minecraft bedrock attributes

Allows the mob to target another mob that hurts them. Tests whether the current temperature is a given type. Only usable by the ender dragon. Currently, it can only be used by silverfish. Can only be used by Slimes and Magma Cubes. Allows the mob to move back onto land when in water. Requires minecraft:rideable. Multiplier for the walking speed while using this attack, Multiplier for the running speed of this mob while using this attack, Multiplier for the sneaking speed. Allows the mob to move around on its own while mounted seeking a target to attack. Slabs! Distance in blocks on ground that the mob will look for a new spot to move to. Specifies the item to give. Intro 2. These check for particular allele combinations and fire events when all of them are satisfied. Mobs with lower weight values have a lower chance to spawn than mobs with higher weight values. Accuracy is determined by the formula uncertaintyBase - difficultyLevel * uncertaintyMultiplier, Determines how much difficulty affects accuracy. Given below is a detailed list of all Commands in Minecraft. These attributes are found on all living entities, including players. Returns true when the subject entity is underwater. Adding the component causes it to be true, removing it causes the mob to stop spawning on the surface. 1.0 means keep the regular speed, while higher numbers make the running speed faster, Determines how likely it is that this entity will stop avoiding another entity based on that entity's strength. Allows the mob to an attack where the hit is delayed. This has a 1/value chance every tick to do so. Spawned mobs will have a random number in this range assigned to them. The valid times of day that this goal can be used. All tests in an 'all_of' group must pass in order for the group to pass. Allows the mob to move back into water when on land. A value of 0 disables randomly stopping, while a value of 1 defines a 50% chance, Multiplier for how far outside its box the mob can reach its target (this can be used to simulate a mob with longer arms by making this bigger). In order to get these attributes however, you will need to use Command Blocks or NBT Edit. The goal ends if it has a horizontal collision or gets hit. Compares the distance to the nearest Player with a float value. Allows the mob to move back to the position they were spawned. Returns true if the subject entity is sneaking. Allows the ender dragon to go out with glory. Determines whether this entity can be ridden. minecraft:behavior.nearest_attackable_target, minecraft:behavior.look_at_trading_player, minecraft:behavior.move_towards_restriction, minecraft:behavior.silverfish_merge_with_stone, minecraft:behavior.silverfish_wake_up_friends, minecraft:behavior.squid_move_away_from_ground, minecraft:behavior.slime_random_direction, minecraft:behavior.wither_random_attack_pos_goal, minecraft:behavior.wither_target_highest_damage, minecraft:behavior.find_underwater_treasure, minecraft:conditional_bandwidth_optimization, Bedrock Edition entity events documentation, https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Bedrock_Edition_entity_components_documentation?oldid=1828182, Conditions that make this entry in the list valid, Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice, Multiplier for the walking speed. Value is the number of full-strength attacks per second. Allows the guardian to use its laser beam attack. This is a list of objects, representing one value in seconds that can be picked before firing the event and an optional weight. We will go into a bit more detail on what they are in their respective sections below. Components Allows the villager to stop so another villager can breed with it. Actual value used by most mobs is 16; for zombies it is 40. The filters to use when determining if this potion can be selected. The list of entity definitions that this entity can breed with. Modifiers act upon the base value of an attribute, increasing or decreasing it. More script types will be added later.-Pre-animation scripts are evaluated immediately before animations are processed.-Scale sets the scale of the mob's geometry. Adds a trigger to call when this entity loses the target it currently has. As of 1.16, the player can also use the /attribute command to apply attributes. Allows the mob to follow the player that owns them. Attributes also have modifiers that adjust the strength of their effect. Items and entities no longer keep unknown attributes. Tests whether the subject is inside the bounds of a village. Specifies the names of render controllers. Active 2 years ago. One or more tests in an 'any_of' group must pass in order for the group to pass. Allows the ender dragon to use its flame breath attack. List of components to add to the entity after the transformation, Defines the properties of the delay for the transformation, Time in seconds before the entity transforms, Chance that the entity will look for nearby blocks that can speed up the transformation. This is the documentation for the attributes, properties, and components available from the Minecraft Script Engine. For reference: noon is 0.0, sunset is 0.25, midnight is 0.5, and sunrise is 0.75, and back to noon for 1.0. If true, the entity will become pregnant instead of spawning a baby. Note that the resulting value after modification is capped by the attribute's minimum and maximum. An entity is immobile if it lacks AI goals, has just changed dimensions or if it is a mob and has no health. Allows the mob to move around randomly like the Vex. Custom materials, textures, and geometry should be in the corresponding folder at the root of the Resource Pack. The min interval in which a sound will play, The max interval in which a sound will play, The amount of ticks the goal will be on cooldown before it can be used again, The amount of ticks the NPC will stay in their the work location. This makes it so that the next time the mob is transformed to something with a trade_table or economy_trade_table, then it keeps their trades. Will return false if the target cannot be traded with. An example of a locator is the "lead" locator used to specify where the lead will attach to graphically. Allows mob to move towards its current target captain. If true, the timer will restart every time after it fires, If true, the amount of time on the timer will be random between the min and max values specified in time. Can only be used by the Squid. Viewed 487 times 1. Returns true when the subject entity contains the named component. Specifies the version of the game this entity was made in. For example, a model that includes a filter will only be used when the filter criteria is true. … Allows the mob to move in random directions like a slime. Allows the ender dragon to leave perch mode and go back to flying around. Allows the mob to stay afloat while swimming. 1.0 means the ocelot will move at the speed it normally sneaks, A random value to determine at what intervals something can occur. Version: Note: some events are integrated which means this, which are in the behavior file so without further ado, keep learning Sets the entity's base volume for sound effects. Explore new gaming adventures, accessories, & merchandise on the Minecraft Official Site. (Optional) The equipment location to test. A negative value will be assumed to be 0, The second Palette Color value of the entity, The text that will display when interacting with this entity with a dye when playing with Touch-screen controls, The file path to the equipment table, relative to the behavior pack's root, A list of slots with the chance to drop an equipped item from that slot, The value of the size of the entity's step, The higher the number, the more the friction affects this entity. Name Type Default Value Description; adjust_for_weather: Boolean: false: This determines if weather can affect the light level conditions that cause the mob to spawn (e.g. This allows the entity to render armor. Locator offsets are specified in model space. Tiers Entries 4. Allows this entity to generate paths by flying around the air like the regular ghast. Tests whether the subject has the specified mob effect. When changing an existing mob use the ID that appears in the entity JSON for that entity. Adds a trigger to call on this entity's death. Defines the entity's second texture color. Delay after landing when using the slime move control. Allows mob to move towards its current target. Sets that this entity can float in liquid blocks. -1.0f means the height does not matter. Sets the name for the Vanilla Minecraft identifier this entity will use to build itself from. (BE: amount: int) 1. ocelot, villager). After this amount of time is elapsed, the trap is removed from the world if it hasn't been activated, Distance in blocks that the player has to be within to trigger the horse trap, The height of the mob's collider while sleeping, The width of the mob's collider while sleeping, The y offset of the mob's collider while sleeping, This mob starts swelling when a target is at least this many blocks away, This mob stops swelling when a target has moved away at least this many blocks, The height in blocks the mob jumps when leaping at its target, If true, the mob will only jump at its target if its on the ground. This component allows the mob to spawn underwater. Sets that this entity doesn't take damage from fire. The list of items that can be given to the entity to place in their inventory. Accuracy is determined by the formula uncertaintyBase - difficultyLevel * uncertaintyMultiplier, If true, the projectile will produce additional particles when a critical hit happens, If true, the projectile will knock back the entity it hits, Entity Definitions defined here can't be hurt by the projectile, If true, damage will be randomized based on damage and speed, Time in seconds that the entity hit will be on fire for, If true, the entity hit will be set on fire, If true, the entity hit will be struck by lightning, If true, whether the projectile causes fire is affected by the mob griefing game rule, Defines the effect the arrow will apply to the entity it hits, If true, the projectile will be treated like a splash potion, If true, the projectile will be treated as dangerous to the players, If true, the projectile will be shot towards the target of the entity firing it, The sound that plays when the projectile is shot, The sound that plays when the projectile hits something, The fraction of the projectile's speed maintained every frame while traveling in air, The fraction of the projectile's speed maintained every frame while traveling in water, If true, the projectile homes in to the nearest entity, If true, the projectile will bounce upon hit, If true, the projectile can hit multiple entities per flight. This ensures that level event packets only broadcast locally. Allows the mob to send an event to another mob. These properties are part of the Entity Definition as a whole and go before the Component or Component Groups. Allows the enderman to drop a block they are carrying. Names of some attributes have been renamed to meet. Custom animation controllers should be in the animation_controllers folder at the root of the Resource Pack. Range of radius in blocks of the circle to move around. Allows the mob to be tempted by food they like. Returns true if the subject entity is the skin id number provided. Chance for a zombie to spawn another zombie when attacked. Each item must have the following parameters: Number of this item this entity wants to share, Number of this item considered extra that the entity wants to share, Defines the item this entity wants to craft with the item defined above. Can only be used by a Villager. By convention, 0 is the ID of the base entity, The higher the number, the faster the animation for walking plays. Instead, a modifier's behavior is determined by its operation. Sets the entity's delay between playing its ambient sound. This component allows the players to specify which biomes the mob spawns in. To begin, create a new folder named "spawn_rules" in the root of the Behavior Pack that you want to add the new biome spawn rules in. The list of genetic variants for this gene. Does not affect explosions. 1 Attributes 1.1 minecraft:health 1.2 minecraft:follow_range 1.3 minecraft:knockback_resistance 1.4 minecraft:movement 1.5 minecraft:attack 1.6 minecraft:fall_damage 2 Filters 2.1 All filters 2.2 Environment filter conditions 3 Triggers 3.1 Generic triggers 3.2 Standalone triggers 4 Components 4.1 minecraft:is_baby 4.2 minecraft:scale 4.3 minecraft:is_stackable 4.4 minecraft… Allows the mob to float around like the Ghast. The minecraft:client_entity section contains the description for the entity. Fixed value of 0.2 when under the Speed effect, multiplied by the effect's, generic.movement_speed (Operation 2; All living entities; UUID 91AEAA56-376B-4498-935B-2F7F68070635). 0= bedrock elevation. Includes 'duration' in seconds, 'amplifier' level, 'ambient' if it is to be considered an ambient effect, and 'visible' if the effect should be visible, List of identifiers of effects to be removed from this entity after adding this component, Minimum time in seconds before the entity plays its ambient sound again. Adds a trigger to call when this entity is set on fire. A list of potions that this entity can drink. Range of the random amount of damage the melee attack deals. Functions the same as Operation 1 if there is only a single modifier with operation 1 or 2. Players can reference Render Controllers from the vanilla Minecraft Resource Pack or create their own. Can only be used by the ender dragon. Allows the mob to randomly sit for a duration. The following command gives the player a netherite sword that deals 20 × 10 extra damage. Tests whether a named game rule is active. Returns true when the subject entity is in water or rain. Allows the squid to swim in place idly. Returns true when the subject entity is in water. Defines what events to call when this entity is damaged by specific entities or items. Event to run we attempt to trigger a raid on the village. This value than can be used over and over again without the need to constantly re-compute the calculations. Note that attribute modifiers that have the same UUID and affect the same attribute do not stack; only the one that most recently affected a player or mob has an effect, overriding the previously affecting modifier(s). Unknown; created when client reads attribute data sent by server. This has a 1/value chance every tick to do so. If no index is specified then it is assumed to be 0 and the first texture in the list is used. If this entity has trades and has leveled up, it should maintain that level after transformation. A value of 1.0 means normal speed, while 2.0 means twice as fast, The entity type that will be riding this entity, The spawn event that will be used when the riding entity is created. Allows the mob to move towards the nearest underwater ruin or shipwreck. The range in blocks within which a mob with this attribute targets players or other mobs to track. The maximum number in degrees the mob can turn per tick. Swalls! Valid values are circle and line, Amount of time in seconds to wait before this step starts, Amount of time in seconds before each entity is summoned in this step, Number of entities that will be spawned in this step, The entity type of the entities we will spawn in this step, Amount of time in seconds that the spawned entity will be alive for. Sets that this entity can hide from hostile mobs while invisible. Defines the distance from the mob, in blocks, that the block to move to will be chosen. Fixed value of -1 when under the Unluck effect, multiplied by the effect's level. Can also be a range of integers. Select entity by certian attributes Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Note that this release of the Minecraft server software is an early alpha release and is released for evaluation purposes. Do not add UUIDs to this table for modifiers where they are not listed - if a UUID is not listed, this means that it is different every time the modifier is created. If this entity is owned by another entity, it should remain owned after transformation. Spawn rules contain descriptions and conditions. Allows this entity to generate paths that include water. generic.movement_speed (Operation 2; all living entities; UUID 662A6B8D-DA3E-4C1C-8813-96EA6097278D). Only usable by the ender dragon. The following are known modifier names and values used in vanilla Minecraft. Allows the entity to use spatial bandwidth optimizations. 0.0= Noon A negative value can heal the entity instead of hurting it, Identifier of the status ailment to apply to an entity attacked by this entity's melee attack, Duration in seconds of the status ailment applied to the damaged entity, List of effects to add to this entity after adding this component, Effect to add to this entity. Defines the maximum distance in blocks a mob can get from its target captain before giving up trying to follow it. If this value is non-negative, compare both the mob's main and hidden alleles with this value for a match with both. If not specified, defaults to 1. data: int‌[Be… Specifies costing information for mobs that prefer to walk on preferred paths. New Spawn Rules are contained within a Behavior Pack. generic.movement_speed (Operation 2; all passive mobs; UUID E199AD21-BA8A-4C53-8D13-6182D5C69D3A). attribute modifier add (add|multiply|multiply_base) Ask Question Asked 2 years ago. generic.attack_speed (Operation 2; All living entities; UUID 55FCED67-E92A-486E-9800-B47F202C4386). Setting it to false will allow it to jump even if its already in the air, Distance in blocks the mob will look for crops to eat, Maximum number of things this entity wants to eat, Amount of time in seconds before this mob wants to eat again, Time in seconds between each time it eats, Blocks that the mob is looking for to eat, Distance in blocks the mob will look for books to inspect, The height that the mob will search for bookshelves, Distance in blocks within which the mob will look for a mount, Time the mob will wait before starting to move towards the mount, If true, the mob will not go into water blocks when going towards a mount, If true, the mob will only look for a mount if it has a target, This is the distance the mob needs to be, in blocks, from the desired mount to mount it. Event called on an entity that transforms into another entity. Fixed value of 0.1 when under the Haste effect, multiplied by the effect's level. Can be horse, minecart_chest, minecart_hopper, inventory, container or hopper, If true, the contents of this inventory can be removed by a hopper, If true, only the entity can access the inventory, If true, the entity's inventory can only be accessed by its owner or itself, Number of slots that this entity can gain per extra strength, List of triggers with the events to call when taking this specific kind of damage, allows specifying filters for entity definitions and events, If true, the damage dealt to the entity will take away health from it, set to false to make the entity ignore that damage, Type of damage that triggers this set of events, The list of conditions that must be satisfied before the Actor is despawned, If true, all entities linked to this entity in a child relationship (e.g. 1 Representation 2 Occurences 3 Technical aspects 3.1 Value range 3.2 Hyphenated hexadecimal format section names 3.3 Versions and variants 3.4 In Minecraft 3.4.1 Bitwise version 3.4.2 Collapsed version 4 … Allows the mob to check for and pursue the nearest valid target. A typical filter looks like the following: { "test" : "moon_intensity", "subject" : "self", "operator" : "greater", "value" : 0.5 }. When applied to an item, a modifier adjusts the corresponding attribute if the item is held or worn. Sets that this entity is currently carrying a chest. This is the minimum number of mobs that spawn in a herd, This is the maximum number of mobs that spawn in a herd, This is an event that can be triggered from spawning, This is the number of mobs spawned before the specified event is triggered. For example, if the original has an emerald to an enchanted iron sword (Sharpness 1), and the new trade also has an emerald for an enchanted iron sword, then the enchantment will be Sharpness 1. Sound to play when the sneeze is about to happen. Fixed value of -4 when under the Weakness effect, multiplied by the effect's level. For Spawn Reinforcements Chance, random number between 0.5 and 0.75. Should be an item name. Must be a player name or target selector. Specifies the blocks that this entity can break as it moves around. The item will also be taken and placed in the entity's inventory. List of items that the entity drops when it grows up. Adds a trigger to call when this pet's owner awakes after sleeping with the pet. Allows this entity to generate paths by walking, swimming, flying and/or climbing around and jumping up and down a block. Allows the mob to move in a circle around a point or a target. Applies defined amount of damage to the entity at specified intervals. This attribute is not found on passive mobs and golems. Sets that this entity is currently tamed. Built to be used with flying mobs. If there is a parity that doesn't follow the criteria or doesn't comply with the rules, please visit Minecraft Feedback to make a post about parity or a feature request. (Required) The Biome temperature value to compare with. Can only be used by villagers. Omit this property for no limit, Ending scale of the entity when it's fully grown, Event to run when the entity enters the 'sit' state, Event to run when the entity exits the 'sit' state. Allows the mob to use close combat melee attacks. (BE: itemName: Item) 1. Adds all of the modifiers' amounts to the current value of the attribute. (BE: player: target) 1. These names are used in the Render Controllers JSON. List of spells for the mob to use to summon entities. Example spawn egg specifying a texture. Allows the mob to pick up angry state from other mobs in this area. Sets that this entity is currently sheared. This component allows players to determine the herd size of animals. When these are present, the particle is created when the entity is spawned. Players must set user defined names for them. Returns true if the subject entity is the target of the calling entity. Attributes/modifiers can be added to items or mobs without the use of third-party NBT editing software by adding data tags to the give and summon commands. They can be called in different attributes, for example “on_breed” in “minecraft:breedable” or on “time_down_event” in “minecraft:timer”. Fixed value of -0.15 when under the Slowness effect, multiplied by the effect's level. This is the minimum light level value that allows the mob to spawn, This is the maximum light level value that allows the mob to spawn. Your command Update Save as item Publish to DB Minify command. Chance that up to 16 babies will spawn between 0.0 and 1.0, where 1.0 is 100%, Time in seconds before the Entity can breed again, If true, the babies will be automatically tamed if its parents are, If true, entities can breed while sitting, Determines how likely the babies are to NOT inherit one of their parent's variances. The probability of sneezing. Sound to play when the transformation starts, Sound to play when the entity is done transforming, Entity Definition that this entity will transform into, Cause the entity to drop all equipment upon transformation. Allows the mob to move to a POI if able to. In the spawn_rules folder, create a JSON file and give it a name. Can be used to further differentiate variants. Defines the entity's color. Fixed value of 20.0 for Shulker exists only when fully closed. If th… Custom Name: You can give your mob a custom name, but it will only show if you enable show name. When there are more than one texture associated with a texture name, you can use an index to pick the one that you want. Event called on an entity that is spawned through two entities breeding. Allows the villager to look for a mate to spawn other villagers with. Can only be used by Slimes and Magma Cubes. Adding the component causes it to be true, removing it causes the mob to stop spawning underwater. If true, the entities need to be tamed first before they can breed. Allows this entity to be named (e.g. Defines an entity's teleporting behavior. Fixed value of 6.2 for Endermen and 0.45 for Zombie Pigmen; exists only when attacking. The delay after which the knockback occurs (in seconds). This sets the color or texture used for the entity spawn egg. You can create custom mobs for Minecraft, with custom mob names, give amob weapons and armor, custom drops with drop chances and all buff mobs with custom attributes. allowing hostile mobs to spawn during the day when it rains). Attributes also have a default value (used when spawning a mob with an undefined attribute base), and hard-coded minimum and maximum values. Distance in blocks that mobs will be startled. The definition with the same or closest and not greater min_engine_version, as compared to the top resource pack's engine version, will be parsed; all other definitions with the same identifier will not be parsed.This can be useful for continuing to support an older version of an entity, when an older resource pack is used at the top of the resource pack stack, while also supporting a newer version of the entity in all other cases. Minecraft Bedrock Entities Documentation Version zombie.spawn_reinforcements (Operation 0; Zombies). Allows the mob to perform a damaging knockback that affects all nearby entities. Defines the entity's 'angry' state using a timer. Defines the way a mob's genes and alleles are passed on to its offspring, and how those traits manifest in the child. Fixed value of 0.3 used by all mobs (including players) when sprinting. The give command is one of the most complicated and powerful commands in Minecraft. 0.25= Sunset There are two kinds of components: server components and client components. Client entity definitions are contained within a Resource Pack. Higher numbers make the entity bigger, The ID of the skin. Allows the mob to be controlled by the player. Minecraft Bedrock seeds give players across pretty much every platform the very best Minecraft worlds in which they can start their new adventure. Defines the interactions with this entity for healing it. Allows the mob to eat crops out of farms until they are full. Can only be used by villagers. Allows the mob to pick up items on the ground. generic.movement_speed (Operation 1; Baby Zombies; UUID B9766B59-9566-4402-BC1F-2EE2A276D836). If this value is non-negative, compare the mob's main allele with this value for a match.

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