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We know Bill Gates wants to introduce ID2020 and to use nano-technology with his vaccine. I know your family's concerned about it, too. James, please make a video akin to the climate change video ( ) showing all of the contradictions in the official recommendations and rules related to the novel coronavirus. this component is nicknamed gulo. It is somewhat like a small toilet block colors the whole flush. the video link to dr marik illustrates the importance of vitamin-c for the immune system. is it revenge he is after? NORAH O'DONNELL: Yes, but you're suggesting that we have to change every single aspect of our lives. If I may ask the discerning Corbetteer Community an off topic question, could I have some opinions about the genuineness of Scott Horton from please. Researchers in Washington state are behind both of those ideas. When this documentary context is placed under the light of other such vaccine projects (polio, gardasil) that have both seriously maimed and even killed children who would’ve otherwise been able to reproduce you get a pretty drastic definition of population reduction. Hats off to both you guys – Incredibly well-polished series of videos jam-packed with factual information. Now, you’ve been an advocate of Aadhaar, you’ve supported it, you’ve defended it. Sure, I’m glad you asked! In previous posts I posted this as the “smoking gun”. Fortuitously I came across a new You Tuber today with a site called Alchemystica where there were some short videos on this subject. Last week my wife tried to get into the local food co-op down there and they wouldn’t let her in without wearing a mask. and you rarely take a breath in these episodes. Then roll them out on the unsuspecting masses of normies, for ‘health and safety’ reasons. The unimaginable wealth that Gates has accrued is now being used to purchase something much more useful: control. For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode. I mean, that is one of the-- and living in the United States of America and other modern economies, energy is incredibly cheap. Follow-up videos go about the censorship of this talk scientific studies related to the virus. Expert-tested essentials for hunting deer, elk, ducks, birds, and beyondFrom Popular Mechanics. wow… thanks Duck, i hadnt heard about that clip, tried to find but to no avail- however… The very purpose of a globally integrated ID grid and cashless payment architecture is to remove privacy from our lives. If the virus would have mutated by itself extensively, It causes wildfires. He led the creation of the world’s largest biometric ID system. Songs like yours ‘d fit the bill, could make all sorts of trouble (and maybe get harassed or arrested). I want to send you much strength for your work and yourself to continue it. Words can only say so much – but a symbol, a picture can contain “1,000 words” – it isn’t something to be taken lightly. Summer nights outside. The story does not ring true. The new world order is mystery babylon – that is its roots – rome is the modern day church of babylon literally. our ancient ancestors had their ascorbate produced in their livers, always enough in spite of substantial fluctuations in their need. Also these: Together with others in the meeting, including George Soros, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, they’re worth more than $125 billion. Your car, your beef, products will be labeled according to their emissions intensity, and you need to show a preference. I have also contacted the liberty center to find out what more can be done to prevent this, not just for me, but for citizens in the US as well. I find the views of these Christians there quite interesting. it is such a simple matter of logic, even i as an electronic technician can understand that. You talk to my kids, I have preteens, essentially, and they have learned about how much methane and cow flatulence contributes to climate change. NORAH O'DONNELL: And Bill Gates' book, "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster," is out today. On Bill’s mom Mary Maxwell Gates, per Wikipedia: You know, the negative effects, the fact that a few degrees rise causes tornadoes and the sea level to go up, that's not intuitive to people. Oprah is Wonder Woman, Let’s not crawl too far up his ass. By Intermission, I would have to grab an old shirt to wipe off the inside fog from the window. That is why it is a letter, and not a peer-reviewed research. Really Mr. Gates? Watch out homey, Rogan may move down to a lot next to yours. There are not a lot of Bill Gates lovers out there., HRC- That gallery is the best! good point- he would have LIKED to make Windows as locked up as Apple products but Apple was smoother and better branded. you can even find it at wikipedia. The rich cry as well. Do you talk about climate change? To sum up: I understood you plenty well enough. Unsurprisingly, the company receives support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through its involvement in the GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab. For Good Morning America, John Berman, ABC News. So your question is a super good question. I thought the microchip implanted in the hand would be the only form of the “Mark of the Beast” that we should all avoid: “And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. and they’ll all come to know where he came up with the name “Microsoft”. And so the scale of the change where we've set ourselves a goal of having this all done and getting to zero by 2050, that's very daunting. “Reproductive health” now means limiting the number of children women bring into the world, not to ensue the actual health of the mother and the baby. That is, the overall cost won't be worse. In October 2014, 6 additional vials were obtained by Catholic doctors and were tested in 6 accredited laboratories. I was going out a playing at the local open mics around Asheville before the plandemic started, but I am not sure if that is ever going to return at this point unless the majority of people get their heads out of their ass. We need to vastly accelerate how much we build that out because we'll be using electricity for more things, like the passenger car battery recharge, or you know, instead of natural gas to heat your house, you'll use what's called an electric heat pump. The mutations work like a clock. And so the more disease burden that there is, the more kids they have to have to have that high probability. Why would they agree to change if it's going to cost them more? I strongly recommend this paper as a full read for subscribers of the CR. Testing vaccines with a good study and a real placebo if you see it a thousand times, it must be true. Yep, nostalgia HRS, I was brought up on Drive-In (back home in Africa)…family affair on the weekends, movie nights, roll down the window to affix the speakers, which were the crackliest things ever, take-out food and playground in front of (below) the screen. And the lack of an ID system is a problem, not just for the payment system, but also for voting and health and education and taxation. One woman -> two healthy babies just to maintain the status quo. NICK HARPER: The University of Pittsburgh is where the polio vaccine was first discovered. Over the next 15 years, as the cost of the batteries come down, their capacity goes up, you get more charging points, you get quick 15-minute charging, the electric car won't have a green premium. because of Christianity going mainstream and so displaying the espoused ‘nice’ values became cool and a virtue signal… EVEN IF MOST PEOPLE REALLY DID NOT CARE MUCH. 52:00 She talks about the non-natural source of the virus Mr. Gates, thank you so much for joining us. I know I’ve had to. It would be best to watch the rest of the video rather then immediately assume it’s meaning but most people are in a rush for the headline message. NOTE: Dr. Merick adds Thiamine (Vitamin B1) to the Vitamin C IV drip. Interview Whitney Webb with Last American Vagabond And here’s Mrs. Sara Cunial’s speech (member of parliament in Rome) to the Italian parliament in which she exposes Gates and others. needs to be grown on a human cell culture. Close contact seemed to be of no concern for police and citizens. ‘..I don’t think in this case the “crime “ of gaming the system is wrong in this case…’, Me neither, I was just making the point that if you are forced to be a criminal then at “some point”you will be punished or stoped from doing so even though you may be morally right. “ICU nurses discuss vitamin C therapy for Sepsis” – DYNAMIC TESTIMONIAL To pretend that ‘Jewish’ (in the sense of people who identify as jewish even if non religious) political influence is equal to their 1 or 2 % of the population is also silly. Maybe the old grand master hops through a portal and embellishes the event. I apologize if this has already been posted. cutting relations on an empathic level but inadvertedly promoting relations on a rational level. I can’t imagine that Bill Gates is very well adjusted. ad, Joe Rogan Leaving Youtube For Spotify & $100 million NORAH O'DONNELL: I want to, for the climate doubters that may be watching, you lay out examples of how temperatures could rise across the globe if we don't do something and act quickly. this is the ham question indeed. we would like to bring this information out to a public that is not necessarily aware yet of false flag attacks, wars on false premises and its accompanying structural societal transformations and the role of the propaganda machine of the Main Stream Media there in. Rep. Matt Gaetz on CPAC panel with tech CEO who helped organize ‘Patriot Caravans’ to Capitol protest. The symbology behind all of this is a study in itself. Cats and Ferrets can get Covid-19 so this is important for contain and control of these possible reservoirs. Perfect fashion garb for the next protest! how can 95% of the world population have a ‘medical condion’? Not fighting bad guys, but fighting for good, nonetheless. I agree Home Remedy Supply – I have grown up in the foothills of the Microsoft footprint and throughout my lifetime I have witnessed the hubris & meglomania and what has fueled it in close proximity and in person. People are lazy and stupid and unless they actually fear the result or despise the idea WILL go along to get along, From Cheers! What if SARS-COV2 is a naturally occurring virus in the human body? Then there is the talk of contact tracing people who go out to restaurants when things open up- I am not doing that shit. Don’t you lay me supine, I make English subtitles which can be used for translation and the transcript above does not include this part. Because vaccines make people extra healthy as well as happy and when they are healthy and happy they reproduce less… dear god, I can see the light! And then we can debate the tactics to achieve the goal. You know, we've got to have a strong enough consensus that this becomes more of a bipartisan issue. . Especially without even reading the abstract. While it is certain that it is not. But, to put it into use and to “tattoo” on people against their will, putting a barcode on them to collect biometric data is clearly a human rights violation and a violation of our constitutional rights here in the US as well. He is innocent of the charge, and to quibble with something like this is, dare I say it, contrived. a remark on your remark about dr mercola’s and dr rowens’ c-consumption: perhaps they belong to the insiders who probably have some gulo replacement for themselves. This struck me!… I am not going to take the vaccine, especially something that will mark me and make every interaction I engage in for view by the state. of course, the presentation is fabulous, the information is interesting, but the context is totally missing. “….At the same time, I would think it would be a mistake to sit back and drop out and just let things roll on through…’. Frank may have indeed been helped by the Jewish organization, but with so many sex offenders who got off lightly, to make a video about this specific guy and the Jewish group that helped him, among the background of sprinkling some other vids with the Jewish card, it becomes a trend. A car would pull up next to a pole, then take the speaker and hang it on the glass window., Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Taylor Swift, Bill Gates & Others To Join Obamas For YouTube’s Virtual Commencement Special – Update Nilekani’s involvement in Aadhaar has even made him one of Gates’s “heroes,” featured in slick video promotions produced by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Oh, goody. Warren Buffet is Batman, William Henry Gates III = 1206 or 12+6 = 18 or 666. “Bill & Melinda Gates: An Open Source Investigation” Duck he long ago said he was Asperger’s, which the last Diagnostic Statistics Manual did away with. And similar variants are showing up around the world. I just hope that there is much resistance in this world to break away from this corrupt system. The paper has a number of sloppy and misleading references. the only thing ‘normal’ is to be healthy. You know, Tesla and many of the companies are now focusing on making these cars. GATES: The bold move to demonetize high value denominations and replace them with new notes with higher security features is an important step to move away from a shadow economy to an even more transparent economy. I am not in a position to take a huge stand and publically expose myself more than I have done at the time being. Now WE at the CR REALLY NEED TO see this recent& more intensive article boy.. not all aspies are vax caused- If he is after revenge (as an ASD person it would be against the chaos and lack of understandability in the world. Surely it is Saint Bill himself, out of his own mouth, who conflates these two ideas, and James did nothing more than analyse this fact. What is interesting to me is with all his outright failures, which any one of them would ruin the life of most, he is granted clemecy by the court of public opinion and been able to continue often failing again. Ofcom said the company that owns the UK licence for China Global Television Network (CGTN) doesn't have day-to-day control over the channel, which is against its rules. as a result, the whole system has been switched off ever since. SOURCE: Mid-term review 2018 – Michael Froman and Seth Berkley. A ‘crown’. It is bizarre that he wants shape the world to his liking. I saw a clip where Rogan was talking about Dallas, Austin or Houston. So why do you believe that climate change is the toughest challenge humanity will ever face? did you ever try to explain anything of the horrors of our time to anybody else? And so there's no animal cruelty. He stumbles over words and cannot hide his ulterior motives. I did not know about the vaccine tattoo. The linked Zerohedge article below exposes a hidden agenda behind Nature Magazine (a source, many who claimed to be well informed, use to “Fact Check”),, It appears that many of the characters (like Rhodes, and his followers) who worked to bring American under the control of British Rule, founded “Nature Magazine” as a Means to use (manipulate) Science to effect (Infect) the Minds of Americans, and put the World Bankers back in control. An older and wiser monk saw this and sought to teach him a lesson. [seriously?!, UPDATE UPDATE – July 16, 2020 part of propaganda is exactly isolating stories from their context, combining partial truth with damn lies. Anyone know of a group in non violent action against this crapola? Yes, lacing those lots of tetanus vax with HCG was obviously wrong, but it should also be noted that a known sterilization agent, polyscorbate 80, is an openly stated ingredient that is regularly used in vaccines (and it makes the blood brain barrier more permeable; allowing other vaccine ingredients, like neurotoxins, to enter the brain). Since the Human Genome Project completed the first draft of its reference genome, decoding the human genetic code has been transformed from a multibillion-dollar endeavor into a relatively inexpensive commercial service. Vigilant Citizen is, in my view, a very good website. We all know where that could lead. Here is a short SUB-THREAD which has some archived comic book images and transcript of the May 2009 ABC report and NBC story. NORAH O'DONNELL: So let me ask you, what lessons can we learn about what's happening in Texas? Posts like this are one of the reasons I suggest people always read the comments here after they’ve taken in James’s videos/articles. We need corporate America, as they're buying things, as they're building new buildings, as they're having their employees fly around the world, we need them to devote some money to buying green aviation fuel, to doing their building projects and bootstrapping the demand for the green construction products. When you’re forcibly controlling the number of women getting pregnant today, you’re forcibly reducing both population growth and the number of people on the planet tomorrow which means you’re reducing the number of people on the planet. He could also cater the event. Apparently not, in the US at least. NORAH O'DONNELL: Let's turn now to the pandemic, because you warned more than a decade ago that we would face a global health crisis like we do today. SOURCE: Bill Gates’s Heroes in the Field: Nandan Nilekani, And Gates has personally praised the Aadhar scheme as “a huge asset for India.”. fear may lead to acute c-depletion, in particular by the end of winter, shutting off your brain as well as your immune system. People will often not even watch or read what i provide them with, because it wrenches their guts. And so the discussion now is, do we just need to get a super high coverage of the current vaccines, or do we need a third dose that's just the same, or do we need a modified vaccine? GATES: Well, Aadhar is just something that avoids you pretending to be somebody else. My dates never would go for the trunk idea. It takes the Gates’ strongest arguments to the point where you are almost in agreement, like when they say that the digital ID in India is crucial to being able to have access to land, rights, bank accounts etc… you might catch yourself saying ‘that’s actually a good idea’. This guy is incredible: Rows of “mounded hills” circled the screen, so that cars could park facing upwards towards the screen. Gates: “And so it’s a wonderful thing to go in and create a broad identification system.”. Contact RFK Jr’s group to see what kinds of activism and/or class-action lawsuits you can support anonymously and financially. SOURCE: Pharmaceutical companies scramble to produce coronavirus vaccine. 34:00 (mineral oil is enough to replace the toxic chemicals in vaccines) Even more worryingly, newly obtained documents show that the Indian government is integrating Aadhaar-collected data to create a “360-degree database” that will “automatically track when a citizen moves between cities, changes jobs, or buys new property” and integrate that data into a real-time  geo-spatial database built by the country’s space agency, ISRO.

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