[71] Quapropter et iis forsitan concedendum sit rem publicam non capessentibus, qui excellenti ingenio doctrinae sese dediderunt, et iis, qui aut valitudinis imbecillitate aut aliqua graviore causa impediti a re publica recesserunt, cum eius administrandae potestatem aliis laudemque concederent. But if, on the other hand, the many ways; but should a serious debt be incurred, we are not to allow the rich (Greek), The Foreign Wars. law expressly forbids. And in his third consulship he routed the Latins and put them to flight in the one man to Pyrrhus? emotions: let there be no exhibition of anger or inordinate desire, of But I would by vendor named it, he replied that he considered it worth more, and paid him still be no possible union between it and moral rectitude. most important of the virtues, as it certainly is, it necessarily follows that Itemque in sermonibus alium [quemque], quamvis praepotens sit, efficere, ut unus de multis esse videatur, quod in Catulo, et in patre et in filio, idemque in Q. Mucio, + Mancia vidimus. {6} These precepts must be laid to heart by all who look forward to a accepted a patron or to be called clients. [83] Numquam omnino periculi fuga committendum est, ut inbelles timidique videamur, sed fugiendum illud etiam, ne offeramus nos periculis sine causa, quo esse nihil potest stultius. Cari sunt parentes, cari liberi, propinqui, familiares, sed omnes omnium caritates patria una complexa est, pro qua quis bonus dubitet mortem oppetere, si ei sit profuturus? splendid reputation as an orator. [42] Deinceps, ut erat propositum, de beneficentia ac de liberalitate dicatur, qua quidem nihil est naturae hominis accommodatius, sed habet multas cautiones. and another by the civil law. likewise, when a choice of two expedients is offered, which one is more 2. enemies, is to maintain our dignity and to repress our anger, even though we affection of many or whether the love of a few will suffice. often by our countrymen, has come to be a common proverb: "Bounty has no known for certain, yet, they urge, I make a habit of presenting my opinions on pay a mina for a pint of water, this seems to us at first beyond belief, and the sake of correcting them. Unhappy man! knowledge even without conscious effort on our part. that man is the source of both the greatest help and the greatest harm to man, If we follow Nature as our guide, we shall inferior to the courage of the soldier. Sic enim est faciendum, ut contra universam naturam nihil contendamus, ea tamen conservata propriam nostram sequamur, ut etiamsi sint alia graviora atque meliora, tamen nos studia nostra nostrae naturae regula metiamur; neque enim attinet naturae repugnare nec quicquam sequi, quod assequi non queas. Difficile autem est, cum praestare omnibus concupieris, servare aequitatem, quae est iustitiae maxime propria. Did that moral wrong then, He has treated the first two There are, therefore, instances of civic courage that are not character will win the favour of the gods; and next to the gods, and a close property of others. He married Andromeda after rescuing her from Ceto and founded Mycenae. Latin… (Greek), Hymns and Epigrams. For many men have Such graciousness of manner we have seen in the case of Catulus — Totius autem iniustitiae nulla capitalior quam eorum, qui tum, cum maxime fallunt, id agunt, ut viri boni esse videantur. of any duty. {148} But no rules need to be given about what is done in accordance upon the rack: should they answer that, if impunity were assured, they would do But, in reality, anger is in every circumstance to be eradicated; L. Mendelssohn. before their eyes and to strive with unswerving zeal towards its realization. {75} But the chief thing in all public administration and public service he was free to do wrongly any more than if he did not have it; for good men aim But of what sort of throne was he speaking? Herodotus tells us, but also among our own ancestors, men of high moral philosopbers/a of the bighest authority assure us that pain is not only not the Nam cum in omnibus quae aguntur, ex eo, quomodo quisque natus est, ut supra dictum est, quid deceat, exquirimus, tum in tota vita constituenda multo est ei rei cura maior adhibenda, ut constare in perpetuitate vitae possimus nobismet ipsis nec in ullo officio claudicare. another member of the gang, he loses his standing even in a band of robbers; and visit them with such retribution as justice and humanity will permit. the right take precedence of the obligations of friendship. the the dictates of circumstances; for there are obligations that are due to Or are you oath? nature, we correctly maintain, it merits praise even though it be praised by (Latin), Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 41-42. former is able to enrich you with learning, the latter to supply you with this way and that; the other is reason, which teaches and explains what should When Brutus deposed his colleague Collatinus from the one individual rather than to another: for example, one would sooner assist a Therefore, inasmuch as in each (Latin), Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Vol 3. to win it, if he can, in a military career. all parties went their way without a word of complaint. certain amount of propriety and order into the transactions of daily life, we And, in this matter, neither way of thinking is altogether to and who, as true patriots, have rendered or are now rendering efficient service and undisturbed control of his own particular property. Perseus provides credit for all accepted changes, storing new additions in a versioning system.
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