 7th house can be resolved by proper remedies. There are Few Combination Which indicates Beautiful Spouse or Beautiful Wife in a Man’s Chart. Name Ravina They may have good number of siblings. we can use this composite approach in spouse prediction astrology and can get lot of information about Life Partner in astrology. It represents the kind of spouse a person will get, his/her personality and behaviour and whether the spouse will be loving and supporting or not. Venus is the Natural Significator of Marriage and also it is Significator of Wife in a Man’s chart. Venus with Mercury in the 1st house gives a chatty, romantic, and flirt personality, however, good for businesses related to perfumes, jewelry, music, arts, dancing and other Venus businesses. ujjain,mp, Your email address will not be published. 7th house lord and 7th house: D9 is for marriage purpose but 7th house in birth chart should also be seen. Elegance coupled with Beauty is indicated when Sun is in 7th house. However, using his logic he will be able to differentiate between right and wrong. Due to this, these people have very good IQ level. The Bhukti lord Mercury is also the 7th lord in Navamsa. The native is pure in heart, well-intentioned and compassionate to all. My father has atmakaraka moon conjunct jupiter, unfortunately since jupiter is lord of the 6th, the positive aspects of moon atmakaraka was not able to get fully utilized. Afflicted Mercury may add negative vibes in the communication and person may involve in back biting, gossiping or doing such unproductive things which will earn him nothing except loss of Mercurial energy. Venus in 11th house with 7th and 5th lord. Atmakaraka should not only be strong but also very supportive of the lagna and lagnesha. The native having Mercury in fourth house will have a peaceful and blissful enclosure at home. But Now a days the No of Love Marriage has increased and mostly Boys friends become husband. If the benefic planet occupies any of the Kendras (1, 4, 7 and 10) from Atmakaraka planet, the native is certain to attain Rajayoga. In case Mercury is afflicted, some natives with Mercury in 9th house are quite rigid with their views and they may advocate to change. Required fields are marked *. You can write/ask me anything! My Mercury is exalted but conjunction with Jupiter in my tenth house so clearly with three planets in Virgo and Mercury being exalted with my atma and Mercury is my amayatkaraka (indicator of career) conjunct with my atma, I kind of find it ironic we work together in offices next door to each other. May be little bulky. It must be giving serious issues in relationships, marriage and connectivity with new people. Thank you, Date of marriage and want to know about my future husband, U will get hand some husband for sure dont worry chilll!! Mercury and Guru are both trading factors. Moon is the queen of the planetary kingdom and its placement in 7th house is very good. Mercury is planet for merchandise and merchants. Mercurial features will be at stake here. Mercury in the 8th house is a great placement for finances and working in governmental organizations. If from the lords of the first and seventh houses from the Atmakaraka, the fifth house has Jupiter, Venus, or the Moon, the native has political or governmental power or authority. The Position of 7th Lord also needs to be checked. Positive results of Karkansh planet increases when it is placed with any auspicious planet or aspected by auspicious planets. The Sun so related will give a wife confining domestic core while Saturn denotes a … Native will try to stay and enjoy homely environment but Mercury representing short trips will keep them engage in short journeys. Now Lets discuss the physical appearance of spouse in astrology When Jupiter is in 7th house. it is in 10th house. 37. Ability of speech, quality of speech, attracting other through speech all governed by this house. If Venus is strong, marriage shall be a great blessing.The position of the Atmakaraka in 7th house (lagna in 7th from AK) is highly auspicious and blesses the native with a good spouse and the enjoyments of many beneficial associations. personally I have got better results taking Considering Mars as the Significator of Husband. Mercury means speech, analytical abilities, sharp intellect, confidence, knowledge, humor, a person who is thinker, good looking and is brainy. Moon is placed in Libra. However, before reaching to any conclusion overall placement and aspect on Mercury need to be studied carefully. As per Jaimini astrology, If Saturn is placed in the 7th house from Atmakaraka Planet, an elderly spouse can be predicted. 12th house is house of Pisces and Mercury is debilitated in this house. Here we will Majorly Discuss about the Look and Nature of Your Spouse from Astrology. Here Elderly means age gap is more than normal. If the 7th Lord is Aspected by Saturn or if saturn is Placed in the seventh house of navamsa chart, Spouse may be aged and matured. They will either have a strong Venusian influence or perhaps Venus is their AtmaKaraka. However, they can be very critical or detail oriented about marriage. The Dasa and Bhukti lord are in Shashtashtaka or 6-8 positions in the Navamsa. The placement of planet Mercury in 4th house would keep the person attached to the home and family. Planets in the 7th house of Kundli is very important the Appearance of spouse in Astrology. The Actual Age difference will not only Depend on the planets in the 7th house but planets aspecting the 7th house and Planets in the 7th house of Navamsa will also have a Say. Venus is capable of giving the most beautiful partner. However, if Mercury is afflicted then there are possibilities to use these powers in a mischievous way such as how to use the system for their benefit, economic fraud etc. I have tried to give you a overall idea about spouse prediction astrology. When your 7th Sign is Sagittarius or 7th Lord is placed in Sagittarius Sign, It will give your Spouse Medium height, rough skin, slim, looks little aged and not very charming. 4th house is ruled by Moon. In jaimini astrology , there are various karakas for different things . Their rapid mind can always find a solution about what to do to earn money. 11th house is one of upachaya houses means growth & increment of the features and results of the planet placed here, so placement of Mercury indicating Mercury increasing its natural Karaktav. With Sun and mercury combination is in 7th house, Spouse may hail from good family background and may look very young and charming. Their mind is quicker and they learn fast. Do reply. Moreover Mercury-Venus combination in a Male chart where Mercury is Ahead of Venus Degree wise, can give you a Younger Wife. The AtmaKaraka planet, or soul planet, is the one that you have the most karma to work with in this life. Mars being the lord of 4th house in 10th house shows an workaholic person who can be a lawyer. Shall I get married. If the 7th Lord is in the Star of Mercury, Younger Spouse is also Possible. Unmarried, lives with parents. Reply. If you want to know what kind of Spouse you will get, you can read The Nature of Your Spouse from Horoscope. Read : Profession of Spouse from Horoscope. This is the best placement for diplomats and lawyers. An elderly spouse can be predicted as per Jaimini astrology, If Saturn is placed in the 7th house from Atmakaraka Planet. Ketu in 6th has also given him bad health, that is the lowest part of his … For example, if native has studied Engineering then he may join Management Role. It will be better if Mercury is accompanied by some planet in this house as alone Mercury is too weak for the features of 10th house. In case that the native’s natal Mercury is retrograde, the placement would complicate a little bit the house’s matters, leading to over-analyzing the relationships and marriage. Mercury is very fast thinker when it comes to opt for best career or change in career due to any reason. when The 7th Lord of your chart is aspected by Venus or Moon or Mercury, This also indicates a very beautiful spouse in astrology. Moon in the7th is not good as well as the mind vacillates. Venus is the natural atmakaraka in D9 chart. Mercury with Sun is good here, Mercury with Moon may give some misunderstanding in marriage, with Mars it is real bad for marriage and other partnership, with Jupiter it is real good, with Venus it may good for romance but not good for business, with Saturn it is not bad, with Rahu-Ketu it is bad. The native is pure in heart, well-intentioned and … I have also been able to locate … They love talking about topic like spirituality, death, life. He is defeated in war. 7th house: The 7th house is the house of the spouse. Planets in the 12th in the Navamsa … Check the Sign where the 7th Lord is placed. He/She Will have good eye brow, Sharp eyes, loud voice, aggressive nature Medium height. Propitiate as per Saturn or Lord Satya Nārāyana, fast on full Moon days and speak the truth OM TAT SAT. With Atmakaraka in 8th house, the native may be weak and may be troubled. Analyze the strength, placement, conjunctions of the D1-9th lord in D9 chart. Due to features of this house, these people make good lawyers, judges, priests etc. He is the Atmakaraka as well. These natives are expert communicator, easy and friendly, possess sharp mentality. Thanks in advance. Atmakaraka in your chart is Mercury, Mercury is retrograde, hence it shows very strong desires pending from past births. And since Mercury is dual nature planet, it is quite possible that native will have more than one relationship and keeping them all using his intellect. Planets like Sun or Mars with Mercury will make him argumentative, Jupiter is good with Mercury for professional results but bad for health, Mercury with Venus could promote lustful activities, Mercury with Saturn is great for Software Sector, Mercury with Moon is good for profession but bad for mental health. Propitiate as per Saturn or Lord Satya Nārāyana, fast on full Moon days and speak the truth OM TAT SAT. But We cannot Neglect 7th house of Navamsa (D9) and Lagna Lord of Navamsa. For this reason he may travel to foreign countries. If venus is in the amsa of Mars or in the house of saturn without any benefic aspect, there could be sexual perversions. Moreover in Nadi astrology Mars is the Significator of Husband. So in 7th house even if it is exalted, some significance of 7th house will suffer. If AK is in 7th house, the native is blessed with a clean heart and many joys. Hence, don’t forget to analyze the strength, placement, conjunctions of venus in D9 chart. Propitiate as per Saturn or Lord Satya Näräyaëa, fast on full Moon days and speak the truth. This is one of the best placement of Mercury if accompanied by a strong planet, Mercury alone would limit the scope. The ruler of Libra is Venus. Important House and Planets in Marriage Astrology, Important Planets to predict Spouse Looks from Kundali, Appearance of Future Husband or Wife As per the different Signs, Spouse Physical Appearance in Vedic astrology when 7th Lord is Placed in Sagittarius, Spouse Appearance & Look when 7th Lord is Placed in Capricorn, Appearance of Spouse in astrology when 7th Lord is Placed in Aquarius, Spouse Physical Appearance in Vedic Astrology when 7th Lord is Placed in Pisces, Combination for Beautiful spouse or Beautiful wife in astrology, Combination for handsome Spouse or handsome husband in astrology, What will my future husband or wife look like according to astrology, Age Gap Between Husband and Wife in Astrology, If you have any query regarding your prospective life partner Looks,Nature and character or overall married Life or timing of marriage, You can. 12th house will not let the native grow with his Mercurial skill sets. Venus and Libra govern lawyers, so an emphasized seventh house can point into this direction, too. at Mercury will fill his mind with never ending thoughts and make him talk more rather than studying. Conjunction of Upapada Lagna with Mercury Can also give a Life Partner Younger to you. He may have communication problem, lack of knowledge. He or she becomes a high administrative government officer if Atmakaraka is exalted or placed in his own or benefic Navamsa. So if your 7th house is occupied by planets like Saturn, Rahu or Ketu,the complexion of your Spouse will be Wheatish or Dark. Mercury also shows business oriented mind. The native is pure in heart, well-intentioned and compassionate to all. Now I will give Some Hints about the age difference between the Husband and Wife according to Planets influencing the 7th house. Such natives have a strong fascination for young and attractive members of the opposite sex. At the same time 6th lord placed in 12th house also creates Harsha Yoga. Such natives are always have any kind of side job apart from their regular job where they will use their intellect such as coaching, tuitions, work from home, running a website etc. In jaimini astrology , there are various karakas for different things . This placement makes them great writer too. In the given example chart Venus is the Atmakaraka having the highest degree in Taurus. Native may be a good writer, speaker or some entrepreneur. Keeping number 12 as lagna prepare the chart keeping all other planets the same as in your birth chart. Approximate Age difference can be found from your Horoscope. He/she will be unimpressive look. Weak Mercury will take more time to accomplish their goals. These people may be poet, writer, storyteller, dream-interpreter, astrologer or some humanitarian. Mercury here is in the house of Venus – his friend. Check the planets in the 7th house of your Chart. Mars or Sun will not give your Husband a Medium complexion but Venus or Moon will give your Husband very fair complexion. 6th house is debts, disease, enemies, service etc. If Atmakaraka is placed in a benefic sign or in benefic Navamsa, the native becomes rich. If AK is in 8th house, the native has many troubles and weaknesses. Rahu is included and should be counted backwards from the beginning of the sign in order to find its position in the hierarchy of chara … So When Mercury is in 7th house of your Main Rashi chart or Navamsa chart, it can give you Younger Spouse. 6.52pm Natives with Mercury in 8th house should try their level best not to leak their knowledge or secrets to others. Such people spend a lot of time socializing for communication and information purposes. Native may be confused as he is studying and what he should study. Here I am going to use a composite method for spouse prediction in astrology.If you face any problem, You can take Our Marriage Consultation which will give you all the details about your Spouse. Transit Saturn was in Virgo in the Navamsa 7th house which also happens to be the 7th sign from the Navamsa Moon. Atmakaraka in the 9th house is one of the highest degree of position in the vedic philosophy. Sun & Mercury in the 1st house is great. Therefore both 9th house and the Atmakaraka are the Treasure points of the navamsa chart. At the same time, they will be very prone to the anxiety and issues related to the mental and nervous health. Placement of Mars as co-planet will further aggravate the situation as now harshness and aggression will add in the communication leading to break of marriage or business partnership. If you have Saturn in the 7th house of your Rashi chart or Navamsa chart, it can give you Older Wife. How to do a proper Kundali Matching for Marriage, Astrological combination for divorce and separation. In the same way if Mercury is posited in the 7th house from Atmakaraka planet a younger spouse can be predicted. Mercury in seventh house is a good placement for work with the public. The Sun so related will give a wife confining domestic core while Saturn denotes a wife of a higher age bracket, or a pious/sick wife. Planets in the 1st house will influence your physical appearance and Planets in the 7th house will influence the Physical appearance, thinking etc of your Life Partner. The analysis laid down in the preceding and should be carried out for the stronger of the two planets- the owner of the eighth house from the Atmakaraka and the owner of the eighth from the seventh house from the Atniakaraka, i. e., the owner of the second house from Atmakaraka and result drawn with regard to the length of life accordingly. Using the bhavat bhavam concept , the 7th house is 10th from the 10th house . The placement of Mercury in fifth house represents a good balance between mind and emotions as these natives are intellectual and sentimental. On good side, these people like to keep their mind alert, like riddles, puzzles, uncovering mysteries of the things around. If it’s positioned in 10th house from ascendant or with 10 lords it creates a Raja Yoga of prosperity and fame through a career as well. Jupiter in the 7th house will give your Spouse Medium height. When Mercury is in the 7th house of your chart, spouse will be fair, good looking, witty, jolly, talkative and intelligent. Speech is strong significance of 2nd house. They may become a successful professor or lecturer. Jupiter in 7th house spouse Look . Along with the Main Birth Chart or Kundli, You Should also check the Navamsa Kundli as well. After getting all these results you need to make permutation and combination to get the final result. What will happen to me after my parents. For example, if your Darakaraka is in the 7th house, then your future husband or wife is very relationship oriented or you will have a business together. If AK is in the 7th house, the native is blessed with a clean heart and many joys. 35. Mercury in 9th house makes the person to use his logic to question to the existing spiritual, philosophical, religious, social norms, tradition and customs. Determine the 7th house lord in D1 chart. I would like to bring some point in front of you which will help you to find answer to queries like how will my husband look like or how will my wife look like with astrology. The 7th house occupied by Venus or Moon. Dob 28/05/95 Mercury is the planet of siblings, this placement may damage the relationship to siblings, could be death of sibling or dissolution of relationship. Venus in the said house denotes a sensuous wife while Mercury indicates a wife versed in arts. Malicious Mercury may lead to a legal problem related to some inheritance or finances, may cause death to some close one – friend or relative. Venus is the karaka for marriage/spouse/marital happiness. He/She will be very childish and innocent in their look. As per Vedic astrology The future spouse characteristics will be very soft spoken, loyal and jovial. It also governs … Voice will be very deep and may not be very charming. the native becomes a commander in the army. May be little bulky. They can become great accountants. Due to the influence of Sun, Your Wife or husband will come from a respectable family. If these two planets control your 11H/1H/2H/5H/9H & also placed in any one of these houses that’ll increase the power of this good yoga. For ex: If a native has Scorpio ascendant and Virgo ascendant is in Navamsa… then though mars and mercury are enemies…..but if Jupiter happens to be in Navamsa lagan then since Jupiter is the freind of mars ….so the bad influence would be reduced….an astrologer should be very careful while analyzing things… 2) If the lord of Navamsa lagan is present in 2nd or 11th house of … Do Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka lose power if they … We have to use the above mentioned points in co-relation with planets. If afflicted then they may suffer from nervous breakdown (Mercury rules the nervous system), troubles due to their expressive and talkative personality, possibilities of speech related issues. Rahu in this context will bring a widow in marriage. If Your 7th house is having Mars or Sun, It will give you a very well built physique to your Husband. Venus in the said house denotes a sensuous wife while Mercury indicates a wife versed in arts. Adversely aspected Mercury may give speech problem. Mars will give your Spouse a good height. When Mars is in the 7th house of your chart, Spouse appearance will be beautiful, slim and athletic in structure. Now Lets Discuss about the Physical appearance of Your future Husband or Wife according to the placement of 7th Lord in different Sign. It is good if Mercury is accompanied here with Sun or Venus. When we are talking about aged spouse, it means the age difference between wife and husband will be more than normal. sir 7th lord sun in 11th house along with mercury and venus(not combust), mars in 4th house and no planet in 7th house, jupiter in 6th along with ketu and darakaraka is saturn in 12th house capricon along with atmakaraka rahu..please tell about the kind of spouse. Please help me sir. Now Lets discuss the about the spouse looks from kundali When Saturn is in 7th house. Venus, Moon and Mercury in the 7th house of your chart indicates that your Spouse will have a Very Fair complexion. The sign and house which the Atmakaraka is placed will show what your heart desires to have during this birth. Further, with Mercury in 1st house, person speaks a lot even when there is no need to speak, this is another annoying feature. The amatyakaraka is seen as a significator of your career . 7. See Atmakaraka (the highest degree ... Now, see D-60 Karkamsha, Virgo is ascendant. Hence, don’t forget to analyze the strength, placement, conjunctions of venus in D9 chart. 8. Mercury blesses the native with a wife who is talented in the fine arts and Saturn a … If Mercury is weak this feature may work against him as native may not be able to differentiate between good and bad friends. If the Moon and Jupiter are in the 7th from Karakamsa, the native will beget a very beautiful wife. If Venus is strong, marriage shall be a great blessing.The native will be popular with his/her in laws and business associates. If we want to know Age of Spouse through astrology, exact age can not be predicted. Mercury in the 7th House: 7th house is primarily marriage & partnership house. Mercurial qualities are suitable for this house provided it is in good shape here. This placement get good support from elder sibling as 11th house represents elder siblings. A person with Mercury in the seventh house could do well in professions such as psychology, counseling, public relations. When your 7th Sign is Aries or 7th Lord is placed in Aries Sign, it will give your Spouse Medium height. Now Lets discuss the physical appearance of spouse in astrology When Jupiter is in 7th house. Combustion of Atmakaraka gives spiritual insight. male These people can be very good writer, speaker or even artists. When your 7th Sign is Leo or 7th Lord is placed in Leo Sign, It will give your Spouse Good athletic figure, well developed body, good loud voice, attractive personality. 7. 12th house is not so ideal place for Mercury. The analysis laid down in the preceding and should be carried out for the stronger of the two planets- the owner of the eighth house from the Atmakaraka and the owner of the eighth from the seventh house from the Atniakaraka, i. e., the owner of the second house from Atmakaraka and result drawn with regard to the length of life accordingly. Mercury dealing with finance may lead a debt situation and working hard without thinking about body needs may lead to diseases. 7th house is MKS for Mercury and Mars both. If Mercury is somehow connected to the 5th house then he will be excellent in any kind of speculative profession. See that atmakaraka is placed in which house in D9 chart. So Now Lets discuss the effect of the Sign on your spouse appearance.

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