islr chapter 3 question 15

In simple regression, we determined the \( t \)-statistic. Chapter 2: Statistical Learning (slides, playlist) Assessing Model Accuracy and Bias-Variance Trade-off (10:04) Classification Problems and K-Nearest Neighbors (15:37) Lab: Introduction to R (14:12) Take the weekly Moodle quiz to assess your learning by Friday of week 2. This value suggests Mobil Oil's stock is The better way to assess collinearity is through the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). The forward selection model would then become: This process of adding predictors is continued until some statistical stopping rule is satisfied. A dataset that includes both of these predictor should only include one of them for regression purposes, to avoid the issue of collinearity. I found this textbook (ISLR by James, Witten, Hastie, and Tibshirani) online and it seems like a great resource. There are 2 main assessments for how well a model fits the data: RSE and \( R^2 \). The value of RSE and whether or not it is acceptable will depend on the context of the problem. 12 min read, 8 Aug 2020 – Chapter 3 Solutions to Exercises 8 3.9 (a) The model is a simple regression model because it can be written as yxe=+ +ββ12 where y = rj − rf, x = rm − rf, β1 = αj and β2 = βj. The most common hypothesis test involves testing the null hypothesis versus the alternative hypothesis: These can also be written mathematically as: So, how do we determine if \( \beta_{1} \) is non-zero? ISLR Chapter 10 - Unsupervised Learning. If the leverage statistic of a data point is greatly higher than the average leverage, then we have reason to suspect high leverage. The red data point below represents an example of an outlier that would greatly impact the slope of a linear regression model. Is at least one of the predictors useful in predicting the response? The best estimates for the coefficients (\( \beta_{0}, \beta_{1} \)) are obtained by finding the regression line that fits the training dataset points as closely as possible. \( p=100 \)), about 5% of the coefficients will have low \( p \)-values less than 5% just by chance. This process is called variable selection, and there are three approaches: forward selection, backward selection, and mixed selection. However, in multiple linear regression, adding more predictors to the model will always result in an increase in \( R^2 \). Non-linear transformations, such as log-transformation, of the predictors could be a simple method to solving the issue. Chapter 2, Question 2. Confidence intervals are determined through the \( \beta \) coefficient estimates and their inaccuracy through the standard errors. #code to drop the column we're regressing on. The chart below demonstrates an example of collinearity. If the errors are uncorrelated, there should not be a pattern. Similar to the \( t \)-statistic, the \( F \)-statistic also allows us to determine the \( p \)-value, which ultimately helps decide whether or not a relationship exists. RSS is a measure of variability in the response variable after regression is performed. In some cases, the true relationship between the predictors and response may be non-linear. Even if we knew the true values of the \( \beta \) coefficients, we would not be able to predict the response variable perfectly because of random error \( \epsilon \) in the model, which is an irreducible error. Gareth James Deputy Dean of the USC Marshall School of Business E. Morgan Stanley Chair in Business Administration, Professor of Data Sciences and Operations Proper linear models should have residual terms that are uncorrelated. In this example, we have three ethnicity levels, so we create two dummy variables. ... 1 15.3 ## 3 income 2.79 1 1.67 ## 4 cards 1.45 1 1.20 ## 5 age 1.05 1 1.03 ## 6 married 1.04 1 1.02 ## # … with 4 more rows . It is possible for collinearity to exist between multiple variables instead of pairs of variables, which is known as multicollinearity. Brett Montague | Powered by Pelican. It contains a number of variables for \(777\) different universities and colleges in the US. Chapter 3 Question 15 This problem involves the Boston data set, which we saw in the lab for this chapter. ISLR chapter 03. A quadratic model of the following form would be a great fit to the data: \[ MPG = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}(Horsepower) + \beta_{2}(Horsepower)^2 \]. 13 min read, 9 Aug 2020 – Tracking is where adjacent residuals have similar signs. Q3-1 E3-1 * 2. Then, variables are added one by one, exactly as done in forward selection. 3.3 Other Considerations in the Regression Model 3.3.1 Qualitative Predictors There can be a case when predictor variables can be qualitative. In general, we say that: Using the example of the final statistician salary regression model, we would conclude that: The true population regression line represents the "true" relationship between \( X \) and \( Y \). Summary of Chapter 10 of ISLR. If there is some kind of pattern in the residual plot, then it is an indication of potential non-linearity. View Chapter3_Q15 from MSBA 101 at University of Texas. ISLR (Print7), Chapter 4: 1-3, 10, 11, and Bonus question 4* (You don't need to work on it; but if you work on it, bonus credit will be given to you). If there is a relationship, we generally expect the \( F \)-statistic to be greater than 1. The additive assumption means that the effect of changes in some predictor \( X_{j}\) on the response is independent of the values of the other predictors. Simple linear regression assumes a linear relationship between the predictor (\( X \)) and the response (\( Y \)). The dataset is represented below as a 3D scatter plot with an X, Y, and Z axis. This is because when the number of predictors is large (e.g. Deadline: Feb 27, 2018. Reducible error isn't the only type of error that is present in regression modeling. Sometimes it is possible for the interaction term to have a low p-value, yet the main terms no longer have a low \( p \)-value. So, how do we estimate how accurate the least squares regression line is as an estimate of the true population regression line? Therefore, in this scenario, choosing whether or not to reject the null hypothesis based on the individual \( p \)-values would be flawed. 3.3 Other Considerations in the Regression Model 3.3.1 Qualitative Predictors. The RSE is a measure of the standard deviation of the random error term (\( \epsilon \)). For every one increase in some predictor \( X_{j} \), the prediction changes by \( \beta_{j} \), on average, Null Hypothesis \( H_{0} \): No relationship between the \( X \)s and \( Y \), Alternative Hypothesis \( H_{1} \): At least one predictor has a relationship to the response, \( H_{0} \): \( \beta_{1}=\beta_{2}=\beta_{3}=...=0 \), \( H_{1} \): At least one \( \beta_{j} \cancel= 0 \). ISLR v1.2. Collinearity refers to the situation in which 2 or more predictor variables are closely related. # Shortcut to join all column names, as we can't do this easily across all predictors in statsmodelformula, # code to join all dataframe column names. Replacing $\sigma$ with $\sigma_k$ in the second equation in question 2 and not ignoring the term $\frac ... Estimate the probability that a student who studies for 40h and has an undergrad GPA of 3.5 gets an A in the class. It also reduces the accuracy of the estimates of the regression coefficients by causing the coefficient standard errors to grow, thus reducing the credibility of hypothesis testing. Two of the most important assumptions state that the relationship between the predictors and response are additive and linear. Knowing how to mathematically calculate the standard error is not important, as programs like R will determine them easily. High leverage is determined through the leverage statistic. Lab: Random Forests and Boosting (15:35) Ch 9: Support Vector Machines . Logistic regression, LDA, and KNN are the most common classifiers. We'd simply use that logic to create a new column for the dummy variable in the data, and use that for regression purposes: But what if the qualitative variable had more than two levels? Forward selection begins with a null model with no predictors: Then, 10 different simple linear regression models are built for each of the predictors: \[ Balance = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}(Income) \], \[ Balance = \beta_{0} + \beta_{2}(Limit) \], \[ Balance = \beta_{0} + \beta_{3}(Rating) \]. For example, take a look at the below graphs. Please submit your homework to the Email address above (statml.hw) … Hence TV and radio do have a relationship with the response, sales. Assume that the Limit variable is the variable that results in the lowest RSS. Chapter 12 Predictive Modelling. In the example given in the book, balance is regressed onto ethnicity. Deadline: Feb 27, 2018. Assume that we had an advertising dataset of money spent on TV ads, money spent on radio ads, and product sales. The interaction term relaxes the additive assumption. Copyright © 2015 - To determine if correlated errors exist, we plot residuals in order of observation number. Outliers are identified through various methods. Then, the variable with the largest \( p \)-value is removed, and the new model is fit. Chapter II - Statistical Learning All the questions are as per the ISL seventh printing of the First edition 1. The multiple linear regression model would fit a plane to the dataset. I'm through chapter 3. In unsupervised learning, we have features, but no response. \( R^2 \) measures the proportion of variability in \( Y \) that can be explained by using \( X \). In other words, how do we know that \( X \) is actually a good predictor for \( Y \)? In general, a VIF that exceeds 5 or 10 may indicate a collinearity problem. For every one additional year of experience that a statistician has, his/her salary increases by $2,576, on average. Now, every $1 increase in TV ad spend increases sales by \( \beta_{1} + \beta_{3}(Radio) \). So, after concluding that at least one predictor is related to the response, how do we determine which specific predictors are significant? One way to solve the issue of collinearity is to simply drop one of the predictors from the linear model. In multiple regression, we determine the \( F \)-statistic instead. Observations with high leverage have an unusual value for \( x_{i} \) compared to the other observation values. ... Take a look at the ISLR::Credit dataset, which has a mix of both types. Instead, the goal is to discover subgroups and relationships. Percentile. Backward selection begins with a model with all predictors: \[ Balance = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}(Income) + \beta_{2}(Limit) \\ + \beta_{3}(Rating) + \beta_{4}(Cards) + \beta_{5}(Age) + \beta_{6}(Education) \\ + \beta_{7}(Gender) + \beta_{8}(Student) + \beta_{9}(Married) + \beta_{10}(Ethnicity) \]. A small change will generally indicate an insignificant variable, whereas a large change will generally indicate a significant variable. The graphs below represent the difference between constant and nonconstant variance. It is identified as the presence of a funnel shape in the residual plot. This question should be answered using the Weekly data set, which is part of the ISLR package. Studentized residuals greater than 3 in absolute value are possible outliers. 11 min read. We compute the standard error of the coefficients and determine the confidence interval. We will now try to predict per For example, take a look at the below residual graphs, which represent different types of fits for the automobile data mentioned previously. For example, for automobiles, there is a curved relationship between miles per gallon and horsepower. Simple and multiple linear regression are common and easy-to-use regression methods. We do not reject H0 because, for α=0.05, p-value > 0.05. For example, assume that we had a predictor that indicated gender. However, if at any point the \( p \)-value for some variable rises above a chosen threshold, then it is removed from the model, as done in backward selection. If the error terms are correlated, we may have an unwarranted sense of confidence in the linear model. Confidence intervals and prediction intervals can help assess prediction accuracy. Residual plots are a useful graphical tool for the identification of non-linearity. But what if we had multiple predictors ( \( X_{1} , X_{2}, X_{3}, \) etc.)? 0th. The following command will load the file into R and store it as an object called Auto , in a format referred to as a data frame. However, it is also possible that outliers indicate some kind of model deficiency, so caution should be taken before removing the outliers. Simple linear regression is useful for prediction if there is only one predictor ( \( X \) ). Therefore, it is important to look at the magnitude at which \( R^2 \) changes when adding or removing a variable. The red data point below represents an example of a high leverage data point that would impact the linear regression fit. →, \( \hat{y} \) - represents the predicted value, \( \beta_{0} \) - represents a coefficient known as the intercept, \( \beta_{1} \) - represents a coefficient known as the slope, \( X \) - represents the value of the predictor, \( \beta_{0} \) is represented by $70,545. Package ‘ISLR’ October 20, 2017 Type Package Title Data for an Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R Version 1.2 Date 2017-10-19 Author Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani Maintainer Trevor Hastie Suggests MASS Description We provide the collection of data- There is a 95% probability that the interval contains the true population value of the coefficient. A simple way to detect collinearity is to look at the correlation matrix of the predictors. Statistical learning refers to a set of approaches for determining what our predictors tell us about our response. The new variables for regression purposes would be represented as follows: Regression models provide interpretable results and work well, but make highly restrictive assumptions that are often violated in practice. elements of statistical learning solutions chapter 15. by | Feb 20, 2021 | uncategorized | 0 comments | Feb 20, 2021 | uncategorized | 0 comments The \( t \)-statistic allows us to determine something known as the \( p \)-value, which ultimately helps determine whether or not the coefficient is non-zero. For example, let's take the statistician salary dataset, add a new predictor for college GPA, and add 10 new data points. The 95% confidence intervals for the coefficients are calculated as follows: The confidence interval is generally interpreted as follows: For example, for the statistician salary regression model, the confidence intervals are as follows: In the context of the statistician salaries, these confidence intervals are interpreted as follows: So, how do we determine whether or not there truly is a relationship between \( X \) and \( Y \)? When fitting linear models, there are six potential problems that may occur: non-linearity of data, correlation of error terms, nonconstant variance of error terms, outliers, high leverage data points, and collinearity. This means that prediction intervals will always be wider than confidence intervals. The difference between the actual salary value in the dataset (\( y \)) and the predicted salary (\( \hat{y} \)) is known as the residual (\( e \)). Let's use the example of the regression model for the statistician salaries. An example that may be helpful to you can be found in ISLR, chapter 3 on pages 85 and 86: The results in the book can be recreated using the Credit data set. A simple linear regression model takes the following form: For example, we could build a simple linear regression model from the following statistician salary dataset: The simple linear regression model could be written as follows: \[ Predicted\: Salary = \beta_{0}+\beta_{1}(Years\: of\: Experience) \]. # df.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1, inplace=True), #15 b) We can reject the null hypothesis on zn, dis, rad, black, medv as their p-vals are all < .05, # the nox coefficient goes from -10 to 31 from univariate to multivariate, 'crim ~ indus + I(indus ** 2) + I(indus ** 3)', 'crim ~ chas + I(chas ** 2) + I(chas ** 3)', 'crim ~ ptratio + I(ptratio ** 2) + I(ptratio ** 3)', 'crim ~ black + I(black ** 2) + I(black ** 3)', 'crim ~ lstat + I(lstat ** 2) + I(lstat ** 3)', 'crim ~ medv + I(medv ** 2) + I(medv ** 3)', # yes there is some evidence for non-linear relationships in the case of nox, age^3, dis, rad, lstat, medv. Similar to the simple linear regression setting, we perform a hypothesis test. 95% Confidence Interval for \( \beta_{0} \) = \( \beta_{0}\pm2*SE(\beta_{0}) \), 95% Confidence Interval for \( \beta_{1} \) = \( \beta_{1}\pm2*SE(\beta_{1}) \). It is a measure of the lack of fit of a model. For qualitative variables with only two levels, we could simply create a "dummy" variable that takes on two values: \[ X_{i} =\begin{cases}0 & \text{if person is male}\\1 & \text{if person is female}\end{cases} \]. The value of 20 is a high leverage data point. View HW3.docx from ISEN 613 at Texas A&M University. In this situation, we create multiple dummy variables: \[ X_{i1} =\begin{cases}0 & \text{if person is not Caucasian}\\1 & \text{if person is Caucasian}\end{cases} \], \[ X_{i2} =\begin{cases}0 & \text{if person is not Asian}\\1 & \text{if person is Asian}\end{cases} \]. Week 3. Prediction intervals go a step further than confidence intervals by accounting for both reducible and irreducible error. The final statistician salary regression model has an \( R^2 \) of 0.90, meaning that 90% of the variability in the salaries of statisticians is explained by using years of experience as a predictor. If a statistician had 0 years of experience, he/she would have an entry-level salary of $70,545, on average. Main Topics: Chapter 3: Simple linear regression. 3-3 Correlation Chart between Bloom’s Taxonomy, Study Objectives and End-of-Chapter Exercises and Problems Study Objective Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation * 1. For qualitative variables with multiple levels, there will always be one fewer dummy variable than the total number of levels. by Trevor Hastie. The \( p \)-value indicates how likely it is to observe a meaningful association between \( X \) and \( Y \) by some bizarre random error or chance, as opposed to there being a true relationship between \( X \) and \( Y \). In other words, rejecting the null hypothesis means that we are declaring that some relationship exists between \( X \) and \( Y \). In multiple linear regression, RSE is calculated as follows: \( R^2 \) is interpreted in the same manner that it is interpreted in simple regression. Again, the variable with the largest \( p \)-value is removed, and the new model is fit. So now I've decided to answer the questions at the end of each chapter and write them up in LaTeX/knitr. These outliers can be removed from the data to come up with a better linear model. For each firm we record profit, number of employees, industry and the CEO salary. Monthly downloads. For example, assume that the true population regression line for statistician salaries was represented by the black line below. Explain the time period assumption. ... A natural question is as follows: how accurate is the sample mean \hat{\mu} ... (3.15), since unlike the RSE, it always lies between 0 and 1. The graph on the left represents what the residuals look like if a simple linear model is fit to the data. Student Solutions to An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R - jilmun/ISLR Linear Regression_3.1 Simple Linear Regression. The interaction effect can be taken into account by including an interaction term: \[ Sales = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}(TV) + \beta_{2}(Radio) + \beta_{3}(TV*Radio) \]. One solution to nonconstant variance is to transform the response using a concave function, such as \( log(Y) \) or \( \sqrt{Y} \). document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); For our statistician salary dataset, the linear regression model determined through the least squares criteria is as follows: This final regression model can be visualized by the orange line below: How do we interpret the coefficients of a simple linear regression model in plain English? Explain the accrual basis of accounting. For the predictors with only two values, we can create an indicator or dummy variable with values 0 and 1 and use it in the regression model. In the absence of any years of experience, the salary of an entry-level statistician will fall between $67,852 and $72,281. Proper linear models should also have residual terms that have a constant variance. The goal is not to predict anything. In multiple linear regression, we're interested in a few specific questions: Similar to simple linear regression, the coefficient estimates in multiple linear regression are chosen based on the same least squares approach that minimizes RSS. Chapter 3, Exercise Solutions, Principles of Econometrics, 3e 35 Exercise 3.2 (continued) (e) The p-value of 0.0982 is given as the sum of the areas under the t-distribution to the left of −1.727 and to the right of 1.727. Fork the solutions! The multiple linear regression model for the dataset would take the form: \[ Y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}(Years\: of\: Experience) + \beta_{2}(GPA) \]. Null Hypothesis \( H_{0} \): No relationship between \( X \) and \( Y \), Alternative Hypothesis \( H_{1} \): Some relationship between \( X \) and \( Y \), Total Sum of Squares = \( TSS = \sum(y_{i}-\bar{y})^2 \), Residual Sum of Squares = \( RSS = e_{1}^2 + e_{2}^2 + ... \). Twitter me @princehonest Official book website. The small p values for TV and radio correspond to the low probability of observing the t statistics we see by chance. In general, we say that: So, how do we determine whether or not there truly is a relationship between the \( X \)s and \( Y \)? Predictors with Only Two Levels. The most commonly used confidence interval is the 95% confidence interval. This data VIF is the ratio of the variance of a coefficient when fitting the full model, divided by the variance of the coefficient when fitting a model only on its own. We can reject, or fail to reject, the null hypothesis just based on an inspection of the This data is similar in nature to the Smarket data from this chapter’s lab, except that it contains 1, 089 weekly returns for 21 years, from the beginning of 1990 to the end of 2010. If the errors are correlated, then we may see tracking in the graph. An Introduction to Statistical Learning Unofficial Solutions. The graph on the right represents a scenario in which the residuals are correlated. Summary of Chapter 2 of ISLR. The leverage statistic is always between \( \frac{1}{n} \) and 1. ISL - Chapter 3 - Applied Question #15 Date Fri 31 July 2015 Tags python / statistics / machine / learning / jupyter / ipython / statsmodels / linear / regression / chapter3. How do we estimate how accurate the actual predictions are? For every one increase in the predictor, the prediction changes by \( \beta_{1} \), on average. When there is no relationship between the response and predictors, we generally expect the \( F \)-statistic to be close to 1. Summary of Chapter 3 of ISLR. The smallest possible VIF is 1. Summary of Chapter 3 of ISLR. As we know, an individual's credit limit is directly related to their credit rating. Typically, we want \( p \)-values less than 5% or 1% to reject the null hypothesis. It is a proportion that is calculated as follows: TSS is a measure of variability that is already inherent in the response variable before regression is performed. We begin with a null model that contains no predictors. Predictors with Only Two Levels For the predictors with only two values, we can create an indicator or dummy variable with values 0 …

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