ponyboy expresses worry that

Johnny and Ponyboy get jumped by five Socs at the park 4. He walked over to Soda, who gave out an excited yelp and wrapped his arms around Pony, putting him on his lap and cuddling him close to his chest. This can only add to the experience and pleasure of everyone involved. 1. If you like this video please do give it a thumbs up & if you'd like to be notified of future videos by me then do subscribe! - It was important to ask for Darry because Ponyboy doesn't want to leave Darry out and be mean to him. Ponyboy gets back to his house at almost six-thirty, late for supper. Stay gold," (148). PDP expresses worry over Ibadan crisis. Ponyboy had an evolving conception of the Socs. Ponyboy learns that he got a concussion when a Soc kicked him in the head during the rumble, and that he has been delirious in bed for three days. Using Ponyboy Curtis, the author demonstrates a Greaser’s opinion of the Socs. Why was Ponyboy concerned with whether or not he had asked for Darry while he was unconscious? Soda's letter expresses how worried both he and Darry are and how much they miss Pony. Since their parents had died in a car crash before the events of the novel took place, Darry now has legal guardianship over both Ponyboy and his older brother Sodapop, and he can avoid their being taken to a foster home provided they all stay out of trouble. Because of this misinformation, Dally tells Johnny and Ponyboy that it is safe to go out for a … The products you didn't know you couldn't live without. A. On February 16, 2021 3:18 am In News by Lawal Sherifat. Then he takes a shower to get "spruced up" before the rumble, like he and Soda always do. He can hardly eat because he doesn't feel well, and he sneaks some aspirins when his brothers aren't looking. answer choices . This is the way Ponyboy feels towards his eldest brother, Darry, at the beginning of the novel. Dally had been picked up and questioned about the murder, and had let it slip that the boys might be heading for Texas. He wanted Ponyboy to keep his good qualities and stay true to himself. Ponyboy states, “our front door is always unlocked in case one of the other boys is hacked off at his parents and needs a place to lay over and cool off.” From this statement, we can infer that. Ponyboy gets jumped walking home from the movies 2. Johnny's final words to Ponyboy were, "Stay gold, Ponyboy. Also, he feels this way because people look at them and judge them for being Greasers, they always think they are criminals and get into a … B. Darry is sometimes not as strict as he seems. The golden things about Ponyboy … He, Soda, and Steve use more hair grease than they need to, to maintain their image of toughness. 5. Darry hits Ponyboy 3. Kindly Share This Story: Most people leave their doors unlocked in their neighborhood. Ponyboy questions his pride in being a Greaser because he hates the fact that the Socs and the Greasers are always fighting and he wishes they could all just get along. Ponyboy has trouble to express emotion and to show that he loves Darry, so he wants to make sure that he doesn't leave Darry out. Ponyboy rolled his eyes, but complied nonetheless. Summary. Analysis: Chapters 9–10 Underlying the struggle between the Socs and the greasers is the struggle between the instinct to … After a few minutes of this, Soda realized that one brother was missing out on all the affection. The Outsiders Final 5 Paragraph Essay In S. E. Hinton’s The Outsiders, two different gangs, the Greasers and the Socs detested each other. Make play time and party time more fun and safe. I believe that Johnny meant that Ponyboy shouldn't let the gang or the world change him. 4.

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