sage thomas donkmaster in jail

See, in this volume, Heather Harris and David Harding’s analysis of the correlates associated with residential dependence of the formerly incarcerated on parents and family members (2019). Two Atlanta racers, Ezzy Money in his '66 Impala and Stuntman in his '75 Caprice, want to beat him on his turf. I proceed now with an examination of more recent patterns of prisoner reentry and its causes and consequences. Donkmaster's Last Stand. Similarly, in Cook County, the non-Hispanic black population declined from 1.39 million in 2000 to 1.26 million in 2009 to 2013, whereas the total population size fell from 5.38 million to 5.2 million. The television star also organised a last … Season 1, Episode 4 TV-14 Gentrification and immigration, too, have altered metropolitan environments. The remarkable stability of the imprisonment rate occurred across both prosperous and recessionary periods as well as in times of war and of relative peace. The Fear of the Lord 46 4. Similarly, in Maryland, nearly 60 percent of prisoners released in 2001 returned to Baltimore, and 30 percent of them were concentrated in just six neighborhoods (La Vigne, Kachnowski, et al. What factors account for changes to the geography of returning prisoners? Roughly 80 percent of tracts that were in the bottom or top quintiles by neighborhood median income in 2000 remained in the same quintile between 2008 and 2012 (and the same was true from 1990 to 2000). Zip code 60402 in Berwyn, just west of Chicago, had ninety returning prisoners in 2013 versus sixty-two in 1998. Donkmaster's Last Stand. CC Also as expected, zip codes where public housing has been demolished or renovated had declining rates of prisoner reentry. Donkmaster has one more race before six months in prison. Another way to visualize the geographic patterns in Cook County and Chicago is to examine trends in segregation measures. Because a residual change score is the dependent variable, the measure of change in the share of returning prisoners during the first decade of the 2000s is uncorrelated with the initial concentrations of returning prisoners (that is, the share in 1998 to 2000). If I remove concentrated poverty from the analysis as I did in a supplementary analysis, I find a positive relationship between the baseline percentage of black population and the concentration of returning prisoners.12 I do not find evidence of an association between changes in the share of returning prisoners and changes in the share of black population in a zip code, net of other predictors. SD. Accordingly, it is likely that the newly released individuals in Illinois change residences with some frequency, although given the expansiveness of zip codes, it is highly likely that the residential moves occurred within the same zip code in which the individual first resided, or an adjacent zip code. For the first four of these indicators, I pooled data from both datasets (that is, each zip code had two observations) and used factor analysis to construct a measure of concentrated poverty. I then output the residual following estimation. Home Foreclosures and Community Crime: Causal or Spurious Association? Relative to urban environments, the suburbs have fewer social service organizations and their operations are stretched across a far more expansive service delivery area given the definitional sprawl of suburbs. By 2012, 18.6 percent of families lived in neighborhoods in which the median income of the neighborhood was less than 0.67 of the metro-area median family income. As expected, zip codes with increasing levels of concentrated poverty are more likely to have gains in the share of former prisoners. In terms of racial composition, it is pertinent to note that the size of the non-Hispanic black population in Chicago fell dramatically over the period of investigation, from 1.054 million in 2000 to 863,000 in 2009 through 2013. It can be seen in table 1 that there is positive association between the residual change in prisoner reentry and the poverty rate at baseline as well as the growth in poverty (here and elsewhere, baseline refers to the first time point of data, typically the year 2000). The light gray shading in figure 4 represents declines in the relative share of former prisoners among the adult residents in the zip code. The group had been suspected of drug trafficking for many years, however, they were caught red-handed in 2018. Between 2000 and 2014, poverty grew by 65 percent in U.S. suburbs, doubling the growth rate of poverty in major urban areas (Kneebone 2016). Every week, he goes to a new city, calls out its fastest drivers and smokes them down the track on Donkmaster. Residual change scores are useful for identifying neighborhoods that changed more or less than expected, where the expected change is a function of citywide changes in shares of returning prisoners. This percentage steadily declined until 2011 before increasing slightly more recently. Donkmaster has one more race before six months in prison. Jail, Church, a Woman 92 7. One of the most important changes over the past two decades to impoverished urban neighborhoods has been the demolition of many high density public housing developments, with much of the demolition funded through grants from the federal HOPE VI program. Figure 5 depicts the count of newly released prisoners in each zip code in Cook County. "Street racing can be extremely dangerous for the driver, spectators, innocent motorists and bystanders. Episode 7 - Sage Faces Jail Donkmaster has one more race before going to prison for six months. ↵3. I am the KING OF Donk Racing. One possibility is that the geographic distribution of returning prisoners is following changes in the volume and geographic distribution of crime. Two Atlanta racers, Ezzy Money in his ’66 Impala and Stuntman in his ’75 Caprice, want to beat him on his turf. Do the same neighborhoods year after year continue to bear the brunt of America’s exceptionalism in punishment practices? Also be sure to keep track of future Donkmaster premiere dates. God’s Correction Department: Plan A 106 8. Progress in the form of declining racial residential segregation also continued, as it has since the 1970s (Glaeser and Vidgor 2012; Krysan and Crowder 2017). Donkmaster won $30,000 last year. Season 1, Episode 1 TV-14 Given the general stability in the concentration of returning prisoners and many other indicators of social disadvantage, what accounts for some transitioning among neighborhoods in figure 6 in terms of their relative ranking of density of returning prisoners (see Sampson 2012)? Are local and state criminal justice and social service systems even aware of the changing geographic patterns of returning prisoners, and are they equipped to manage the implications of this change? Open Access Policy: RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences is an open access journal. CC 259.9k Followers, 2,411 Following, 3,059 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Sage Thomas (@1_donkmaster) Housing instability is common among the formerly incarcerated (Kirk 2018). Season 1, Episode 8 TV-14 Research reveals that suburbs, too, saw declines in crime from 1990 to the present, although cities had larger declines, on average (Kneebone and Raphael 2011). The rollercoaster is housed in a replica of Bowser's castle and will use AR and projection mapping technology for riders to virtually sabotage other guests while wearing headsets that look like Mario's cap. In a recent study, Robert Sampson analyzes the persistence in levels of median family income by neighborhood from 1990 to the 2008 to 2012 period for all metropolitan-area census tracts in the United States (2016). SD. Zip code 60419 in Dolton, just across the southern border of the Chicago city limits, had 101 returning prisoners in 2013 and fifty-nine in 1998. It displays the changing pattern of the formerly incarcerated in Cook County from 1998 through 2000 to 2011 through 2013. Indeed, recent estimates from Michigan suggest that the first postprison place of residence for roughly 35 percent of newly released prisoners is within one mile of their pre-prison place of residence, and that a full 60 percent reside within five miles (Harding, Morenoff, and Herbert 2013). SD. In 1978, roughly 140,000 individuals were released from U.S. prisons. Point-level crime data are readily available for Chicago zip codes from the City of Chicago Open Data Portal but are not available outside the city limits. The IDOC data were obtained from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority and consist of information on the geographic distribution of prisoners released from prisons in Illinois from fiscal year 1998 to 2013.3 Releases include those from new court commitments as well as rereleases from prison following a recommitment from a parole violation. Donkmaster Is The King Of Big Rim Racing. With Donkmaster in prison, everyone wants to be the new king of Donk racing. Hence, income segregation and poverty are quite entrenched, although some neighborhoods transitioned to better socioeconomic positions over time. Second, I map the concentrations of returning prisoners in Cook County in 2013 as well as the change over time in the rate of prisoners returning to Cook County zip codes. Changes in the geographic distribution of returning prisoners tend to mirror changes in the distribution of poverty. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. If I expand the analysis to focus on the wider Chicago-Naperville-Elgin CBSA, I find notably similar patterns and levels of segregation as in the analysis subset to Cook County. For instance, zip code 60608 is the location of the Cook County jail, where individuals with an active criminal case and detainer in Cook County may be transferred on release from an IDOC prison. See the Chicago Open Data Portal (, accessed September 18, 2018). CC In regression analyses, I also use a measure of the residual change in the relative share of former prisoners among residents of each neighborhood. These zip codes started out with essentially zero returning prisoners in 1998, but saw growth in the rate of returning prisoners over the fifteen-plus-year period. But has the geographic location of mass imprisonment changed over time? For instance, do most of the zip codes with the highest concentrations of returning prisoners in 1998 still have the highest concentrations in 2013? Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. In 1990, 1.2 million housing vouchers were issued to households in the United States and 1.4 million public housing units were available for residence (Schwartz 2015). In 2018, Sage was embroiled in a drug bust which saw him, and several of his friends, being caught in possession of narcotics. Donkmaster races an old rival, Cadd and his car Blue Magic, for $20k. For instance, does an influx of returning prisoners lead to a spike in unemployment in a neighborhood? Facing off against his opponent, Rozay Da Kidd and his ’71 Impala, Iguana, he needs to win this $20,000 race. Based on analysis of the 2013 American Housing Survey, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reports that only 25 percent of families eligible for federal rental assistance actually receive it—that is, all families, not just those with a member with a criminal record (Fischer and Sard 2017; see also Joint Center for Housing Studies 2017). Transition matrices are a common method for examining social mobility—for example, to examine upward and downward socioeconomic mobility of children relative to their parents. Zip code is the unit of analysis I use throughout the study.2. Neighborhood Characteristics of Average Residential Locations of Returning Prisoners in Cook County, 1998−2013. 2017). In the late 1990s, roughly 75 percent of the newly released prisoners to the CBSA lived within Chicago city limits. To complete the analysis, I examine neighborhood attainment in terms of two characteristics: family poverty rate and percentage of black population in zip codes. See Chicago Housing Authority (, accessed September 18, 2018). Donk racing is a form of drag racing in which immaculately prepared classic American cars with massive rims go head to head to win the acclaimed prize of Donkmaster. CC The academic research literature has coalesced around a general agreement that the tough-on-crime era and the rise of mass imprisonment has produced dramatic social costs in terms of unemployment, housing insecurity, debt, ill health, disintegration of families, civic death, and more (Turney and Wakefield 2019; see Kirk and Wakefield 2018; NRC 2014). However, since the mid-1970s, the use of imprisonment in the United States has skyrocketed to previously unfathomable levels (for example, see Blumstein and Cohen 1973), leading David Garland to coin the term mass imprisonment to characterize the colossal shift in the scale of the use of imprisonment (2001). Public housing bans for other crimes, including drug crimes, are discretionary. ↵8. In this case, 87 percent of prison releases residing in the CBSA in the late 1990s concentrated in just 20 percent of the zip codes versus 81 percent in 2013. ↵10. As in the other analyses (see footnote 6), I exclude zip codes that contain jails, immigrant detention centers, and adult transition centers. HD To link to the entire object, paste this link in email, IM or document To embed the entire object, paste this HTML in website To link to this page, paste this link in email, IM or document To embed this page, paste this HTML in website Nevertheless, I do occasionally use the terms zip code and neighborhood interchangeably for the purposes of making a neighborhood-level argument. I also exclude the zip code that largely consists of O’Hare airport (60666) as well those with populations of less than five hundred as of the 2000 Census. Accordingly, I estimate a linear regression model rather than a spatial regression model. S1, EP7 "Donkmaster's Last Stand" ON DEMAND. Despite widespread evidence of gentrification in many urban areas as well as the demolition and redevelopment of public housing, upward mobility of neighborhoods was more the exception than the rule. Given the few possibilities for housing in the private market, the formerly incarcerated may look to the public housing market. This longitudinal perspective is unique. Which urban and suburban locations have seen declines in the rates of former prisoners and which areas have had increases? These questions must be addressed in the future for us to fully comprehend how the geography of mass imprisonment and prisoner reentry has affected spatial inequality in the United States. Speaking the Truth 75 6. Although Glaeser and Vigdor do find evidence that immigration and gentrification spurred some integration of urban neighborhoods, they attribute much of the progress toward declining segregation to population loss in predominantly black neighborhoods, particularly in urban areas in the Midwest and Northeast, which have long been sites of hypersegregation (2012). Rolling out sat down with Sage on the premiere night of the new show, “Donkmaster,” which airs on Vice, Wednesdays at 10:30 PM EST to learn … This public record about Sage Thomas Green is redistributed by and is protected by publishing, constitutional and other legal rights. In that year, only 8.4 percent of metropolitan-area families lived in such neighborhoods. Whereas Chicago has made far too many headlines in recent years for bursts of lethal violence, it is still true that since the early 1990s crime is dramatically down in Chicago, just as it is in many major U.S. cities, particularly in neighborhoods where violence and poverty have historically been most severe (Sharkey 2018). It's all about the money when Donkmaster takes on rival Cadd and his '73 Caprice, Blue Magic, for $10,000. ↵12. With Donkmaster in prison, everyone wants to be the new king of donk racing. I then spatially joined the point-level longitude/latitude data to Chicago zip codes via tools in ArcGIS.6 I created measures of the 2001 and 2011 Index crime rates per zip code per 1,000 adult residents by dividing the count of crimes by the adult population size age 18 to 64 and then multiplying by 1,000. Kirk, David S. 2019. “Where the Other 1 Percent Live: An Examination of Changes in the Spatial Concentration of the Formerly Incarcerated.”. By pooling the data, the factor loadings for each of these indicators do not vary across the two time points, thus ensuring comparability across time. As a result of these dynamics in the private and public housing markets, the formerly incarcerated are left with few possibilities for housing. Index of Dissimilarity of Evenness of Prison Releases in Cook County and Chicago. Yet inequality has expanded not just between the top 10 and the bottom 90 percent of the distribution; it has also increased within the bottom 90 percent. For this analysis, it is important to account for the influence of geographic and temporal patterns of crime as a predictor of the geographic distribution of returning prisoners. Donkmaster is available for streaming on Vice, both individual episodes and full seasons. If transitioning of zip codes in terms of the rank ordering by concentration of returning prisoners was minimal, then a given column would be shaded mostly the same throughout. Although not shown in the figure, the decline in the percent of Illinois prisoners returning to Chicago is the product of two shifts: a declining share of IDOC releases to the wider Chicago-Naperville-Elgin core-based statistical area (CBSA) and a suburbanization of releases in the Chicago-Naperville-Elgin CBSA to suburban areas located outside of the Chicago city limits. Third, I split the distribution of the rates of returning prisoners by zip code into quintiles for two time points: 1998 and 2013. Older, inner-ring suburbs generally had large declines in violent and property crime from 1990 to the present, but newer, emerging suburbs as well as exurban areas actually had increases in crime and violence over the same period (Kneebone and Raphael 2011). Sage Thomas Green is presumed innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law. As Scott Allard explores in detail, the social service infrastructure in the suburbs, including government programs as well as nonprofits, is often severely limited and strained (2017). There are eleven million renter households paying more than 50 percent of income for housing. Orangeburg, South Carolina is where Sage Thomas became Donkmaster. In summary, figure 6 reveals that although many geographic areas with high concentrations of former prisoners tend to persist over time, there is some transitioning in the rank ordering of zip codes. This massive effort sought to redevelop those communities plagued by severely distressed public housing (Kirk and Laub 2010; Tach and Emory 2017). For a list of index crime classifications used by the Chicago Police Department, see the “Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting (IUCR) Codes” (, accessed September 18, 2018). The dissimilarity index for Cook County mostly reveals a flat trend in the segregation of the formerly incarcerated. Thank you for your interest in spreading the word on RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. Much of what is known about the geographic distribution of returning prisoners is from an earlier period of the mass imprisonment era prior to the peak in 2009. Sage “Donkmaster” Thomas is the king of the sport. In terms of segregation, the dissimilarity index measuring black-white segregation in Chicago declined from 85.2 to 82.5 between the 2000 and 2010 U.S. censuses, and declined from 80.4 to 75.2 for the Chicago metropolitan area as a whole (American Communities Project 2018). Residual Change in Geographic Concentration of Former Prisoners, Chicago Zip Codes 1998–2000 to 2011–2013. In Cook County the trend in segregation is mostly flat. In this case, I examine the upward and downward mobility of zip codes as measured by their concentration of returning prisoners relative to other zip codes in the metropolitan area. Transition matrices reveal both stability and change in the rank ordering of zip codes by concentrated prisoner reentry. 2. First, I use descriptive analyses based on the count of formerly incarcerated individuals in the various Chicago metropolitan zip codes to examine temporal patterns of the geography of prisoner reentry, including changes over time in the clustering and segregation of the formerly incarcerated in Chicago and Cook County. Every week, he goes to a new city, calls out its fastest drivers and smokes them down the track on Donkmaster. The number of yearly releases has declined recently, but the volume still surpasses 625,000 each year. Standardized coefficients in the far right column of table 1 reveal the importance of poverty in explaining the geographic distribution of the formerly incarcerated. To start, I examine temporal patterns in the residential location of formerly incarcerated individuals in Chicago. In many ways, the Chicago metropolitan area over the past several decades has seen considerable change, including a changing geographic distribution of employment, gentrification, public housing demolition, the suburbanization of poverty, and mass foreclosures in the wake of the Great Recession (Allard 2017; Hyra 2008; Kirk and Hyra 2012; Pattillo 2007; Sampson 2012). 18 3. Specifically, I examine to the extent to which exposure to neighborhood poverty and racial isolation by former prisoners may have changed over the past two decades. In comparison, the total population of Chicago fell from 2.9 million to 2.7 million during the same time frame. When the formerly incarcerated do reside in Chicago, they tend to be more tightly clustered and segregated from the larger population than in previous periods of the mass imprisonment era. I used interpolation to derive estimates of the adult population count by zip code in the intercensal years. For this analysis, I use the residual change from 1998 through 2000 to 2011 through 2013 in the relative share of former prisoners among residents of each zip code as the dependent variable. Still, outside a select few studies, research on the changing geographic patterns of formerly incarcerated individuals is underexplored (see, for example, Harding, Morenoff, and Herbert 2013; Kirk 2016; Simes 2018a). Analyses presented in figures 2, 3, and 5 reveal that former prisoners are clustered within a relatively small subset of zip codes in the city, evidence of the spatial clustering of returning prisoners. Home of the Donkmaster, we race, we build, we ignite change. The intent is to examine whether any upward or downward mobility is discernible in the concentration of returning prisoners in Chicago. These zip codes receive large numbers of returning prisoners, but many of them are immediately reincarcerated in another facility and are never actually released from custody. In conjunction with these macro patterns of income inequality, analyses by Sean Reardon and Kendra Bischoff reveal a growing segregation by income across neighborhoods (2011, 2016). Figure 7 displays the mean racial composition and mean poverty rate of the zip codes inhabited by newly released prisoners each year from 1998 to 2013. It's a shootout: three rounds of knockout races. Now, the local champ CEO Larri wants to take him down with his ’79 Malibu, the Memphis Ghost. Again drawing on data from Michigan, Herbert, Morenoff, and Harding find that most periods of residence for parolees last just a few months, with 50 percent of the residential periods lasting eight weeks or less (2015). Donkmaster has one more race before six months in prison. For instance, Nancy La Vigne, Cynthia Mamalian, and colleagues find that more than half of individuals released from Illinois prisons in 2001 returned to the city of Chicago; among these, one-third were concentrated in just six of the seventy-seven community areas in the city (2003). These zip codes had few to no returning prisoners in 1998 and remained that way in 2013. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. The options for housing are generally confined to those few neighborhoods from where the formerly incarcerated originated and where a relative who can offer shelter resides (Western 2018).1. By 2013, 64 percent did. In contrast, just outside the city limits in the west and especially southwest sections of Cook County, growth in the relative share of formerly incarcerated individuals in the zip codes was substantial. This is what we see in the top line in figure 2 (the Cook County line reflects all zip codes in Cook County, including Chicago).8 In the late 1990s, roughly 84 percent of prison releases residing in the Chicago CBSA were concentrated in just 20 percent of the zip codes. Despite abundant reasons to presume that the formerly incarcerated will remain clustered in a relatively small number of neighborhoods in a given metropolitan area, whether that cluster remains entrenched in the exact same neighborhoods or transitions to another set of neighborhoods is an empirical question. SD. Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. Season 1, Episode 2 TV-14 On the other hand, even through the Great Recession, the “Great Crime Decline” that began in the early 1990s marched on (Sharkey 2018).

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