is a penguin a secondary consumer

Feathers of the head and back are black and sharply delineated from the white belly, pale-yellow breast and bright-yellow ear patches. Its most common prey is fish which are primary consumers. In the Antarctic food chain krill are primary consumers and baleen whales, penguins, seals and many kinds of fish and other birds are secondary consumers when feeding on krill. Furthermore, secondary consumers inhabit all types of habitats as they have a vast amount of food sources available. Tertiary Consumers. These are animals who feed on primary consumers. The penguin is our secondary consumer because it eats krill which is our primary consumer. A.krill B.elephant seal C.squid D.penguin They are thus called the top predators. Lastly the Tertiary consumer gets its energy from consuming the secondary consumer. That is because if the Humboldt Penguins didn't exist, the consumers that eat fish will diminish, causing sea creatures to overpopulate. On the other hand, some examples of omnivorous secondary consumers are humans, bears, skunks, etc. Lion, hawks, snakes, coyotes, wolves, and spiders are a few terrestrial secondary consumers. The Leopard Seal The Leopard Seal eats mainly penguin s including the King, Adelie, Rockhopper, Gentoo, and Emperor penguin species. The emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and is endemic to Antarctica.The male and female are similar in plumage and size, reaching 100 cm (39 in) in length and weighing from 22 to 45 kg (49 to 99 lb). Its most common prey is fish which are primary consumers. In the Antarctic food chain krill are primary consumers and baleen whales, penguins, seals and many kinds of fish and other birds are secondary consumers when feeding on krill. Also, they widely range in size and shape. The penguin is a secondary consumer because it consumes first order consumers. Carnivores only eat meat, or other animals. If it eats an animal that itself is a consumer it is a secondary consumer as the second consumer in the food chain. They usually eat meat and are termed as predators. Which organism is a primary consumer? 1. Spiders, snakes, and seals are all examples of carnivorous secondary consumers. Secondary Consumers. They are the ones who feed on secondary consumers. Cards show producers, primary and secondary consumers. Secondary consumers (also known as 3rd order consumers) are the 3rd trophic level. Is a Emperor Penguin a primary secondary or tertiary consumer? _In this article, we will learn about 3 of the oceans tertiary consumers. Some secondary consumers are large predators, but even the smaller ones often eat herbivores bigger than they are in order to get enough energy. Many animals are a mixture of primary, secondary, tertiary (3rd) and quaternary (4th) consumers as they eat a variety of prey. The penguin is a secondary consumer because it consumes first order consumers. Some examples of carnivorous secondary consumers are snakes, spiders, and seals. Secondary consumers get their energy from eating the primary consumers. The diagram shows an ocean food web. Secondary consumers can be sorted into two groups: carnivores and omnivores. Its predators are the Killer Whale and some large sharks. There is also an additional set of threat cards that will illustrate what happens when any individual species in the web declines and how many threats would affect all the species in the ecosystem. An interactive game that highlights the relationships between various species in a food web.

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