A - Arm = 72 degrees, L - Leg = 72 degrees, L - Leg = 72 degrees, A - Arm = 72 degrees and the supreme H - Head = 72 degrees. P - Power is strength, energy, and magnetism. Next Last. Regardless @ what cost. It stands for equality and how can equality be manifest when one is fueled by their ego with an individualistic view point? The 5% Nation. N - Now, Nation End - Now is the time to get knowledge of self or end in a pit of ignorance. https://truthschool.blogspot.com/2006/12/nation-of-gods-and-earths.html Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Right is the proper nature of things and people. When the Father went to the streets of NYC he came with the teaching of Elijah Muhummed and WD Fard, this is what He taught the youth of America in '1964'. Most are not even aware that their decisions are due to ego. Truth is the ultimate power, star or child. Righteous are the Asiatic people according to nature. 1; 2; 3; Next. Of course easier said then done. Forgot account? Knowing that everything is real, one must born his or her knowledge to show born equality, to knowledge power, or equality as being real. 23. You also means self, King, Savior, Queen, her, woman. B - Be or Born is the realm or state of being born into existence, be gives birth to God. Wisdom is the woman. 14. 3,466 people follow this. FORRAJEO OPTIMO PDF. He would tell them things like, "After this year there won't be any Five Percenters anymore. and as a nation dealing with the knowledge-born degree in the Supreme Alphabets. 3. Clarence, a former member of the Nation of Islam, was originally a student of Malcom X, who was an African American minister and human rights activist. 2. Who is the Colored Man? Y - Why the question most asked to justify, why does he like the devil? This text is also a good … ISBN-13. 17. Nation of Gods and Earths : Official Nation of Gods and Earths Website. One who saves all who want to be saved and add on to self, self is the true reality of one, be it man or woman. Knowledge equality is power; therefore, knowledge itself is equality. D - Divine is knowledge and wisdom being understood, showing its completion and manifesting a perfect state of existence equating the culture which is God, Divine being that which is sacred. In the beginning was the word and the word is life. Featuring Allah Supreme, Allah Mind & Beloved Allah. Shop Nation Of Gods And Earths Jewelry from CafePress. MEMBER. 4. 11. Woman is earth an also life when advocated for the same cause, to be reborn into the knowledge of self. The Nation of Gods and Earths (5% Nation of Islam) - The Nation of Gods and Earths (5% Nation of Islam) is apparently an offshoot of the so-called Nation of Islam. However, God/Earth with a big (misused) ego is the same as Yakub (big headed scientist). Latonya Brooks rated it it was ok Nov 27, 2017. Language. 8. 1 - Knowledge 2 - Wisdom 3 - Understanding 4 - Culture/Freedom The universe owns and belongs to all Asiatic men and women. 19. 3. Aug 25, 2012 3 1. Equality is the woman. The Five-Percent Nation, sometimes referred to as the Nation of Gods and Earths (NGE/NOGE) or the Five Percenters, is a cultural movement influenced by Islam founded in 1964 in the Harlem section of the borough of Manhattan, New York City, by Allah the Father, who was previously known as Clarence 13X and, before that, Clarence Edward Smith. I know this build will spark dialogue with some agreeing and disagreeing about the ego. Or, Yacub's grafted Devil - the Skunk of the … O - Cipher is a person place or being, a circle that consists of 360 degrees or a cycle of life, C-I-Power-Her, Her-Power-I-C. 16. The Nation does not March 10, 2010. 13 talking about this. Z - Zig, Zag, Zig - meaning knowledge and understanding are alike and zag is un-a-like. Supreme 120 Lessons: for The Nation of Gods & Earths Paperback – March 10, 2010 by The Department of Supreme Wisdom (Author) 4.6 out of 5 stars 152 ratings. We as a Nation should be able to keep our ego's in check. Supreme Lessons of the Gods and Earths: A Guide … The foundation of all life, the Father of reality and knowledge of the Sun, the following diagram shows the complete realm or cipher of the Asiatic Man’s body that keeps everything pure, true and living. Aug 25, 2012 #6 I'm looking for the starting knowledge info I know a lil bit wanted to start from the begaining . 1. Within Clarence’s ideology, men can … This "FAN" page is for the serious and pure in-heart. 2. Retrieved from ” https: There is another academy, the Allah School in Percdnterlocated in … First Prev 2 of 3 Go to page. It was him who taught the “First Born” and developed the philosophy by which the Five Percent Nation would build on.“Allah The Father” – as he would come to be known – served as a Private First Class during the Korean War, receiving the Korean Service Medal with a Bronze Service Star and a United Nations Service Medal.He served until 1960 and joined the Nation of Islam at Temple No. This (misuesd) ego will alienate/bias one from their immediate cipher. K. KANG New Member. Knowledge is to know, listen and observe. see review. Ancient Order of Free Asiatics Publication Sonofman7 Craft & Labor(Knowledge Wisdom Understanding). See all details. However, this institution will not go out and find no one to come in and teach, so it is up to me and the Nation of Gods and Earths to build this from the ground up as we always have. Why are there so many of our people still dead? Free Returns High Quality Printing Fast Shipping A - Allah is the Supreme Being, the Asiatic Man from Asia the planet earth, God of the Universe, Lord of All the Worlds from the highest to the lowest, the original man, the giver and taker of life. 978-1451540383. 120 lessons is perfect as a quick study guide or refresher course for those of the Original Black Nation who study Knowledge of Self as a way of life. 24. An Amazon Book with Buzz: "The … Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to eradicate the ego in whole. The King Rules because he is Wise and just, one who knows the ledge of his knowledge for his word is life. We are not a gang, cult, security threat, or any other "negative" title or connotations that some may try to define us under. Print length. These are the teachings of Allah the Father and his 5% nation of Gods and Earths. J - Justice is the star, meaning your reward, regardless of whether it is one of happiness or sorrow. The Nation of Gods and Earths differs with the Nation Of Islam on several counts. Knowledge is the foundation for all things, as the Sun is the foundation for our solar system and man is the foundation for his family. L - Love Hell or Right (Lord), love is the emotion that God blessed the woman with, many man and woman possess this emotion and to those who have failed to cope with it have proven love to be a handicap, love to those who have gotten over this burden realize that love is understanding and not two separate qualities. God knowledge on the Y has three points, foundation, right point and left point. 26. The Colored man is the Caucasian (white man). 13. G - God is being himself at all times, by knowing his equality as God, dealing equal with the knowledge known only to Allah, Supreme Being, Asiatic Mind, for man is God and this is Self who is Allah. Mar 24, 2015 - Explore allahmathematics's board "Nation of Gods and Earths" on Pinterest. All Rights Reserved. Interest. See more of The Nation of Gods and Earths on Facebook. I see the ego being the spark for the majority of the decisions that are made. Or, Yacub’s grafted devil, the Skunk of the planet Earth. F - Father Allah is the father of the 5% nation also the father of civilization and the God of the Universe. These are rewards and or penalties, also knowledge added on to the cipher, (REWARD), Just I C Equality with which I have been blessed, (PENALTY), Just Ice to be frozen at 32 degrees. ISBN-10. Produced by Nation of Gods and Earths. This site caters to The Nation of Gods and Earths and its supporters. 3,329 people like this. R - Rule (Righteous, Right Ruler) is a guide which God, the Asiatic man, uses to keep everything right and exact. We as a collective are not anti-white nor pro-black. You is pertaining to the woman when dealing in completing the home (child). 18. Wisdom is the woman. [1] The Nation teaches that Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet, a set of principles created by Allah, is the key to understanding humankind's relationship to the universe. Build or Destroy: Build means to add on to life a positive creation or education; destroy means to know of, take, that which is untrue, and light to the knowledge. Why is Stress made to the Muslims to Copy, the Minister, Elijah Muhammad's Answers? K - King, God is the King of kings meaning that God is the only true King there is, Ruler of a kingdom is the equivalent of God for this is Self or the Father He. 15. 3. I have been building from the sun of man publications, DVDs from a friend named Tio Macdonald of the East Oakland Times, the … W - Wisdom is wise words spoken by a wise man, this is power, when Allah speaks it is called wisdom, for when He speaks, it is like an ocean that would never go dry. GODS, EARTHS AND 85ers is a first time clear and precise look into one of the most misunderstood, controversial and sublime groups in American history.The Nation of Gods and Earths', otherwise known as The 5%ers, rich history and teachings are finally made available. 5. E - Equality is to be equal with all society and nations of the earth, showing and proving with the power of equality that we are the fathers of civilization, also, to equal all nations with the science of education. Ruler is one who leads a King and or Queen when the King is not physically present. 0 Reviews. Community See All. 120 ~ Lessons1-10, 1-36, 1-14, 1-40, AF & SF. The Department of Supreme Wisdom. He grew up in Harlem in the 1950s and 60s, a time when the Nation of Islam had huge influence thanks to its minister, Malcolm X. Clarence 13X Smith was an NOI member who became disenchanted with the group around 1963, and formed his own organization the following year. H - He or Her is the man or woman who has knowledge of self and is building a strong foundation. X in genetics is the female factor or chromosome. 8. U - Universe - The universe is the home of galaxies, which is home to our solar system. In genetics, the male factor or chromosome is Y. We, with the higher learning, knowledge of self know this to be true. Supreme Mathematics Lyrics. The Nation of Gods and Earths teaches that Asiatic black people are the original people of the planet Earth, and therefore they are the fathers (Gods) and mothers (Earths) of civilization. Hell is the home of the ignorant, those who lack knowledge of self. 1. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Ninety degrees to each angle, four times ninety equals three hundred sixty. Album The 5% Nation: Higher Knowledge. Next page. But do not let me catch any sister other than herself in regards to living the Life and weighing properly. Honey/Crooga rated it it was amazing Jun 26, 2017. Why does the devil call our people African? The Culture is I-God The Power is the Truth Equality only shows you That you have planted your Roots Peace Allah, Allah-U-Justice (oooooo, Allah-U- Justice) Peace Almighty Allah, Allah and Justice (oooooo Allah and Justice) God came to Teach Us Of the Righteous Way Now we must build with That which he has Taught Us Build to be Born In this Glorious Day Peace Allah, Allah-U-Justice (oooooo, Allah-U- … The Nation of Gods and Earths was founded by Allah the Father after he left the Nation of Islam's Temple Number Seven in Harlem, New York, the same temple where Malcolm X was a minister from 1960 to 1963. Create New Account. Thread starter Precise Allah; Start date Jul 1, 2009; Prev. This is because of their own doing, not accepting God. 7. What We Teach/What We Will Achieve Lyrics. ANSWER: The original man is the Asiatic Black man; the Maker; the Owner; the Cream of the planet Earth, Father of Civilization, and God of the Universe. Previous page. This is the official website for " The 5% Nation of Gods and Earths in Love Allah (Los Angeles CA )". He taught all of his Nation, Gods and Earths that the way for the black nation to regain its position of greatness in the world again was to take care of and teach the babies. Reactions: … 25. So, it would behooves us to get this (misused) egotistic devil off of our planet. The blanket of protection is 5 times 72 this equals 360 degrees. Knowledge the wisdom to bring about an understanding for love brings forth love. Find beautiful designs on a great selection of charms, necklaces, cufflinks and watches. Polygamy is acceptable, especially because it is only the men who are Gods. Clarence also referred to his movement as the Nation of Gods and Earths, a name based on his belief that black men are Gods and black women are queens, or Earths. All about self. About us; FAQ; Service; Contact The ego plays a vital role in daily life to the minute levels. Allah shows his powers and proves his powers, and presents the truth regardless of what angles of a square. The Five Percent nation (sometimes called the Nation of Gods and Earths) is an organization created by Clarence Smith in Harlem, New York in 1964. The foundation of all life, the Father of reality and knowledge of the Sun, the following diagram shows the complete realm or cipher of the Asiatic Man’s body that … The Universal Flag by Universal Shaamgaud Allah. English. Specifically, and we quote (from their homepage): The original man is the Asiatic Blackman, the maker, the owner, the cream of the planet … Nation of Gods and Earths. I see the ego as serving a purpose, it just has to be in checked and used properly. 12. T - Truth or Square - Truth is understanding the reality of wisdom. Born is to bring into existence a mental birth of self. 4. Album The 5% Nation: Higher Knowledge. X - Unknown is the identity of self, woman, man, and God because they are not wise to their true culture. Nation of Gods and Earths. 10. What is the population of the Colored people in the wilderness of North America, and all over the planet earth? Therefore the enemy must, now, be removed in every part of the planet Earth. The Poor Righteous Teachers that show and prove living Mathematics and that teach Knowledge and Wisdom to All of the human families on the planet Earth in order to civilize the un civil eyes (uncivilized) I come in the name of I Master Allah Self Savior Universe. On February 22, 1928, the world was blessed with the birth of Clarence 13X, born Clarence Smith. Allah B is a longtime member of the Nation of Gods and Earths, formerly known as the Five Percenters. From the early s, the Nation of Gods and Earths has propagated their teachings throughout the United Statesas well as abroad. Formerly G-line NationWear we sell t-shirts and cultural items of the five percent nation. 20. 4. 7. 9. 6. Nation - the United Asiatic people, dark and light, the pale person is in a race with time now to avoid the wrath of the Asiatic Nation (GOD). 2. Copyright © 2011 Obregon Kaine. To see is to be equipped with sight both insight and eyesight, C is the cream. Mother of the womb, she is queen for she is knowledge god, build or destroy, and or equality wisdom. Knowledge is a body of accumulated facts. 120 Lessons: Supreme Wisdom Lessons for the Nation of Gods and Earths. America @ it's core is individualistic. The children he taught 'learned to quote these teachings' (Degrees that the "Father gave the NGE, these degrees came from temple 7 NYC under Brother Malcolm X. who was a … Gods & Earths Supreme Alphabets 1. We are pro-righteous and anti-devilishment. Not Now. Fat-Her or the equality of man with woman in that father will manifest into power build, Peace! S - Saviour (Self) is the one possessing the power of God and resurrects the people after first saving self. 6. Q - Queen is the woman factor of life. What is the population of the Original Nation in the wilderness of North America, and all over the planet Earth? I is self, self is the true reality, son of man God, (7) the all Seeing Eye, the All in all who is Allah the Original man. B.u.t if traverse correctly it can turn out to be fruitful. Born is to be aware of everything because everything is from the sun, moon and stars or man, woman and child or the past, present and future. He who is God, she who is the Earth, the woman planet to bring about the Gods and Earths and teach them at birth, He or Her without the knowledge of self cannot build but only destroy and or take many other lives. God shows his love by manifesting the knowledge of himself through his wisdom, which reveals the hell one must go through in order to be right. The power of God’s wisdom shows forth the understanding of his equality that is added onto his cipher. 70 pages. Power or Refinement: Power is the truth, truth in origin only means of refinement; for to go according to the truth is to make ones-self known again. ... the Maker; the Owner; the Cream of the planet Earth - Father of Civilization, God of the Universe. So in summary, the ego is a very percarious road to travel. or. Lord is the equivalent of God, King, He, Father and thereby abides in paradise (Heaven). Understanding brings on love or hate love brings on understanding. 9. Nikiya Harris rated it it was amazing May 16, 2019. America teaches it's population all about winnning. Produced by Nation of Gods and Earths. About See All (803) 316-5069. What is the total population of the Original Nation in the wilderness of North America, and all over the … Which is peace. To see things much clearer for what they are, visible through the all Seeing Eye, which is the Mind. "E" in the S.A dose not stand for ego. Equality means to be equal in all aspects of one’s true self. Cipher is the completion of a circle or 360 degrees of Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding. Understanding is the child. Log In. The ego, unrestricted and used instinctively, is a very sneaky devil. 2. Publication date. Dimensions. Go. Again ego doesn't necessarily mean bad/wrong/negative. THE Righteous Nation is, now, Living in every part of the planet Earth. See actions taken by the people who manage and post … Truth is the power to resurrect the mentally dead from their present state of unawareness and ignorance of self. The square is a multiple of four and the cube is six. ANSWER: The Colored man is the Caucasian (white man). 21. V - Victory - To obtain the knowledge, wisdom and understanding, a man that is blind, deaf and dumb has to take on the Seal of Victory to win. God, the Black Man and the Five Percenters The Five Percent Nation believes 10 percent of the world knows the truth, and those elites opt to keep 85 percent of the world in ignorance. 22. Knowledge the culture to show the power. 1451540388. I - Islam is self and self is God. Wisdom is the manifestation of ones knowledge, the ways and actions one uses to make his or her knowledge to know the truth, such as speaking wisely to the wise, to the dumb or to possess a wise Mind. Yes indeed that's IMASSU and I see this as Being the Foundation and the bricks to myself. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Jun 10, 2009 - 92 pages. Within the movement itself, only new members refer to themselves as Five Percenters. IT CAN'T!!!! IGod is the … U - (You) and I verse. Understanding is the mental picture one draws of knowledge wisdom. 5.5 x 0.16 x 8.5 inches. 5 PERCENTERS 120 LESSONS PDF - F - Father Allah is the father of the five percent nation also the father of . In 1968, Allah started giving indications to his Five Percenters that he would be departing. See more ideas about earth, five percent nation, national. The past History shows that the ALMIGHTY ALLAH sends Prophets and Apostles for the people's Born is to be complete and to give birth to the culture (I-God). Like its parent, this group's beliefsclearly identify it as being fundamentally outside the pale of Islam. Hatred can be caused by what you understand or don’t understand. supreme 120 lessons: for the nation of gods and earths. Culture or Freedom: Culture is ones way of life; Islam is the culture of freedom and righteousness, the culture of peace in which all things coincides and lives in harmony. I is self, self is the true reality son of man God. Sometimes it's the driving force to get things done which is positive. Once a black man has realized his own divine nature, he becomes Allah, a God, and a black woman becomes an Earth. Page Transparency See More. The equivalent of Lord, He, King, Father, God that is I, Also, one who knows the ledge of his understanding enabling him to manifest the culture which is I-God, to knowledge understanding. Peace to the Nation of Gods and Earths. I have been placed in the position of leading the parliaments, rallies and civilization classes. 0. C - See is to knowledge wisdom being born and gain a clear picture, which will be the understanding. Multiple stories exist as to why Allah the Father and the NOI parted ways: Some state he refused to give up gambling; others state he questioned the unique divinity of Wallace Fard Muhammad, whom the NOI deified as th… A - Allah is the Supreme Being, the Asiatic Man from Asia the planet earth, God of the Universe, Lord of All the Worlds from the highest to the lowest, the original man, the giver and taker of life. God is a wise man’s equality, manifesting build or destroy. 5. Those who have realized the truth of love have proven that he is a Lord. M - Master is one who possesses 360 degrees of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Nation of Gods and Earths Study Group.
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